How Do You Use The Word Alumni?


“Alumnus” – in Latin a masculine noun – refers to a male graduate or former student. The plural is “alumni”. “Alumna” – in Latin a feminine noun – refers to *you guessed it* a female graduate or former student. … If a group includes both genders, even if there is only one male, the plural form alumni is used.

Can I say I am an alumni?

We used to have “alumnus” (male singular), “alumni” (male plural), “alumna” (female singular) and “alumnae” (female plural); but the latter two are now popular only among older female graduates, with the first two terms becoming unisex. … Never say, “I am an alumni” if you don’t want to cast discredit on your school.

What is the proper form of alumni?

Use the correct form of the word

Alumnus (emeritus) is singular male. … Alumnae (emeritae) is plural female. Jane and Mary are alumnae. Jane and Mary are emeritae. Alumni (emeriti) is plural male and plural when both men and women are included.

Are you an alumni if you didn’t graduate?

The term alumnus/alumna refers to anyone who attended a particular university (Merriam-Webster definition). Use graduate or dropout (or non-graduate alumnus) to specify whether or not someone completed a degree. Many tech company founders dropped out of college, but are still considered alumni.

How do you say someone is an alumni?

Alumni is the plural noun for a group of male graduates or male and female graduates. An alumnus is one male graduate. An alumna is one female graduate. And for a group of female graduates, you can use the plural alumnae.

What is the difference between alumni and graduate?

A graduate has completed the necessary requirements to earn a degree, while an alumnus is any person that attended as a student whether earning a degree or not.

What is a college graduate called?

An alumnus or alumna is a former student and most often a graduate of an educational institution (school, college, university). … The term is sometimes informally shortened to “alum” (optional plural “alums”).

Can you say alum?

You can shorten the words alumnus, alumna, alumnae, or alumni to alum. Just keep in mind that alum is pretty informal. There’s no problem using it in everyday conversation, but use it with caution in more formal settings.

What it means to be an alumni?

An alumnus (masculine, plural alumni) or alumna (feminine, plural alumnae) is a former student or pupil of a school, college, or university. Commonly, but not always, the word refers to a graduate of the educational institution in question.

Is alumna a capital?

Alumni and alumnus are the preferred plural and singular terms of alumni of any gender. The feminine terms alumnae and alumna may be used given the context of the publication or the preference of the subject. … Capitalize alumni as part of a full official name; lowercase otherwise.

What is a good sentence for alumni?

Using Alumni in a Sentence

Both my mother and father are alumni of the University of Virginia. Boston University has a very active alumni community.

How can I memorize alumni?

Some might cheat and use the shortened forms “alum” or “alums,” but you, savvy graduate, can do better. Remember: A “alumnus” is a male graduate.


What do you call a fellow alumni?

“He is a fellow alumnus.” Alumni is plural.

What are the 4 years of college called?

Student classification refers to the familiar names for the four undergraduate years: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Your classification is not determined by the number of years of college coursework you have taken but by the number of semester hours you have earned.

What are the 4 types of degrees?

College degrees generally fall into four categories: associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral. Each college degree level varies in length, requirements, and outcomes. Each college degree aligns with students’ different personal interests and professional goals.

Who called graduate?

1. a person who has received a degree or diploma on completing a course of study at a university, college, or school. 2. a student who holds the bachelor’s or the first professional degree and is studying for an advanced degree.

How do you write an alumni year?


  1. Alumnus. …
  2. Alumni names are expressed with an apostrophe and the last two digits of the graduation year (e.g., Jane Doe ’96).
  3. Note the direction of the apostrophe.

How can alumni help students?

Alumni can help students get placed at their respective organisations. (3) Mentorship and Scholarships – alumni can play an active role in voluntary programmes like mentoring students in their areas of expertise. They could also play a significant role in contributing scholarships to deserving students.

What are alumni fees?

In their petition, the students had said, “Alumni fee in the present context refers to a charge imposed upon current students in return for a benefit which is supposed to accrue in the future when the students become alumni i.e. after they pass out from the institute.

Is a current student an alumni?

Collectively, you and everyone you graduated with from your institution are alumni. Alumni is the Latin plural form of a word that originally meant foster son or pupil. Everyone who graduated from your school is a former pupil or “foster son” (or daughter) of that institution.

What are you called when you graduate high school?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A high school diploma is a North American academic school leaving qualification awarded upon high school graduation. The high school diploma is typically obtained after a course of study lasting four years, from grade 9 to grade 12.

What does alumni mean in college?

The word alumni refers to a former student of a school, college or university. Typically, the term refers to a graduate, although not always.

Is fellow alumni correct?

After your graduation ceremony concludes, you and your fellow graduates become alumni of your school. But you, by yourself, will never be “an alumni.” A male graduate is an alumnus; a female graduate is an alumna. Collectively the group of student graduates is usually referenced in the male plural as alumni.
