How Is Phosphoric Acid Made?


This solution is infinitely soluble in water or alcohol; it is soluble at 1 part in 8 of a 3:1 (v/v) ether:alcohol mixture. 2 The pH of a 0.1 N aqueous solution is approximately 1.5. 2 Approximately 67.8 mL are required to prepare 1 L of 1.0 M phosphoric acid.

What is phosphoric acid derived from?

Phosphoric acid is made from the mineral phosphorus, which is found naturally in the body. It works with calcium to form strong bones and teeth.


What can you use instead of phosphoric acid?

The answer is to substitute the phosphoric acid (a mineral acid derived by chemical reaction from inorganic minerals) with an organic acid. Examples of common organic acids are citric acid, acetic acid and formic acid to name a few. In short organic acids are organic compounds with acidic properties.
