How Long Is A Normal Person’s Tongue?


If your tongue is larger than what is considered normal, the medical term for your condition is “macroglossia.” Here’s what you need to know about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of this rare disorder to keep you smiling.

What does a large tongue mean?

Macroglossia is most often caused by an increase in the amount of tissue on the tongue, rather than by a growth, such as a tumor. This condition can be seen in certain inherited or congenital (existing at birth) disorders, including: Acromegaly (buildup of too much growth hormone in the body)

Does your tongue get longer as you age?

Like the outside parts of the nose and the ear but unlike most other organs, the tongue continues to grow at advanced age. … The mean cross-sectional area of the muscle fibers increases sharply during youth, but remains at a high level into old age.

Can you survive with no tongue?

Despite being born without a tongue, I can speak and swallow and taste just like anyone else. I have the base of the tongue and the muscle on the floor of my mouth, which I can move up and down, but other than that, there’s nothing there at all. Not all people with this condition are lucky enough to be able to talk.

What is the longest human tongue?

In the Guinness book of world records, the longest tongue measures 10.1 cm (3.97 in) from its tip to the middle of the closed top lip and it belongs to Nick Stoeberl. A human tongue is around 3.3 inches (8.5 centimeters) for males and 3.1 inches (7.9 cm) for females, according to the University of Edinburgh.

Is having a long tongue genetic?

Some children are born with an abnormally large tongue due to genetics. Other children can have a large tongue due to several medical conditions: Acromegaly (gigantism)

Is having a big tongue bad?

If you are one of the one billion people globally who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, having a fat tongue could be a key reason you snore, choke, gasp or stop breathing periodically during the night, ruining your sleep and potentially your health.

What does a smooth tongue look like?

Smooth Tongue

A tongue without any small bumps on the top may look glossy red.

Why do I have a huge tongue?

Overgrowth conditions such as Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and vascular anomalies of the tongue can lead to its enlargement. Other conditions such as Down syndrome, trauma, inflammatory conditions, primary amyloidosis, and congenital hypothyroidism may also be associated with a large tongue.

How can I shrink my tongue?

Coblation, use of radiofrequency energy and saline (salty water) may be used to shrink and tighten muscle and tissue near the back of the tongue. This surgery is also performed while the patient is under anesthesia. The surgery results in a permanent reduction in tongue size and does not affect the surrounding areas.

What are the benefits of long tongue?

The benefits of good tongue posture

  • improves oral development.
  • maintains straighter teeth alignment.
  • prevents teeth grinding.
  • prevents your tongue flopping backwards.
  • prevents snoring and sleep apnoea.
  • prevents mouth breathing.
  • improves support for your cheekbones and jaw so that they remain prominent with age.

What the Bible says about the tongue?

As Children of God, our tongues have a lot of power. Proverbs 18:21 confirms this by saying, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” … Proverbs 13:3; “Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.”


How far down your throat does your tongue go?

Guinness World Records, which will include Stoeberl in the 2015 edition of its famous book, says that the average tongue is 10cm long when measured from the oropharynx – the place in the back of the throat where the tongue begins – to the tip.

How strong is your tongue?

The tongue is not the strongest muscle in your body.

The tongue is all muscle, but not just one muscle – it’s made up of 8 different muscles that intertwine with each other creating a flexible matrix, much like an elephant’s trunk.

Should your tongue touch your teeth?

Your tongue should be touching the roof of your mouth when resting,” explains Dr. Ron Baise, dentist of 92 Dental in London. “It should not be touching the bottom of your mouth. The front tip of your tongue should be about half an inch higher than your front teeth.”

Will losing weight make your tongue smaller?

Losing weight led to a 20-percent reduction in tongue fat on average, according to study author Richard Schwab, a physician and co-medical director at the Penn Sleep Center.

Can your tongue move your teeth?

The tongue is a very powerful muscle – one that’s strong enough to push teeth out of their natural position.

Is Cloverleaf tongue rare?

If you can twist your tongue into a cloverleaf, you are gifted. It is one of the rarest tricks. According to a study published in the journal Dysphagia, 83.7% of the population could roll their tongue.

Why is Babies tongue always out?

Baby reflexes

Babies are born with a strong sucking reflex and instinct for feeding. Part of this reflex is the tongue-thrust reflex, in which babies stick their tongues out to prevent themselves from choking and to help latch on to the nipple. Using their mouths is also the first way babies experience the world.

How do you know if you have a large tongue?

Here are 11 signs your tongue is too big for your mouth…

You often bite the sides of your tongue while talking, sleeping and/or eating. It feels like your tongue is occupying all of the space inside your mouth. When you swallow, you can see the sides of your tongue come out between your molars.

What is the longest kiss?

A Thai couple has sealed a new record for the longest kissing, after locking lips for 46 hours, 24 minutes.

  • A Thai couple has sealed a new record for the longest kissing, after locking lips for 46 hours, 24 minutes.
  • The Guinness World Records still have to verify the latest “kissathon” for it to become official.

WHO has long tongue?

The Indian Book of Records now lists K Praveen’s tongue as measuring 10.8cm (4.25 inches). He hopes to break the Guinness World Record and take the “world’s longest tongue” title from Nick “the lick” Stoeberl from the US state of California, who holds the record of 10.1cm (3.98 inches).

Who has the strongest tongue?

Thomas Blackstone, the record holder for the world’s strongest tongue, lifted a 24 lb, 3 oz weight that was hooked through his tongue. Blue whales have the largest tongues in the animal kingdom. They weigh an average 5,400 lbs, and are typically about the size of an elephant.
