How Soon Can You Fertilize New Grass?


In summary, a lawn starter fertilizer high in phosphorus and quick-releasing nitrogen is ideal for starting a lawn from seed. … It is best to apply starter fertilizer just before, or at the same time as planting grass seed. Follow-up at least four to six weeks later with a regular fertilizer.

Should I fertilize my lawn before or after seeding?

When seeding grass, the order in which you add the fertilizer and seeds doesn’t matter, but adding fertilizer at the time you seed a lawn is important. You can combine the fertilizer and seed and broadcast them together, or you can broadcast the seed and fertilizer separately, one immediately following the other.

What month is best to put grass seed down?

In summary, you can plant grass seed anytime during the year. However, fall is the best time to plant grass seed or overseed with a cool season grass seed while spring is the best time to plant warm season grass seed.

What is the best fertilizer for new grass?

The best time to fertilize new grass is around four to six weeks after the grass sprouts. Today, there are plenty of starter fertilizers for new grass, and most of them will be nitrogen-rich. As I mentioned above, choose an NPK ratio of 20-20-10 for new grass.

Does cutting new grass help it grow?

Mowing actually helps make your grass grow thicker because the tip of each blade contains hormones that suppress horizontal growth. When you cut the lawn, you remove these tips allowing the grass to spread and grow thicker near the roots.

Can you put down too much grass seed?

Don’t overdo or cut corners. Too much grass seed causes undue competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, and grass seedlings struggle as a result. Too little seed leaves lawns thin or bare.

Can you use Scotts Turf Builder on new grass?

Whether you’re planting new grass, starting a new lawn, reseeding an existing one, or installing sod, sprigs or grass plugs, Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass is safe to use on any grass type. … Finally wait to mow the area until the new grass is at least three inches tall.

What is the best lawn fertilizer for early spring?

Best Lawn Fertilizers for Spring 2021 Reviews

  1. Miracle-Gro Lawn Food. …
  2. Espoma EOLB30 Organic Lawn Food. …
  3. Safer Lawn Restore Fertilizer. …
  4. Scotts Turf Building Lawn Fertilizer. …
  5. LawnStar 16-4-8 NPK With Seaweed Spring Fertilizer. …
  6. BioAdvanced Weed & Feed Crabgrass Killer Lawn Fertilizer.

Can you just sprinkle grass seed on lawn?

Can you just sprinkle grass seed on top of your existing lawn? While it’s possible to simply sow the new grass seed over your existing lawn, taking the time to prepare your lawn beforehand will increase the likelihood of seed germination and improve your end result.

Should I cover new grass seed?

Covering the seeds can help lock in moisture to keep them from drying out, so they can sprout more successfully. However, it’s important to cover your new grass seed with the right material or you may wind up doing more harm than good.

Will grass seed grow if not covered?

So, Will Grass Seed Grow if Not Covered? Grass seed can grow if not covered, but it is usually beneficial to add a layer of compost, topsoil or straw mulch over the top of your seed to keep it moist and help with germination.

How long should you water new grass seed?

Normally a lawn should be watered deeply but infrequently, but when you are watering for new grass seed, you must water every day. Set automatic timers for about 5 to 10 minutes, early in the morning, and again at mid-day.


When should I fertilize my new Scotts lawn?

Your best bet is to fertilize your newly seeded or overseeded lawn with Scotts® Turf Builder® Starter® Food for New Grass directly after seeding. Then, you need to wait 6 to 8 weeks before fertilizing again.

When can you walk on new grass?

After seeding, avoid walking on your lawn for at least 4 weeks. Seedlings germinating below the topsoil are extremely fragile. Even if you can’t see them, they can be damaged or killed by foot and vehicle traffic. Young grass sprouts are also very susceptible to being damaged or uprooted by walking on them or mowing.

How soon can you seed after fertilizing?

How soon after applying fertilizer can I plant grass seed? You can plant grass seed immediately after applying fertilizer. Please make sure there is no weed preventer in the fertilizer, as this will also prevent the grass seed from germinating.

Will grass thicken on its own?

Grass has different ways to grow. Some species of grass can thicken on its own. Although you have to frequently mow them so they will spread out. Depending on the grass that you have on your lawn, there are ways how the grass can spread around your lawn.

Is it good to leave grass cuttings on lawn?

When you cut the grass during the spring and summer, leave the clippings on the lawn. As they decompose, they release up to 30 per cent of the lawn’s required nutrients. Remove the clippings from the lawn at the beginning and end of the growing season when decomposition is slow.

How long do you leave a new lawn before cutting it?

New grass that has been grown from the seed will be noticeably weaker than the rest of the lawn and can be easily damaged if cut incorrectly. It’s best to wait until the grass has grown over three inches in length until mowing for the first time to allow it time to build up strength.

Can I fertilize my lawn every 2 weeks?

Can I fertilize my lawn every 2 weeks? To avoid over-fertilizing, applying a fertilizer every two weeks is not recommended. Fertilizing as often as every two weeks will likely lead to problems such as lawn burn, excessive grass growth, as well as polluted water that can lead to toxic algae growth.

Should you fertilize before rain?

A day or two before applying fertilizer, water your lawn thoroughly. … You can also time fertilizer application between rainfalls to let rain wash fertilizer into soil. Just be sure you don’t fertilize before a downpour, or you may wind up with fertilizer washing away, especially if your lawn slopes.

Do I have to rake in grass seed?

Raking is necessary because the seeds need to come in contact with the soil to germinate properly. Grass seed is typically spread on the lawn using a spreader and this does not ensure good contact between seed and soil. … This is important because a newly seeded lawn will need to be watered at least every other day.

Will grass seed grow on hard soil?

Grass Seeds Most Suitable for Hard Dirt

Even after aerating the soil and covering the topsoil, it’ll take some years for your land to lose its hardness completely. That is why it is important to choose seeds that have a higher chance of growing in hard dirt.
