How Many Months A Murrah Buffalo Gives Milk?


Among Indian buffalo breeds, Murrah is noted to have the highest milk yield.

How much does a Murrah buffalo eat?

20 – 25 kgs of green fodder. 4 to 6 kgs of concentrate feed.

How profitable is buffalo farming?

So Profit is Rs 108,000 – Rs 69 ,000 = Rs 39,000 per cycle (13 months). So for profit for 1 month is Rs 3,000. The value of calves and sale of dung is not included in this calculation. If you take good care of the calves, it will cover for the replacement cost of the buffalo at the end of it’s productive phase.

What is the best food for buffalo?

The main diet for the buffalo is roughage such as grass, legumes and straw. The roughage can be fed either fresh as pasture or in a cut-and-carry-system or conserved as hay or silage. The roughage is often complemented with grains, concentrate and agro-industrial by-products such as oil-seed cakes, sugar cane tops etc.

How much does it cost to start a buffalo dairy farm?

On the whole, The Total Murrah Buffalo Price is about Rs. 8,70,000 – 9,00,000.

What is the lifespan of buffalo?

The average lifespan of a cow or buffalo is 15 – 25 years but dairy animals survive only four to five years, due to the intense abuse they suffer in dairies. Once their milk production declines, they are sold to slaughterhouses for meat.

How many years does a buffalo give milk?

They have a significantly longer productive life than cattle, providing calves and milk until they are up to 20 years of age. The many factors that constrain commercial buffalo milk production include animals’ late age at first calving, the seasonality of oestrus, and the long calving interval and dry period.

How do you maintain a buffalo Farm?

Following facilities will be good for the buffaloes.

  1. A calm area with fencing will be good for commercial business.
  2. Source of clean drinking water is mandatory.
  3. Grazing land.
  4. Land for cultivating feeds will be very good. …
  5. Availability of all required equipment.
  6. Availability of labor.

How do you identify a buffalo surti?

The Surti buffalo is a medium sized animal with rusty brown or silver-grey body color. The head of these animal is fairly broad and long with convex shape at the top in between horns. The horns are of sickle-shaped and flat. The horns grow in a downward and backward direction and then upwards at the tip forming a hook.

How can you tell a good buffalo?

Structure: The size, structure and shape of the buffalo also differentiates the price. A well built Murrah Buffalo with good height, heavy frame, good udder and tightly curved horn will sell for a higher price.

Which cow gives more milk per day?

A Holstein Friesian cow Jogan in Karnal has yielded 76.61kg milk in 24 hours, which is the highest milk production by a cross-bred cow, said scientists at the National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) here.

How much buffalo gives milk in a day?

A Murrah buffalo milk yield usually ranges from 10 liters per day to 16 liters per day. There are also buffaloes which yields more than 16 liters but their price will be higher. Murrah buffalo yield ranges in the range of 2500 to 3600 liters per lactation.

Who give more milk cow or buffalo?

Cows give more milk than buffaloes. But buffalo milk fat content is twice as much as cow milk so buffalo milk gets better price. Milking a cow can be automated using milking machines – for buffaloes it is difficult. Buffaloes are more disease resistent than cows.


How many months is a buffalo pregnant?

Gestation time

The gestation period is for 10 months and the animal delivers the calf ten days before or after. As calving is a natural process, the animal seldom has difficulty. Nevertheless, the following practices are advisable for those farmers rearing buffaloes.

Can buffalo give milk without being pregnant?

But now, there is hope for these blighted creatures. A team of scientists led by R S Ludri of the National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) in Karnal has not only succeeded in making such animals lactate but has also made them do so without undergoing pregnancy.

How can buffalo produce more milk?

How to increase milk yield and fat percent of a dairy cow/buffalo…

  1. Provide 20 to 25 kgs of green fodder. …
  2. Provide 10 kgs of dry fodder. …
  3. Provide 4 kgs of concentrate feed – increase this quantity for high milkers. …
  4. Provide 50 grams mineral mixture – this is very important. …
  5. Provide 30 liters of hygienic/clean water.

How many babies can a buffalo have?

Buffalo, like most mammals, bear live young, which are called calves. Usually, they have one calf at a time, and the female will carry the calf for a gestation period of 9 to 11 months before giving birth. Once the calf is born, a water buffalo will stay with its mother for around three years.

Which animal lives the longest?

The longest living mammal is the bowhead whale, which can live up to 200 years. Also known as the Arctic whale, this animal is big, and lives in cold waters so its metabolism is slow. The record age for a bowhead is 211 years.

How can I start a buffalo dairy farm?

Start Construction: For a 30 buffalo farm, you need a shed (75 feet x 30 feet), 1 small calve shed, 2 worker rooms (12 feet x 10 feet), 1 dhana/feed room (12 feet x 10 feet), and a room for yourself (12 feet x 10 feet) . Cultivate Green Fodder: For 30 buffaloes, you need to cultivate grass in 4 acres of green grass.

Which cow gives more milk?

Gir cow of Gujarat

This cow is known as the most milk-producing cow in the country. This cow is found in the Gir forests of Gujarat, hence its name has also been named Gir cow.

How do I sell my milk to Amul?

A team, then, from the Co-operative Department of the District Union will be visiting the village to conduct a survey to assess its ability to procure daily 350 liters of milk and supply to the Union. The survey will cover the number of households, cattle population and procurement capacity to declare the feasibility.

What is best for cows to eat?

Best Healthy Feed for Beef Cattle

  • 1) Grain Supplement. Grain can get cattle growing quickly and can help cattle get fat. …
  • 2) Hay. Hay can provide every important nutrient for cattle, but it has to be picked at the height of its nutrient richness — that is, before it becomes too dry. …
  • 3) Pasture and Forage. …
  • 4) Concentrates.
