Is Bear Bile Farming Illegal?


Most farmed bears are starved, dehydrated and suffering from multiple diseases and malignant tumours that not only contaminate their bile but ultimately kill them. … Adopting procedures developed in North Korea to extract bile from living bears, entrepreneurs began caging moon bears and milking them daily for their bile.

What can we do to stop bile farming?

Five ways YOU can help end bear bile farming

  1. 1/ Tell the world. Animals Asia firmly believes that every additional person who finds out about bear bile farming brings us one step closer to ending the practice. …
  2. 2/ Form a Volunteer Support Group. …
  3. 3/ Organise an event. …
  4. 4/ Sign up and stay up to date. …
  5. 5/ Donate.

Why is bear bile a problem?

Bears may suffer infections, starvation, dehydration, diseases, and malignant tumors, and they often die from these ailments. Consumers of bear bile run the risk of ingesting bile from sick bears, which can be contaminated with blood, feces, pus, urine, and bacteria.

How much is bear bile worth?

A U.S. hunter can sell a bear gallbladder for $20 to $120, with the retail price ranging from $75 to $600. Paws fetch $25 to $60 each, while a carcass or hide can range from $200 to $1,500, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

What is an alternative to bear bile?

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), the active component of bear bile is used in a synthetic form in Western medicine and can serve as an alternative to bear bile in the treatment and management of certain cholestatic liver conditions.

Who uses bear bile?

It is estimated that 12,000 bears are farmed for bile in China, South Korea, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar. Demand for the bile has been found in those nations as well as in some others, such as Malaysia and Japan.

Which fluid is our bile juice?

Bile is digestive fluid made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It aids in digestion, absorption, excretion, hormone metabolism and other functions. Bile juice is a digestive fluid produced by the liver. It is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder.

When was bear baiting banned in England?

Bear-baiting was made illegal in Britain 1835, although it continued elsewhere in the world until very recently – “bear baying” (where chained bears are held “at bay” by dogs, but not supposed to be come into contact with them) was only banned in South Carolina, US, in 2013.

What do Asians do with bear bile?

Bear bile has been used in traditional Asian medicine for thousands of years. It contains high levels of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) known to be useful for treating liver and gall bladder conditions.

Why is bear gallbladder so valuable?

Bear gallbladders have a very high concentration of what’s called ursodeoxycholic acid in their gallbladders, particularly in the winter. … So there’s one reason why bear gallbladders are so expensive: they have serious medicinal properties, which makes them inherently valuable.

Why is selling bear gall bladder illegal?

With the rapid decline in Asian bear populations primarily due to demand for bear parts trade, other bear species such as American black bear are targeted to address the demand for bear parts. … Bear gall bladder is illegally sold for non-traditional medicinal purposes.


What is the purpose of a bile farm?

It is a cruel farming system designed to extract bile from the gallbladders of living bears. Previous to this, bears were hunted in the wild for their gallbladder bile, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

What is bear bile used to treat?

Less than a month after taking steps to permanently ban the trade and consumption of live wild animals for food, the Chinese government has recommended using Tan Re Qing, an injection containing bear bile, to treat severe and critical COVID-19 cases.

What is a bile?

Bile is the greenish-yellow fluid (consisting of waste products, cholesterol, and bile salts) that is secreted by the liver cells to perform 2 primary functions: To carry away waste. To break down fats during digestion.

What color is bile acid?

Bile is usually yellow or green. Clear vomit is also caused by: Gastric outlet obstruction.

What triggers bile release?

Bile is produced in your liver and stored in your gallbladder. Eating a meal that contains even a small amount of fat signals your gallbladder to release bile, which flows through a small tube into the upper part of your small intestine (duodenum).

What color is gallbladder bile?

Bile is a greenish-yellow fluid that produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It helps the body digest fats. When small particles from bile remain in the gallbladder for too long, these particles can collect as gallbladder sludge.

Why are bear paws so valuable?

For thousands of years, bear parts have been used as cures in traditional Chinese medicine. Nearly every part of the bear has medicinal use. In Korea, bear paws have been considered an exotic delicacy reserved only for the elite since the ancient dynasties. Today, a bowl of bear paw soup can cost as much as $1,000.

Why do poachers take bear paws?

After several years of living in these conditions bears may not be able to produce adequate supplies of bile and are then killed. Their paws and meat are then sold as delicacies (warning: graphic images).

Is bear bile used in the UK?

CHINESE medicine containing bile drained from the stomachs of tortured bears is being sold in the UK. The digestive juice, painfully extracted from Asian, black bears kept in tiny cages, is advertised as a traditional remedy for hangovers and liver complaints.

Which animal is killed for its gallbladder?

The trade is heavily centralized in China and South Korea, where bears are farmed for their bile in what amounts to a horror show — bears being kept in small cages for years with a tube inserted directly into their gallbladder to obta in bile until the bear eventually dies from infection and agony.

What does bile juice do?

Bile is a fluid that is made and released by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile helps with digestion. It breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can be taken into the body by the digestive tract.
