How Long Does Labral Tear Surgery Take?


For some patients, it may take up to six months to make a full hip labrum surgery recovery. However long the process takes for you, your doctor will monitor your progress during hip labral tear surgery recovery and recommend a rehab strategy, including torn labrum hip exercises when appropriate.

How soon can you walk after hip labrum surgery?

If a labral repair is done, crutches may be needed 4-6 weeks. During this first 4 to 6 week period you will be walking around very slowly and sore. At about 6 weeks, most patients are ambulating normally and you can gradually increase the hip range of motion above 90 degrees.

Is hip labrum surgery inpatient or outpatient?

Hip Arthroscopy

Arthroscopic hip surgery is an outpatient surgical procedure that is often performed under general anesthesia. Your surgeon places a small television camera with an attached light source into the hip joint, and through a separate small incision can place instruments to address hip labral tears.

Is labral tear surgery worth it?

Doctors recommend labral tear surgery to patients who they think are good candidates—these patient are not at high risk for surgical complications and are likely to have good postsurgical results. For other patients, a hip replacement or other hip surgery may be considered.

Do you have to wear a brace after hip labral tear surgery?

The average postoperative course involves 2 weeks in a hip brace and 2 weeks on crutches to protect the work done on the hip. A brace may be required for 6 weeks, and crutches may be required for up to 8 weeks if the hip’s condition requires a more extensive surgery.

How do you poop after hip surgery?

Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids — lots of water — and eating foods with fiber, like vegetables and beans. Feel free to use a stool softener, too. Any over-the-counter product will do. Also, remember that there’s no set rule for how many bowel movements you should be having.

What can you not do after hip labrum surgery?

Avoid putting too much weight on your leg and lifting the leg up. Your surgeon recommends avoiding active hip flexion (lifting your leg up at the hip) until 2-3 weeks after your surgery. This precaution is to prevent excessive hip flexor tendonitis after your surgery.

Can you sit after hip arthroscopy?

When sitting, try to sit with the hips at 90 degrees. Sitting with the knees closer to the chest might produce pain or pinching at the hip. Limit prolonged standing and walking up to four weeks after surgery to avoid hip discomfort. Avoid deep squatting or heavy lifting up to six weeks after surgery.

How bad is pain after labrum surgery?

Postoperative stiffness is a well-known complication after shoulder surgery, including arthroscopic labral repair that may result in a severe loss of range of motion (ROM). It can cause severe pain and disturb activities of daily life.

How successful is hip labral tear surgery?

The arthroscopic hip surgery success rate is around 85 to 90 percent. The operation is performed to help restore your hip’s function, but it’s most successful at easing pain. It’s often difficult to return to vigorous use of the leg in sports or work.

Can you walk after hip labrum surgery?

Hip arthroscopy patients can expect to walk using crutches for 1-2 weeks afterward, and to undergo six weeks of physical therapy. It may be 3-6 months before they experience no pain after physical activity. Below is some guidance on ways to expedite the recovery and healing process.


How bad is labrum surgery?

Potential complications of labrum repair

Blood vessel damage. Incomplete repair or postoperative failure. Instrument breakage during surgery. Joint stiffness or damage to other joint structures.

How do you shower after labrum surgery?

You may remove your dressing 48 hours after your surgery to take a shower. You may let soap and water gently wash over your incisions, but do not scrub them. Pat them dry with a towel, then recover each of the incisions with a band-aid.

Is a labrum tear painful?

In most cases, a labrum SLAP tear doesn’t hurt all the time. The pain usually happens when you use your shoulder to do a task, especially an overhead activity. You may also notice: A catching, locking, or grinding feeling.

How do you sleep after hip labrum surgery?

You can sleep on either side but it may be more comfortable to sleep on your back or on the non-operated side. If you are sleeping on your side then it may be comfortable to put a pillow in between your knees. As with any surgery, you should expect some degree of pain.

What to avoid if you have a hip labral tear?

What Should be Avoided with a Hip Labral Tear? Positions of pain such as excessive hip extension, jumping and pivoting should be avoided as it can cause impingement of the hip joint and spasm of the surrounding musculature.

Can I ride a bike with a hip labral tear?

Sadly, your loyal cross-training friend, cycling, is off-limits, too. “The most aggravating position for the hip labrum is hip flexion combined with other movements,” Yuen says. This is basically cycling, so the elliptical or pool are safer cardio options while you’re recovering.

What are the 3 most painful surgeries?

Most painful surgeries

  1. Open surgery on the heel bone. If a person fractures their heel bone, they may need surgery. …
  2. Spinal fusion. The bones that make up the spine are known as vertebrae. …
  3. Myomectomy. …
  4. Proctocolectomy. …
  5. Complex spinal reconstruction.

What should I wear after hip surgery?

Wear pants/shorts that are easy to get out of (always dress the surgical leg first). Wear shoes that are supportive (ones that you can slip on and off).

Equipment for getting dressed that may help:

  • Reacher,
  • sock aid, and.
  • long-handled shoe horn.

How do you go to the toilet after surgery?

After surgery, you should also plan to take a stool softener, such as docusate (Colace). A fiber laxative, such as psyllium (Metamucil), may also be helpful. Purchase a laxative or stool softener before your surgery so that you have it available when you return home. Shop for stool softeners.

Can I walk up stairs after hip arthroscopy?

Once you no longer need crutches, you need to be careful about going up and down stairs. Minimizing the number of times you go up and down stairs for the first 6 weeks after surgery will reduce your risk of discomfort at the muscles in the front of your hip.
