How Do You Use Peculate In A Sentence?

  1. Because Adam needed money to pay his bills, it was hard for him to fight the temptation to peculate funds from the bank.
  2. We were shocked when we learned our pastor had chosen to peculate money from our daycare fund to pay for a prostitute’s services.

What is purloin mean?

transitive verb. : to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust.

What is purloin and example?

Purloin is to steal. When you steal your cousin’s shoes, this is an example of a time when you purloin the shoes. verb. 1. To steal; filch.

What is Melange in English?

It derives from the Middle French verb mesler, which means “to mix.” “Mélange” is actually one of several French contributions to the English body of words for miscellaneous mixtures. … There’s also the lesser known “gallimaufry” (meaning “hodgepodge”), which comes from the Middle French galimafree (meaning “stew”).

What are Peculators?

Definitions of peculator. someone who violates a trust by taking (money) for his own use. synonyms: defalcator, embezzler. type of: beguiler, cheat, cheater, deceiver, slicker, trickster. someone who leads you to believe something that is not true.

What does peculation mean?

: misappropriation especially of public funds.

What is puissant?

puissant PWISS-unt adjective. : of great force or vigor : strong, powerful.

What does Pellucidity mean?

1 : admitting maximum passage of light without diffusion or distortion a pellucid stream. 2 : reflecting light evenly from all surfaces. 3 : easy to understand.

Is Serendipity a real word?

Serendipity is a noun, coined in the middle of the 18th century by author Horace Walpole (he took it from the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip). The adjective form is serendipitous, and the adverb is serendipitously. A serendipitist is “one who finds valuable or agreeable things not sought for.”

What does Inabated mean?

: not abated : being at full strength or force. Other Words from unabated Example Sentences Learn More About unabated.

What does pedantic mean?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What do you mean by equivocation?

: deliberate evasiveness in wording : the use of ambiguous or equivocal language Like any good teacher, he does his best to answer with clarity and minimal equivocation.—

What does the word Defalcate mean?

transitive verb. archaic : deduct, curtail. intransitive verb. : to engage in embezzlement.

What is the negative effect of speculator?

Speculators are important to markets because they bring liquidity and assume market risk. Conversely, they can also have a negative impact on markets, when their trading actions result in a speculative bubble that drives up an asset’s price to unsustainable levels.

What are different kinds of speculators?

Types of Speculators

  • Bullish speculator. A bullish speculator expects the prices of securities to rise. A bull is a speculator who buys securities with the hope of selling them at a higher price in the future.
  • Bearish speculator. A bearish speculator is one who expects the prices of securities to fall in the future.

How do speculators make money?

Speculators earn a profit when they offset futures contracts to their benefit. To do this, a speculator buys contracts then sells them back at a higher (contract) price than that at which they purchased them. Conversely, they sell contracts and buy them back at a lower (contract) price than they sold them.

What is equivocation example?

The fallacy of equivocation occurs when a key term or phrase in an argument is used in an ambiguous way, with one meaning in one portion of the argument and then another meaning in another portion of the argument. Examples: I have the right to watch “The Real World.” Therefore it’s right for me to watch the show.

Is equivocation a lie?

The concept of equivocation is generally viewed as being distinct from the concept of lying. Specifically, this is because lying involves telling a falsehood directly, while equivocation involves concealing the truth or avoiding commitment to a specific stance, without necessarily telling any falsehoods.

Is Obduration a word?

noun. The action of making or becoming obdurate, hardened in sin, or insensible to moral influence; the fact or condition of being obdurate; hard-heartedness, stubborn impenitence.

Is pedantic a positive word?

Pedantic, on the other hand, is already a negative word by definition — it has a negative denotation, and being pedantic can never be interpreted as a positive.

Is pedantic good or bad?

Pedantic means “like a pedant,” someone who’s too concerned with literal accuracy or formality. It’s a negative term that implies someone is showing off book learning or trivia, especially in a tiresome way.

How do you know if you are pedantic?

When someone is too concerned with literal accuracy or formality, that person can be referred to as pedantic. Pedantic people show off their knowledge by correcting small errors that do not matter in the grand scheme of things. They often use big words in situations where they are not appropriate.

Are you awake when intubated?

The two arms of awake intubation are local anesthesia and systemic sedation. The more cooperative your patient, the more you can rely on local; perfectly cooperative patients can be intubated awake without any sedation at all. More commonly in the ED, patients will require sedation.

Can you talk while intubated?

An endotracheal (ET) tube helps the patient breathe. The tube is placed into the mouth or nose, and then into the trachea (wind pipe). The process of placing an ET tube is called intubating a patient. The ET tube passes through the vocal cords, so the patient won’t be able to talk until the tube is removed.
