Is Bucharest Romania Expensive?


It’s overall cheaper than Western countries, but more expensive than the rest of the world. Restaurants, bars/clubs, transportation and accommodations cost a lot less than in Western Europe. Unprocessed foods, clothing, electronics cost the same. Plan on an average of €20/day (excluding accommodation and partying) .

Is Bucharest a cheap city?

For posted workers, the Romanian capital Bucharest is the ninth cheapest major city in the world, and the cheapest in Europe.

How much money do I need per day in Bucharest?

How much money will you need for your trip to Bucharest? You should plan to spend around lei513 ($120) per day on your vacation in Bucharest, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.

Is Bucharest worth visiting?

The truth is, Bucharest is an interesting, bustling, and entertaining city. … To truly appreciate Bucharest, you need to really understand it; and that understanding won’t come over the course of a 3-day stay here. For travelers coming to Romania for the first time, Bucharest is not worth visiting.

What is considered rich in Romania?

About 9,400 Romanians have wealth between USD 1 and 5 million, while 721 have up to USD 10 million. A group of 406 have a fortune of up to USD 50 million, while 31 have up to USD 100 million. A select group of 17 have fortunes up to USD 500 million.

How safe is Romania?

There is no travel warning in Romania. Despite everything that is going on in the world, Romania remains one of the safest countries in Central and Eastern Europe, with a crime rate below the European average. According to the Global Peace Index, Romania is a peaceful country, with a score of 26/162.

What is the national drink of Romania?

Few know, however, that Romania has its own clear and colorless liquid with a kick, and it’s actually the country’s national beverage! This strong spirit is called Tuica.

How much money do I need per day in Romania?

You should plan to spend around lei306 ($72) per day on your vacation in Romania, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, lei104 ($24) on meals for one day and lei79 ($19) on local transportation.

How much is a Big Mac in Romania?

The price of a Big Mac in Romania is USD 2.3, according to The Economist, while the average net wage is USD 691 (RON 2,750).

Is alcohol cheap in Romania?

Romania is the cheapest country in the European Union for booze, with alcoholic drinks costing just 74 percent of the EU average price.

How safe is Bucharest?

How Safe Is Bucharest Really? Bucharest is a very safe city to visit, especially when compared to some other famous cities in this part of Europe. The chances of being physically attacked in Bucharest are far less than being attacked, say, in the US or the Western Europe states.


Is living in Romania cheap?

The cost of living is pretty cheap in general.

For basic goods, Romania has some of the lowest prices in the EU. Rent in Bucharest — the most expensive city in Romania – can be as expensive as you want it to be, but you can get a comfortable place for less than $400 a month, and often it’s much less.

Is Romania expensive?

Two things you should know: Romania is a relatively cheap and affordable destination that offers excellent value for money for lots of things. … Second, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu and Brasov are the most expensive Romanian cities – also because they’re popular with local and foreign tourists.

Is Romania a good place to live?

One thing is for sure, Romania has a considerably low cost of living, amongst the lowest in the EU. It’s safe to say that any European who chooses to relocate to Romania can live a happy, comfortable life with access to low-cost goods, affordable accommodation and transport.

What is middle class in Romania?

In this variant the middle class has been considered as being formed of persons with an income in the range of 6,121 lei – 13,360 lei.

Is Romania rich or poor?

The economy of Romania is a high-income mixed economy with a very high Human Development Index and a skilled labour force, ranked 12th in the European Union by total nominal GDP and 7th largest when adjusted by purchasing power parity. Romania’s economy ranks 35th in the world, with a $585 billion annual output (PPP).

How many millionaires are there in Romania?

According to the report, Romania has 16,000 millionaires, 443,000 people belonging to the 10 percent world’s wealthier people in the world and 19,000 persons in the top 1 percent richest people on the planet..

Is 3000 euro a good salary in Romania?

Back to actual values, the average take-home salary in Romania in 2020 is around 3,000 RON per month (625 Euros).

What jobs are in demand in Romania?

Whether we are talking about software and hardware companies, applications developers or maintenance and support services, system engineers, programmers, either senior or junior are in great demand in Romania. Other areas with great opportunities for hiring are constructions and real estate.

What is a decent salary in Romania?

And even with 2020 being such a strange year, average wages in Romania went up. Back to actual values, the average take-home salary in Romania in 2021 is around 3,300 RON per month (675 Euros).
