How Do You Use The Word Abeyance?

  1. Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport.
  2. Once the famine was over, the food rationing dictated by the government was put in abeyance.

What is the correct meaning of the word abeyance?

1 : a state of temporary activity : suspension — used chiefly in the phrase in abeyance. 2 : a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested. Examples: The misdemeanor charges are in abeyance while the suspect is being prosecuted for the felony.

Which is kept in abeyance?

temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension: Let’s hold that problem in abeyance for a while. Law. a state or condition of real property in which title is not as yet vested in a known titleholder: an estate in abeyance.

Can you keep in abeyance?

An abeyance is a temporary halt to something, with the emphasis on “temporary.” It is usually used with the word “in” or “into”; “in abeyance” suggests a state of waiting or holding. … Different legal rights, like property rights, can be held in abeyance until matters are resolved.

What is an abeyance account?

Understanding Abeyance

Abeyance occurs when the current owner or holder does not declare a beneficiary. Instead, the new owner is determined through the outcome of a particular event at some time in the future. Thus, the ownership of the property, office, or title is left unfilled.

What does Abeyant mean?

adjective. temporarily inactive, stopped, or suspended.

Is Obeyance a word?

(nonstandard) Abeyance. Obedience.

Is Abey a word?

No, abey is not in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you use abeyance in a sentence?

Abeyance sentence example

  1. This regulation fell into abeyance after the 12th century, and such inscriptions are very rare. …
  2. Charles the Fair having died and left only a daughter, the nations rights, so long in abeyance , were once more regained.

What does Aviance mean?

Aviance is a beauty brand, primarily aimed at women, produced by the Unilever group.

What is the meaning of disgruntled?

: unhappy and annoyed a disgruntled employee She led her sodden and disgruntled team back into the changing rooms, insisting that the practice had not been a waste of time, though without any real conviction in her voice.—

What does it mean to hold case in abeyance?

The term hold in abeyance is used in lawsuits and court cases when a case is temporarily put on hold.

What does the word permeate?

: to diffuse through or penetrate something. transitive verb. 1 : to spread or diffuse through a room permeated with tobacco smoke. 2 : to pass through the pores or interstices of.


What does the word abide?

abide uh-BYDE verb. 1 a : to bear patiently : tolerate. b : to endure without yielding : withstand. 2 : to wait for : await. 3 : to accept without objection.

Is snuggle a real word?

To snuggle is to cuddle with someone. Snuggling is a little like hugging, and it often takes place in bed. This is a cutesy word for cute behavior: nestling or nuzzling someone.

What does Abby mean?

In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Abby is: Father rejoiced, or father’s joy. Gives joy. The intelligent, beautiful Abigail was Old Testament King David’s third wife, described as ‘good in discretion and beautiful in form.

What is the root word of obeisance?

When it first appeared in English in the late 14th century, “obeisance” shared the same meaning as “obedience.” This makes sense given that “obeisance” can be traced back to the Anglo-French verb obeir, which means “to obey” and is also an ancestor of our word obey.

What does homage mean?

: respect or honor. : something that is done to honor someone or something. See the full definition for homage in the English Language Learners Dictionary. homage. noun.

What is the noun of obey?

obey is a verb, obedient is an adjective, obedience is a noun:These children obey their parents. … to comply with or follow the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions of:to obey one’s parents.

What does it mean to keep at bay?

: in the position of being unable to move closer while attacking or trying to approach someone —used with keep or hold The soldiers kept the attackers at bay. —often used figuratively The doctors have been able to keep her illness at bay for several months.

What is another word for unchanged?

In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unchanged, like: the same, unaltered, fixed, unvaried, continuing, modified, unmoved, continuous, intact, constant and stable.

What is meant by diminution?

: the act, process, or an instance of becoming gradually less (as in size or importance) : the act, process, or an instance of diminishing : decrease a diminution in value.

What is difference between abeyance and stay?

is that stay is (nautical) a strong rope supporting a mast, and leading from the head of one mast down to some other, or other part of the vessel or stay can be a prop; a support while abeyance is (legal) expectancy; condition of ownership of real property being undetermined; lapse in succession of ownership of estate, …
