How Far Back Can You Cut A Dogwood Tree?


A once-a-year pruning in late winter is essential to maintaining the bright colors of the twigs, which is what these shrubs are prized for. … If your Dogwood shrub has become overgrown and unsightly, or just looks burnt out, in late winter you can cut back the entire shrub to about 10 inches above the ground.

Can you prune a dogwood to keep it small?

Pruning a young dogwood helps determine its mature shape. … A dogwood grows 1 or 2 feet each year until it’s about 25 feet tall. You can keep the tree a bit shorter by heading upright branches back by one-third each year, but this may produce a tree that spreads wider than the usual 25 feet.

Can you cut dogwood to the ground?

Old red- and yellow-twig dogwood stems develop mature bark that loses the signature colors. … Prune out as many of the large stems to ground level as you can. You may need to cut back the young growth if it is spindly. If there are not any young stems present, cut the large stems back to 18 to 24 inches from the ground.

How do you take care of a dogwood bush?

Grow dogwood shrubs in full sun or part shade and moist soil. Many dogwood shrubs grow well in soil that is wet for short periods during the growing season, which makes them suitable for rain gardens and low spots in the landscape. Silky and red osier dogwoods are especially tolerant of consistently moist soil.

Is red twig dogwood invasive?

Because of the densely growing underground stems and rapid growth rate, red osier dogwood can become invasive. When growing it in your yard, take steps such as pruning to confine it only to the areas you desire it. Leaf and twig blights, canker and leaf spots are occasionally a problem, as are leaf miners and bagworms.

How do you revive a dogwood tree?

Tips On How To Save A Dying Dogwood Tree

  1. Apply mulch. During summer, there is a lot of evaporation taking place, which can cause the soil to dry and develop cracks. …
  2. Improve soil drainage. …
  3. Pruning. …
  4. Use pesticides. …
  5. Improve the soil pH. …
  6. Consider moving it under the shade. …
  7. Diseases. …
  8. Pests.

Can you use Miracle Grow on dogwood trees?

Miracle-Gro Tree & Shrub Plant Food Spikes (Buy Online) will keep your dogwood trees thriving all year long by giving them the nutrients they need to grow strong roots that support lush foliage throughout the growing season.

When should dogwood bushes be pruned?

Cut the branches with sharp pruning shears, loppers or a saw at the base near the ground above the first leaf node. Prune red dogwood bushes in late fall after the leaves have dropped. The bush may also be pruned in early spring before new growth appears, but it should be dormant.

How long do dogwood trees live?

The average lifespan is 80 years. Flowering dogwood is rated hardy in USDA Zones 5 to 9. The growth rate is slow upon transplanting, gradually assuming a medium rate. Plant flowering dogwood grown from seed collected from trees indigenous to your local area.

How tall do dogwood trees get?

White dogwood trees grow to be 15-25 feet tall, with a spread of 20-25 feet. They grow at a slow-moderate rate of 1-2 feet per year.


What diseases do dogwood trees get?

Spot anthracnose, septoria leaf spot, and powdery mildew are all conditions that affect the leaves. Root rots and canker disease abound and thrive in moist conditions. There are listed fungicides and bacterial agents to combat the various disease issues affecting dogwood trees.

Why did my dogwood not bloom?

A dogwood tree not blooming can be caused by improper pruning. Dogwood trees do not need to be pruned to keep them healthy, but if you are pruning them for shape, be sure that you only prune them after they have finished blooming.

Are coffee grounds good for dogwood trees?

Do Dogwoods Like Coffee Grounds? Yes. Dogwoods are acid-loving trees, and they can definitely benefit from the natural acidity coffee grounds.

How do you keep a dogwood healthy?


Prune and destroy dead wood and leaves yearly; prune trunk sprouts in the fall. Water weekly in the morning, during drought. Caution—do not wet foliage. Maintain a 4- to 6-inch deep mulch around trees; do not use dogwood chips as a mulch.

What is the best fertilizer for a dogwood tree?

Dogwood trees grow well with a 12-4-8 fertilizer ratio. The abundance of nitrogen, denoted by the first number, reflects this element’s importance to the tree. Nitrogen provides the basic structure for chlorophyll, the main pigment necessary for photosynthesis within the leaves.

What kills a dogwood tree?

Abstract. Dogwood anthracnose, caused by the fungus Discula destructiva was found in the Southern United States in 1987. Since that time millions of flowering dogwoods have been killed and disfigured by this disease.

When should you feed a dogwood tree?

The key to useful plant feeding is to time it correctly. Fertilizing dogwood trees too late in the season might inadvertently cause a flush of new growth, which would be too sensitive to survive an early cold snap. The better idea is to feed the tree in early spring and again three months later.

What does dogwood anthracnose look like?

Anthracnose attacks twigs, branches, trunks, and leaves of dogwoods in cool, wet weather. Tan, blotchy leaf spots are early signs of infection. The disease can cause dead leaves and twigs that remain attached to the tree.

Can red twig dogwood be kept small?

Since there are many different forms of redtwig dogwood, including some that are rather compact or even dwarf, it’s hard to answer without knowing the specifics of yours. But yes, some varieties do indeed have an ability to grow 8-10 feet tall with time and if conditions are suitable.

How tall does red twig dogwood get?

When not pruned, the shrub, Cornus sericea, grows up to 8 feet tall with a spread equally as wide. Because it’s characterized by its suckering growth, its stiff woody branches make great cuttings for accenting container gardens and floral compositions – both traditional and contemporary in style.
