How Do You Use Valiantly In A Sentence?

  1. The Medinians fought valiantly , but could not hold out against the well-disciplined Syrians. …
  2. Oliver tries valiantly to interest Carly in the house and the village, but gets the bored teenager ‘ whatever ‘ treatment.

How do you use squirrel in a sentence?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Squirrel” in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. Squirrels move quickly. ( …
  2. Squirrels eat hazelnuts. ( …
  3. My cat killed a squirrel. ( …
  4. Tom kept a squirrel as a pet. ( …
  5. The squirrel climbed the tree. (

What is an example of Valiant?

The definition of valiant is someone or something very brave or determined. An example of valiant is Aragorn going to battle to protect Middle Earth in The Lord of the Rings.

How do you use grievance in a sentence?

Examples of grievance in a Sentence

He has a deep sense of grievance against his former employer. She has been nursing a grievance all week. In the petition, the students listed their many grievances against the university administration. Several customers came to the front desk to air their grievances.

What are the three types of grievances?

Three Types of Grievances

  • Individual grievance. One person grieves that a management action has violated their rights under the collective agreement. …
  • Group grievance. A group grievance complains that management action has hurt a group of individuals in the same way. …
  • Policy or Union grievance.

What do you call someone who files a grievance?

noun. One that makes a formal complaint, especially in court: accuser, claimant, plaintiff.

Who is a valiant person?

boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted: a valiant soldier. marked by or showing bravery or valor; heroic: to make a valiant effort. worthy; excellent.

Can valiant people?

Valiant is a word used to characterize someone or something as having a notable amount of boldness, resolve, and moral fiber.

What do you mean by self centered?

1 : independent of outside force or influence : self-sufficient. 2 : concerned solely with one’s own desires, needs, or interests.

What are three interesting facts about squirrels?

10 Nutty Facts to Make You Appreciate Squirrels

  • Squirrels can find food buried beneath a foot of snow. …
  • A squirrel’s front teeth never stop growing. …
  • Squirrels may lose 25 percent of their buried food to thieves. …
  • They zigzag to escape predators. …
  • Squirrels may pretend to bury a nut to throw off potential thieves.

What are types of sentences?

The Four Types of Sentences

Declarative Sentences: Used to make statements or relay information. Imperative Sentences: Used to make a command or a direct instruction. Interrogative Sentences: Used to ask a question. Exclamatory Sentences: Used to express a strong emotion.


What is the meaning of a squirrel?

Squirrels symbolize energy, practicality, and playfulness. They teach us work-life balance by showing us how they playfully collect nuts, all the while keeping up with playful antics. A squirrel literally seems to be telling us, “You need to have more fun in your life!.”

What is a good sentence for insignificant?

1. He made her feel insignificant and stupid. 2. My own problems seem insignificant compared with other people’s.

What is mean by valiantly?

1 : possessing or acting with bravery or boldness : courageous valiant soldiers. 2 : marked by, exhibiting, or carried out with courage or determination : heroic valiant feats.

What does Disperation mean?

1 : loss of hope and surrender to despair. 2 : a state of hopelessness leading to rashness.

What is the synonyms of Valiant?

Synonyms & Antonyms of valiant

  • bold,
  • brave,
  • courageous,
  • dauntless,
  • doughty,
  • fearless,
  • gallant,
  • greathearted,

What is a valiant car?

The Plymouth Valiant (first appearing in 1959 as simply the Valiant) is an automobile which was manufactured by the Plymouth division of the Chrysler Corporation in the United States from the model years of 1960 through 1976. … Road & Track magazine considered the Valiant to be “one of the best all-around domestic cars”.

What is the noun of Valiant?

valiance. The quality of being valiant; heroism, bravery or valour.

What is a grandsire mean?

1 or grandsir ˈgran(t)-​sər , dialect : grandfather sense 1a. 2 archaic : forefather. 3 archaic : an aged man.

What does it mean to scuttle?

transitive verb. 1 : to cut a hole through the bottom, deck, or side of (a ship) specifically : to sink or attempt to sink by making holes through the bottom. 2 : destroy, wreck also : scrap sense 2. scuttle.

What is the meaning of pompously?

1 : excessively elevated or ornate pompous rhetoric. 2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant a pompous politician.

Is the complainant the victim?

A complainant is someone who makes a report of criminal wrongdoing. A complainant can be the victim or witness of an alleged crime. A complainant will make a detailed statement to the police regarding the facts and circumstances of the complaint.

What does it mean when someone files a complaint against you?

A complaint is the first document filed in court to initiate a lawsuit. It is a formal legal document which typically lists the plaintiff’s view of the facts and the legal reasons why the plaintiff believes they have been harmed by the defendant.

Is a complaint a pleading?

Pleadings are certain formal documents filed with the court that state the parties’ basic positions. Common pre-trial pleadings include: Complaint (or petition or bill).
