How Much Is Red Topaz Worth?


What is the rarest color of topaz? Imperial Topaz, also known as Precious Topaz is the rarest and most valuable of the Topaz family, coming in colors ranging from golden yellow to the extremely prized sherry pink color.

Which Colour topaz is best?

Traditionally, topaz was favored as a golden yellow stone. Nowadays, blue probably ranks as the most well-known (and inexpensive) topaz color. Rare and valuable, imperial topazes can range from reddish orange to pink. These are only a few of the colors these gems can show.

What is the true color of topaz?

Topaz in its natural state is colorless, often with a greyish cast. It also occurs as a golden brown to yellow which makes it sometimes confused with citrine, a less valuable gemstone.

Why is topaz so cheap?

White topaz is cheap because it’s the most common color that this gemstone is found in. Blue topaz, while quite rare in nature, can be created by irradiating and heating colorless topaz making it one of the cheaper colors. … Other colors such as yellow and pink are quite rare in nature as well.

What color is topaz in the Bible?

Topaz, or ancient chrysolite, is an octangular prism of an orange-yellow colour; it is composed of alumina, silica, hydrofluoric acid, and iron.

How can you tell if Pink topaz is real?

There are a few easy ways to tell a real topaz apart from quartz. The first characteristic to keep in mind is the hardness factor. An original topaz will scratch glass while quartz will not leave a mark on it. Moreover, a real topaz is also cool to touch and it gets electrified easily.

What is topaz good for?

Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates and aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most. It promotes truth and forgiveness. Topaz brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. It is known as a stone of love and good fortune.

Is topaz a precious stone?

Natural topaz is found as crystals that are considerably larger than those of many other precious stones. Consequently, its per-carat price does not rise much as the size of the gem increases. It is therefore an affordable precious, blue stone that adapts well to larger jewellery.

How do you clean topaz?

Never apply lotion or use hand sanitizer while wearing topaz. When it comes time to clean your topaz, do not use any special jewelry cleaners as they contain chemicals and acids often too harsh for this stone. Merely soak it in a solution of slightly warm water and mild dish soap for 10 to 15 minutes instead.

Where is the most topaz found?

Most of the world’s imperial topaz is found in Brazil. Topaz with a natural blue color is very rare and valuable.

Is Mystic topaz worth anything?

Mystic Topaz Price and Value

When mystic topaz gemstones were first introduced to the market, they were sold from around $20 to $40 per carat. However, they’re now priced anywhere from $10 to $500 depending on the quality of the stone, including its cut, color and clarity.


Which topaz is best?

The most valuable colors of topaz are the golden orange-yellow type known as ‘Imperial Topaz’. The deepness of the color with reddish hues adds value to the gem and is very desirable. Continuous exposure to daylight can fade the yellowish brown colored topaz.

Is Green topaz rare?

Also, Russian Imperial Topaz in Pink/Red, Blue And Golden Peach tones were the original, “Imperial Topaz,” colors along with the extremely rare green. … One of the rarest gems on earth and the finest example of Imperial Green Topaz known to exist inside or outside the Russian Royal Jewels.

Which is the most expensive birthstone?

Diamond (April)

The priciest and most prized of all the birthstones, those born in April have the double-edged sword of having diamonds assigned to their birth month.

Can you wear topaz everyday?

Topaz might not be as hard as a diamond or ruby, but is durable enough to withstand daily wear. A rating of 8 on Mohs scale implies that this gem is considerably sturdy, which makes it a good choice for regular usage.

Which finger to wear topaz ring?

If it is worn as a ring, then it should be worn on the index finger of the right hand. Make sure to wear it on a Thursday morning during Shukla Paksh before sunrise.

Does topaz fade in sunlight?

High heat or sudden temperature changes can cause breaks in topaz. The gem’s color is generally stable to light, but prolonged exposure to heat or sunlight might cause fading in yellow-to-brown, reddish brown, or dark brown topaz.

Does topaz scratch easily?

A topaz rates 8 on the Mohs scale meaning that it is a lot harder than other gemstones and slightly harder than an aquamarine which rates 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. A topaz has a perfect cleavage which means that it is more susceptible to scratches or fractures.

Is topaz in the Bible?

It is also mentioned in the Bible and is one of the twelve gemstones adorning the breastplate of Aaron. Having first been discovered over 2,500 years ago, Topaz has a rich tapestry of legend running throughout its story. They were once thought to protect against enemies and were used as a symbol of splendor and love.

What does topaz mean spiritually?

Topaz is a stone of nobility, love, passion, and purpose. … Because of its fiery energy, this sun-filled gemstone is certainly associated with high self-esteem and good fortune. It is a gemstone that strengthens one’s confidence and trust in one’s inner power and abilities.
