How Do You Use Awake?


awake Add to list Share. When you’re awake, you’re conscious and aware of your surroundings. When you’re not awake, you’re asleep. … Most people are awake during the day and asleep at night, but if you work the night shift or suffer from insomnia, you might also be awake at night.

What is the difference between awake and awaken?

Awaken is a transitive verb requiring a direct object. It means “cause to become awake”. It is a regular verb: both the past and past participle forms are awakened: My wife awakens me if I oversleep.

Are you awake synonyms?


  • awaken, rouse, wake, wake up.
  • activate, alert, animate, arouse, awaken, breathe life into, call forth, enliven, excite, fan, incite, kick-start (informal) kindle, provoke, revive, stimulate, stir up, vivify.

How do you ask if someone is still awake?

9 Answers. Hi, if the person is in bed but still awake you could use a number of expressions ie: “aren’t you asleep yet?”; “are you battling to fall asleep”?; do you want something to help you fall asleep”?

What does stay awake mean?

Meaning. to remain awake, or not go to sleep.

Are you awaken correct?

Awake and awaken are two distinct verbs that both mean “to rise from sleep.” The verb forms for awake are irregular, but the most common choices are awake, awoke, and was awoken. The verb forms for awaken are regular: awakens, awakened, was awakened.

Is Awake intransitive?

In fact, according to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, “awake” is more standard as a verb than it is as an adjective. And it works as both a transitive and an intransitive verb. … “Awaken” sounds a bit more natural, which is ironic when you consider that it evolved from a past participle of an older verb.

Why do I wake up at 3am for no reason?

If you wake up at 3 a.m. or another time and can’t fall right back asleep, it may be for several reasons. These include lighter sleep cycles, stress, or underlying health conditions. Your 3 a.m. awakenings may occur infrequently and be nothing serious, but regular nights like this could be a sign of insomnia.

How do you use awaken in a sentence?

Awaken sentence example

  1. His scientific studies and discoveries awaken only an historical interest. …
  2. “Just keep it from me until I awaken on a spaceship?” she retorted. …
  3. The Springs healed her wounds, but she did not awaken from death. …
  4. It took a few hard shakes for the man to awaken .

How do you use awoke in a sentence?

They awoke one morning to discover that their guards had deserted them. When he awoke, however, the two old men were no longer there. When she awoke, she could not remember her past. He awoke with half his body in the lake.

How do you use woke up in a sentence?

Woke-up sentence example

  1. She just woke up . …
  2. I woke up with my heart pounding many times. …
  3. I thought I’d be back before you guys woke up . …
  4. Less than an hour after the phone call, Destiny woke up in a fit of coughing. …
  5. Here he ” woke up to the interest of moral and metaphysical speculations.” …
  6. Then I woke up .

What does Finch mean by stay awake?

Finch is still struggling to stay “awake”. He wants to take control of his life and his actions. He does not want to go into “asleep” state, so he promise himself that he will behave this time, and he will be quiet, he will be normal so he does not become a burden for anyone else.

Is it safe to stay up all night?

Staying up all night is bad for your physical health because it deprives you of necessary sleep. Insufficient sleep and all-nighters can lower your body’s resistance to illness and infection. Poor quality sleep and sleep deprivation also increase your risk for (3): High blood pressure.

Is there a pill to keep you awake?

Modanfinil – Modafinil is used to treat narcolepsy. It is not a stimulant medication. This drug makes the user stay awake and alert for up to twelve hours. It is only available by prescription.

What are good random questions?

65 Random Questions to Ask Anyone

  • If You Had Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For?
  • What Would You Rather Throw Away: Love Or Money?
  • What’s The Most Beautiful Place You’ve Ever Seen?
  • What Was Your Fondest Memory Of High School?
  • What’s Your Favorite TV Show?
  • What’s The Strangest Thing In Your Refrigerator?

Why you are not sleeping yet?

Insomnia. Insomnia, the inability to get to sleep or sleep well at night, can be caused by stress, jet lag, a health condition, the medications you take, or even the amount of coffee you drink. Insomnia can also be caused by other sleep disorders or mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Are you sleeping or are you asleep?

Sleep can be a noun or a verb. The past tense and past participle of the verb is slept. If someone is in this state, you can use the continuous form and say they are sleeping, but it is more common to say that they are asleep. …

What is the past tense of woke?

Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular present tense wakes , present participle waking , past tense woke , past participle woken language note: The form waked is used in American English for the past tense.

Is there such word as woken?

Woken is the past participle of wake.

What is the word awoken?

to wake up; rouse from sleep:I awoke at six with a feeling of dread. to rouse to action; become active:His flagging interest awoke.

How do you use beaten in a sentence?

Beaten sentence example

  1. Someone had beaten them home. …
  2. His little army had been beaten and scattered. …
  3. Her unwillingness to be beaten has developed her courage. …
  4. Having been beaten in a trial of soothsaying, Calchas died of chagrin or committed suicide.
