How Long Does It Take To Recover From Ptosis Surgery?


After surgery, you can usually go back to normal activities within 1-2 weeks, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). Some bruising is normal up to two weeks after the procedure, and some swelling is normal for several weeks. Ptosis surgery is ultimately meant to be permanent.

What are the risks of ptosis surgery?

The risks of ptosis surgery include:

  • Unusual bruising or swelling after surgery.
  • Infection.
  • Need for adjustment or additional surgery.
  • Asymmetric eyelid height.
  • Overcorrection or undercorrection.
  • Dry spots requiring lubricants.
  • Stiffness of the eyelid in downgaze.

What is ptosis repair surgery?

Ptosis repair involves tightening or shortening the eyelid muscle so that it can once again lift and open the upper eyelid adequately. The details of the procedure depend on the cause and severity of the ptosis.

Are you awake during ptosis surgery?

Ptosis surgery is performed under local anesthesia with sedation (the patient is awake but does not feel the procedure). The types of surgery to repair the droopy lid include the following: The surgeon makes an opening in the skin of the upper eyelid.

Can I fix ptosis without surgery?

Congenital ptosis will not get better without surgery. However, early correction will help the child to develop normal vision in both eyes. Some acquired ptosis that is caused by nerve problems will improve without treatment.

How much does it cost to correct ptosis?

Eyelid surgery for correction of ptosis is virtually identical to that for facial rejuvenation, meaning the costs are essentially the same. The average cost of eyelid surgery ranges between $2,000 and $5,000 depending on the number of eyelids being treated and the exact type of treatment you receive.

What kind of doctor do you see for ptosis?

Your ophthalmologist determines the type of ptosis based on your medical history and the results of the comprehensive eye exam the doctor may have performed. You may then be referred to an oculoplastic specialist—an ophthalmologist with advanced training in plastic surgery of the eyes and surrounding areas.

Can ptosis come back after surgery?

Ptosis Surgery Results

In a few cases, ptosis can recur following surgery but this is uncommon. As the muscles of the eyelids work together as a pair, when one eyelid appears to be droopy or low, the other eyelid may appear to be in a “normal” position.

What can you not do after ptosis surgery?

Should I avoid any specific activities? In order to keep the wound clean and dry, and to avoid irritation, swimming is not advised for the first couple of weeks following the operation. When showering or bathing, it is important to try to keep the eye area dry for the first 5 days.

How do you prepare for ptosis surgery?

In order to prepare for ptosis surgery, it’s important to minimize the risks for complications during surgery such as bleeding and infection. Avoiding blood thinners such as aspirin, NSAIDS (such as ibuprofen), Vitamin E, and Ginkoba. Make sure you review all your medications including vitamins and supplements with Dr.

Does ptosis get worse when tired?

Ptosis, also known as blepharoptosis, is a drooping or falling of the upper eyelid. The drooping may be worse after being awake longer when the individual’s muscles are tired.


How long after blepharoplasty will I look normal?

The appearance of your eye may continue to get better for 1 to 3 months. Most people feel ready to go out in public and back to work in about 10 to 14 days. This may depend on your job and how you feel about people knowing about your surgery. Even after 2 weeks, you may still have some bruising around your eyes.

Is droopy eyes attractive?

This eye shape is considered attractive by many people. Anyone can also develop hooded eyes, especially as they get older. If you develop hooded eyes, it is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. Hooded eyes are a natural sign of aging that are still attractive.

How is ptosis calculated?

With unilateral ptosis, the amount of ptosis is measured as the distance between the upper and lower eyelid margins with the brow in a relaxed position. In bilateral ptosis, the amount of ptosis is determined by the marginal reflex distance. This is the distance from the corneal light reflex to the upper lid margin.

Does ptosis get worse over time?

Ptosis is often a long-term problem. In most children with untreated congenital ptosis, the condition is fairly stable and does not get worse as the child grows. In people with age-related ptosis, however, the drooping can increase gradually over the years.

Can eye drops help ptosis?

A therapy recommended to treat ptosis resulting from administration of botulinum toxins A and B is Iopidine (apraclonidine 0.5 %) eye drops. Apraclonidine is an alpha2-adrenergic agonist, which causes Muller muscles to contract quickly elevating the upper eyelid 1-3 mm.

How do you fix a droopy eyelid fast?

According to the National Stroke Association, forcing your eyelids to work out every hour may improve eyelid droop. You can work eyelid muscles by raising your eyebrows, placing a finger underneath and holding them up for several seconds at a time while trying to close them.

Is surgery for ptosis covered by insurance?

In general, insurance companies do not cover ptosis surgery. However, if your ptosis is severe enough that your eyelids cause a significant visual obstruction and the condition affects your daily living activities, insurance coverage may be offered.

Will ptosis correct itself?

It is important to know that ptosis does not correct itself over time. The only way to fix a severe case of ptosis is with surgery.

Do eyelid tapes really work?

Overall, they get the job done for a couple of hours, but they are in no way a long term fix. Think of it as putting on make up everyday if you’re going to put these on daily, but be warned that eyelid tape & glue are not good for your eyelids long term and may cause more skin sagging in the future.

Is eyelid surgery painful?

Eyelid surgery is among the least painful cosmetic procedures. Aside from minimal discomfort on the day, you’ll have a quick recovery and see the results swiftly. So the procedure isn’t very painful, but you may have other questions.

What is the success rate of ptosis surgery?

The preferred techniques of ptosis surgery have evolved over time. External aponeurosis advancement has been practiced over decades and results in a wide success rate of 65–90% .
