How Fast Does Bird Of Paradise Grow?


Bird of paradise has leathery leaves. The common bird of paradise is a slow-growing, clump-forming plant with fleshy roots.

How can I make my bird of paradise grow faster?

Plants in full sun tend to be shorter with smaller flowers, while part-shade plants grow taller with larger flowers. Fertile, rich soils with good drainage produce best growth and flowering. Add compost or other organic matter to soil prior to planting. Avoid planting in a spot with poor drainage.

Why is my bird of paradise not growing?

One of the most common reasons bird of paradise blooms fail to flower is insufficient light. These plants require at least four to six hours of full sun (or bright light indoors) in order to bloom sufficiently. They should also be kept evenly moist throughout summer but need to dry out between watering.

Do bird of paradise have deep roots?

Cut Around the Roots

Dig straight down to a depth of at least 18 to 20 inches, which is the depth of most older bird of paradise root systems.

Do bird of paradise like coffee grounds?

Coffee grounds can be used as a fertilizer on bird of paradise plants, both the indoor and outdoor kind. … If you do plant to add coffee grounds to your bird of paradise, or any other indoor or outdoor plant, do it only once every few months and only add a small amount.

Do birds of paradise multiply?

Answer: Bird of paradise can be divided at any time. If divided during the cooler months, don’t expect a lot of growth until spring, but the plant can still begin establishing roots. … The plants are firmly attached, so you need a sharp-pointed shovel or a knife to do the dividing.

Do birds of paradise need big pots?

Indoors, transplant the bird of paradise each spring until you reach a pot size of 12 inches. Even fully mature plants don’t need larger pots, as the smaller pots allow the roots to intertwine.

Can you cut and replant birds of paradise?

Propagating bird of paradise cuttings should take place in early spring by severing a piece of rhizome with a sharp, clean knife. Sprinkle some rooting hormone on the open cuts. Each division should have a fan with attached roots. Put each division in a small, clean pot with high-quality planting medium.

What is the best fertilizer for bird of paradise?

The best fertilizer for bird of paradise is an organic fertilizer, such as sewage sludge, manure or blood meal. Fertilizer granules or controlled-release fertilizers can also be used if they are spread around the plants every three months during the growing season.

How do I get my bird of paradise to flower?

Give the plant sun to light shade. This bird of paradise will not bloom until it’s mature and has formed a large clump, which may take five, eight or more years. Flowering mostly occurs fall to spring. To encourage flowering on mature plants, apply a low nitrogen, high phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

Can Strelitzia Nicolai grow in pots?

The Bird of Paradise plant, or strelitzia, is a large and gorgeous foliage plant that looks just as majestic indoors in a pot, as it does outside in the garden.

How do you take care of a potted bird of paradise?

Birds of Paradise enjoy moist (but not soggy) soil, and being allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Try not to let the soil dry completely through the pot, but also avoid overwatering. Allow the top 2″ – 3″ of the soil to become dry between waterings, but below that should remain moist.


How tall can a bird of paradise grow indoors?

Birds of paradise are large, relatively easy to grow plants that lend a bold tropical flair to any indoor space. With proper care, a bird of paradise can grow to over six feet tall, even indoors.

Can you dig up bird of paradise?

Transplanting birds of paradise should be done carefully so as not to damage the plant and to ensure it will recover and thrive in a new location. … Dig around the plant, going out about 12 inches (30 cm.) for every inch (2.5 cm.) diameter of the main trunk of the plant. Dig deeply to avoid cutting through roots.

Should I split my birds of paradise?

First of all, it’s important to note that bird of paradise generally blooms best from large clumps or when slightly pot bound. For this reason, dividing is seldom necessary. However, these plants can be repotted or divided as needed in spring, but keep in mind that flowering will be put off or reduced.

Where are the seeds on a bird of paradise?

To find the seeds on a Bird of Paradise, you’ll need a plant that has some blooms. The seeds are stored within the flower, so a Strelitzia that doesn’t have any flowers won’t have any seeds yet. Inside the flower, you’ll find several small seed pods that each contain black seeds with small tufts of orange fuzz.

Do birds of paradise like banana peels?

Your bird of paradise can use additional banana peels monthly. And it’s OK to trim off dead flowers and leaves.

How often should you water birds of paradise?

Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Pro tip: Birds of Paradise can benefit from filtered water or water left out overnight before using.

How do I know if my bird of paradise needs water?

Keep the soil just barely moist during the spring and summer growing season, when the plant will use more water. In winter, cut back on watering and allow the top two inches of soil to dry out before watering again. If you notice that leaves are drooping or curling, that’s a sign that your bird of paradise needs water.

Are Strelitzia nicolai roots invasive?

Guarding the entrance to our house are two massive strelitzias (Strelitzia nicolai). They have the most enormous flowers, and are just beautiful. But they have a dark secret — a root system that’s pretty invasive.

Does Strelitzia Nicolai grow fast?

The Strelitzia Nicolai grows big and grows fast. It’s hungry for food! Despite my habit of feeding my plants every week from Spring to Fall with an all purpose liquid food, I take it a bit easier when it comes to my Strelitzia, and I go every two weeks!

How tall do Strelitzia Nicolai grow?

The Nicolai is the large form of the common ‘Bird of Paradise’. Nicolai wil grow to about 6m tall, and is very hardy and reasonably drought tolerant. Great as a two-storey screening plant in suburban gardens.

Is Strelitzia toxic to cats?

FUN FACTS AND WARNINGS: This plant should be safe for humans (while we don’t suggest eating any houseplants), but is toxic to dogs, cats and horses.
