How Does Cassandra Store Data?


Yes, Cassandra is definitely able to store files in its database, as “blobs”, strings of bytes. … So if you want to store large files in Cassandra, you’ll probably want to split them up into many small blobs – not one large blob.

How does Cassandra store columns?

Cassandra stores data in column families — a collection of rows which can contain any columns in a sparse fashion. Storage is sparse since only columns that exist are stored in rows. Rows can have any number of columns unlike tables in relational databases which have a fixed size.

Does Cassandra have a schema?

Cassandra has a flexible schema. Database is the outermost container that contains data corresponding to an application. Keyspace is the outermost container that contains data corresponding to an application.

Does Cassandra have primary key?

1) Primary Key

In Cassandra, a table can have a number of rows. Each row is referenced by a primary key, also called the row key. There are a number of columns in a row but the number of columns can vary in different rows. … It is also important to note that in Cassandra, both column names and values have binary types.

Does Walmart use Cassandra?

Building Object Store — Storing Images in Cassandra at Walmart Scale. … Walmart has been using proprietary technology to store all of its product images and other assets. As Walmart started scaling assortment massively, we were facing severe scaling issues for setting up the product images.

Can Cassandra store images?

We can store them in cassandra, but we can also allocate a server for storing images. Cassandra has good performance for big-data storage but if we store images in cassandra we must save them as bytes.

Which database is best to store images?

Store in Couchbase a metadata JSON document for each object, maybe a small thumbnail image at most. In that document is data you need about that object in your application quickly, but also a pointer to a purpose built object store like S3, a file system or HDFS. You will get the best of all worlds.

What is Cassandra data model?

Cassandra Data modeling is a process used to define and analyze data requirements and access patterns on the data needed to support a business process. A data model helps define the problem, enabling you to consider different approaches and choose the best one.

What is commit log in Cassandra?

Commitlogs are an append only log of all mutations local to a Cassandra node. Any data written to Cassandra will first be written to a commit log before being written to a memtable. This provides durability in the case of unexpected shutdown. On startup, any mutations in the commit log will be applied to memtables.

Is Cassandra a NoSQL?

Cassandra is one of the most efficient and widely-used NoSQL databases. … Another key benefit of Cassandra is the massive volume of data that the system can handle. It can effectively and efficiently handle huge amounts of data across multiple servers.

Does Cassandra store data in memory?

When a write occurs, Cassandra stores the data in a memory structure called memtable, and to provide configurable durability, it also appends writes to the commit log on disk. The commit log receives every write made to a Cassandra node, and these durable writes survive permanently even if power fails on a node.


How much data can Cassandra handle?

Maximum recommended capacity for Cassandra 1.2 and later is 3 to 5TB per node for uncompressed data. For Cassandra 1.1, it is 500 to 800GB per node. Be sure to account for replication. When choosing disks, consider both capacity (how much data you plan to store) and I/O (the write/read throughput rate).

Is Cassandra an object store?

Cassandra is built for a different purpose and object-storage meta-data is not one of them. The areas where Cassandra struggles are the areas that are core to a performant, scalable and resilient object store.

What is BLOB data type in Cassandra?

Cassandra blob data type represents a constant hexadecimal number. The Cassandra blob data type represents a constant hexadecimal number defined as 0(hex)+ where hex is a hexadecimal character, such as . For example, 0xcafe. A blob type is suitable for storing a small image or short string. …

Is MongoDB good for storing images?

Abstract: MongoDB GridFS is a good specification for storing large files in MongoDB. It makes sure that the file is divided into chunks and stored into a database.

What database does Walmart use?

Walmart has become the world’s biggest retailer by understanding its customers’ needs, and an important tool in achieving that has become the Neo4j database. Walmart deals with almost 250 million customers weekly through its 11,000 stores across 27 countries, and through its retail websites in 10 countries.

What is the purpose of using thrift in Cassandra?

Thrift is actually an RPC protocol or API unified with a code generation tool for CQL, and the purpose of using thrift in Cassandra is because it facilitates easy access to Database (DB), across the Programming Language.

What is Cassandra architecture?

Cassandra was designed to handle big data workloads across multiple nodes without a single point of failure. It has a peer-to-peer distributed system across its nodes, and data is distributed among all the nodes in a cluster.

How does Sharding work in Cassandra?

All of the data for a Cassandra cluster is divided up onto “the ring” and each node on the ring is responsible for one or more key ranges. You have control over the Partitioner (e.g. Random, Ordered) and how many nodes on the ring a key/column should be replicated to based on your requirements.

Is Cassandra better than MongoDB?

Conclusion: The decision between the two depends on how you will query. If it is mostly by the primary index, Cassandra will do the job. If you need a flexible model with efficient secondary indexes, MongoDB would be a better solution.

Why is Cassandra schema free?


In contrast to a traditional database, in Cassandra there is no need to show all the columns needed by your application at the surface as each row is not expected to have the same set of columns.

Is Cassandra a relational database?

Cassandra is a high performance and highly scalable distributed NoSQL database management system. RDBMS is a Data base management system or software which is designed for relational databases. … Cassandra is a NoSQL database.
