How Does A Podiatrist Treat A Verruca?


Cryotherapy is the process of freezing your verruca with liquid nitrogen, resulting in your verruca falling off instantly. It is always a smart decision to choose a podiatrist to perform cryotherapy. Verruca treatment can lead to scarring, and cryotherapy can be a little painful too.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a verruca?

Cover your wart or verruca with duct tape for six days. On the seventh day remove the tape, soak the wart in water and rub with an emery board or pumice stone to scrape off the dead skin. Keep the wart uncovered overnight and re-apply fresh duct tape the next day.

Can you see a podiatrist for verrucas?

Verrucae will clear up much more quickly if you seek professional help from a podiatrist. We recommend visiting us if your verruca is painful, has spread and multiplied, altered in appearance, or if it’s restricting you in your daily activities.

Can you pull a verruca out with tweezers?

If you have an old or hard wart/verruca, moisten it up by soaking the affected area in warm water for 20-30 minutes before treatment. Remove the skin on top of the verruca/wart, by using tweezers, for example. For thick skin on inward-growing warts/verrucas, remove the hard skin carefully.

Can you cut out a verruca?

Can a verruca be cut out? Yes, if your doctor decides that is the right treatment for you, the wart or verruca can be carefully cut out using a surgical scalpel.

How do you get rid of a stubborn verruca?

Common verruca treatments, such as cryotherapy (freezing), or chemical caustics such as Salicylic Acid e.g. Bazuka, work by creating a thermal or chemical burn in and around the verruca. This aims to resolve the verruca by creating inflammation around the area, thereby provoking an immune response.

What happens if you pull out a verruca?

The verruca is dead and will push itself out. ‘When verrucas are alive they will bleed profusely when you cut them. But the fact that I can cut away now with no bleeding means that there is no blood supplying it.

Does Vaseline get rid of verrucas?

soak the wart/verruca in water for about five minutes to soften it. apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline) to the skin around the wart to protect it. once a week, gently file the wart down a little using an emery board – this is to remove the top layer of affected skin so that the cream can start to work on the lower layers.

How do you get rid of old verrucas?

Treatments for verrucas include Silver Nitrate, Salicyclic Acid, Cryotherapy Program, Duct Tape, Laser and Dry Needling. If you have had problems getting rid of a verruca then it is wise to get it checked to make sure it is not a corn or a callous covering up a deeper problem.

Does needling get rid of verrucas?

Verruca Needling

Another effective way of removing a verruca is by verruca needling (also known as dry needling). It’s a small, painless procedure that uses a fine needle to push infected cells into the skin underneath the verruca. This triggers an immune response from your body to destroy the verruca.

Do verrucas go away on their own?

Warts and verrucas are small lumps on the skin that most people have at some point in their life. They usually go away on their own but may take months or even years.

How do I know if a verruca is dying?

You’ll know your verruca is dying as it starts to change colour. When it’s dead, it will have a black appearance as the blood supply has been cut off from the area.


Can verrucas stay forever?

A verruca nearly always disappear on its own because our body fights it off, so if it’s not painful it’s usually a good idea to leave it alone. Some may take longer to disappear than others and the older you are, the longer they are likely to stay. The average lifespan of a verruca is two years.

Can verrucas spread on bedding?

Warts and verrucas can be spread to other people through close skin contact or contact with contaminated objects or surfaces, such as: towels.

Why has my verruca turned white?

Also try to keep it off the normal skin. The acid will turn the wart into dead skin (it will turn white).

Why does my verruca hurt so much?

They can often be painful to walk on. They are caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus. The virus causes a proliferation of small blood vessels and nerves to feed the wart or verruca and cause pain.

How do you treat verrucas with duct tape?

Place a piece of duct tape on the verruca. Leave the tape in place for six days, replacing any duct tape that falls off with a new piece as soon as possible. After six days, remove tape and soak the verruca in warm water. Gently rub the verruca with an emery board.

Why do I have so many Verrucas on my feet?

Verrucas (verrucae) or plantar warts are small, rough, raised or flattened lumps that occur over the pressure areas of the feet. These are commonly caused by infections with different strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus may be isolated from the skin cells of verrucae.

How does Bazuka get rid of verrucas?

The active ingredients in this product are salicylic acid and lactic acid. The active ingredients work by: softening the hard skin growth, making it easier to remove with a pumice stone or emery board; they also help kill the virus that causes warts and verrucas.

How do you know if verruca treatment is working?

How Do You Know When A Verruca Is Dying? This is generally hard to tell. If you are actively treating the verruca, as it dies it changes colour; the verruca turns black when the blood supply has been cut off.

Why is my verruca black?

Why has my verruca turned black? Once the blood supply has been cut off the verruca, the trapped blood within the verruca will turn black. This usually means that the verruca will begin to work its way towards the surface. This may not mean that the virus has been completely eradicated, but is a normal occurrence.

What is the best verruca treatment?

The best verruca treatments to buy now

  1. Bazuka Extra Strength Treatment Gel: Best verruca treatment. …
  2. Wartner Wart & Verruca Cryo Freeze: Best freeze therapy verruca treatment for fast results. …
  3. Scholl Verruca Wart Treatment Pen: Best verruca treatment pen for hard-to-reach verrucas.

How do you get rid of Verrucas naturally?

They include rubbing the wart with a potato cut in two, saturating the area with raw potato juice, night and morning for two weeks. Applying orange and lemon peel or fresh aloe vera is quite popular, too, as is bathing the area in apple cider vinegar. Some people prefer to cover the wart with duct tape.
