How Successful Is Cross-linking?


It is now widely agreed that corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) is the only effective treatment for keratoconus because of its ability to halt the pathological progression of the disease. It has also been suggested that standard CXL may have an additional but unpredictable refractive effect.

Does cross-linking work?

It’s called “cross-linking” because it adds bonds between the collagen fibers in your eye. They work like support beams to help the cornea stay stable. Corneal cross-linking is the only treatment that can stop progressive keratoconus from getting worse.

Should I get cross-linking?

Corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) is not a cure for keratoconus, but it can help prevent the condition from getting worse. CXL is intended to prevent steepening or progression of the keratoconus process to potentially avoid needing a corneal transplant.

Can you go blind from cross-linking?

In general, cross linking is very safe, but you should allow time for your eye to heal and problems do occasionally occur. About 3% of patients will experience some loss of vision in the treated eye as a result of haze, infection or other complications.

How long does cross-linking last?

How long does cross-linking treatment last? The cornea is completely rebuilt every 7−8 years. The younger the patient is at the first cross-linking, the higher the likelihood that they will need a second treatment after seven or eight years.

Does keratoconus count as a disability?

Keratoconus itself is not considered a disability, but the visual loss caused by the disease may be severe enough to qualify as a disability.

Can I watch TV after cross linking?

You should avoid watching TV after corneal cross-linking for at least a few days. Activities that strain the eyes, such as TV, computer work, or reading, can cause pain or discomfort. The pain typically subsides after 3-5 days.

Is cross linking permanent?

Based on corneal cross-linking study results over more than a decade, the beneficial effects of corneal cross-linking appear to last for many years and there is evidence that this strengthening effect may be permanent.

Can you go blind from keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a condition where the cornea becomes thin and stretched near its center, causing it to bulge forward into a conical shape. As a result vision becomes distorted. Keratoconus does not cause total blindness, however, without treatment it can lead to significant vision impairment.

What are the side effects of cross-linking?

Here are some common side effects of cross-linking surgery:

  • Feeling like something is in your eye (called “foreign body sensation”)
  • Being sensitive to light.
  • Having dry eye.
  • Having hazy or blurry vision.
  • Feeling eye discomfort or mild eye pain.

Are you awake during cross-linking?

You’ll be awake during the procedure, which will take about an hour. You’ll be given a mild sedation and numbing anesthetic drops will be applied to your eyes. Patients typically do not experience any discomfort during the procedure.

Does cross-linking improve vision?

Rubinfeld notes that cross-linking does improve vision in a number of patients. “We’ve found that about 50 percent of the time patients achieve a significant improvement in vision,” he says. “Nearly all studies have found some improvement in corneal curvature and some flattening after cross-linking.


Can you have cross-linking twice?

Here it is possible to repeat cross-linking after six months. If the cornea deteriorates after epi-on CXL, cross-linking can also be repeated after six months. If other factors have been added, such as pregnancy or thyroid disease, a case-by-case decision must be taken.

How do you slow down keratoconus?

Early stages can be treated with glasses, but with progression of the disease into late childhood and early adulthood, corneal transplantation may be needed to restore sight. Corneal collagen cross-linking is a procedure designed to stop the progression of keratoconus or slow it down.

Can I wear my old glasses after cross linking?

It is safe to start wearing RGP contact lenses once the epithelium has healed, usually after 2 weeks. We will confirm this at the first visit after the surgery. If you wear glasses, it is best to wait at least 3 months after treatment, to see if your prescription needs updating.

Can keratoconus reverse itself?

Keratoconus does not fade on its own. The shape of your cornea can’t permanently change, even with medications, special contact lenses, or surgery.

How do you relieve pain from cross linking?

In treating crosslinking patients it is important to use preservative-free eye drops as preservatives can interfere with re-epithelialization. If a patient complains of mild pain, I recommend using a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen.

At what age keratoconus stops?

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Although keratoconus is often thought to stop progressing by the time patients are 30 to 40 years old, the corneal degeneration often continues beyond this point, according to researchers from New Zealand. As Dr.

How bad is my keratoconus?

Can keratoconus damage vision? Untreated keratoconus can lead to permanent vision loss. The changes to the cornea make it difficult for the eye to focus with or without eyeglasses or standard soft contact lenses.

What is considered severe keratoconus?

Severe keratoconus

Dramatic corneal distortion, substantial corneal scarring and thinning. Often there is poor vision with rigid gas permeable contact lenses, substantially reduced contact lens tolerance and usually very difficult to fit an acceptable rigid gas permeable contact lens.

How can I improve my vision after cross-linking?

There are several ways to improve your eyesight after cross-linking, and these include: special contact lenses, intrastromal rings and wavefront-guided PRK. Importantly, none of these approaches slow or stop the progression of keratoconus – only cross-slinking can achieve this.

Can I exercise after cross-linking?

You may want to stay away from intense exercise the rest of the day, but our patients typically return to their normal routine the day after their epi-on cross-linking procedure. You also don’t need to worry about problems developing during your recovery.

Can cross-linking fail?

Cross-linking is a low-invasive procedure with low complication and failure rate but it may have direct or primary complications due to incorrect technique application or incorrect patient’s inclusion and indirect or secondary complications related to therapeutic soft contact lens, patient’s poor hygiene, and …
