How Do You Use Apologetic In A Sentence?

  1. The manager was very apologetic about everything.
  2. She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.
  3. The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn’t really compensate.
  4. They were very apologetic about the trouble they’d caused.

What are synonyms for apologetic?

synonyms for apologetic

  • conciliatory.
  • contrite.
  • regretful.
  • remorseful.
  • repentant.
  • sorry.
  • compunctious.
  • expiatory.

What does it mean when you are very apologetic?

If you’re apologetic, you’re very sorry about something. You might offer an apologetic smile at another driver if you accidentally honk at her. Someone who’s apologetic is regretful or contrite, and usually openly expresses this feeling in some way.

Is apologetic an adjective?

APOLOGETIC (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is a adjective for apology?

apology is a noun, apologize is a verb, apologetic is an adjective:You owe her an apology. You should apologize to her.

Is being apologetic good?

Some of the good things that come from a sincere apology: … Apologizing helps repair relationships by getting people talking again, and makes them feel comfortable with each other again. A sincere apology allows you to let people know you’re not proud of what you did, and won’t be repeating the behavior.

What do you reply when someone says sorry?

5 English Phrases to Respond to an Apology

  • That’s OK.
  • It happens.
  • No problem.
  • Don’t worry about it.
  • I forgive you. (for serious problems)

Why you should stop apologizing?

Over-apologizing dilutes your apologies when they’re really needed. And over-apologizing can make you look less confident. It can seem as though you’re sorry for everything – for your actions and feelings, for taking up space, for your mere existence. … This doesn’t reflect self-confidence or self-worth.

What do you say to someone who apologizes too much?

When you’re with a friend and you realize you’ve been doing all the talking. Jovanovic says, “instead of saying, ‘Sorry for complaining’ or ‘Sorry for venting,’ you could just say, ‘Thank you for listening,’ ‘Thank you for being there’ or ‘Thank you for being my friend. ‘”

Is apologetic a tone word?

I salute the actor’s candour, but not his apologetic tone. In an apologetic tone, Norwich regrets his failure to explain this unhappiness. We have an apologetic tone, which is not what we are used to from bankers.

What does jubilantly mean in English?

: feeling or expressing great joy : exultant the jubilant winner.

What are the synonyms for retribution?

synonyms for retribution

  • comeuppance.
  • compensation.
  • reckoning.
  • redress.
  • reprisal.
  • retaliation.
  • revenge.
  • vengeance.

What should you not say to apologize?

8 Things You Should Never Say During an Apology

  1. 1. ” I’m sorry, but…” …
  2. “I’m sorry you feel that way.” …
  3. 3. ” …
  4. 4. ” …
  5. “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.” …
  6. Getting mad because they’re mad at you. …
  7. “Are you PMSing?” …
  8. “I don’t want to fight about this!”

Why is apologizing too much bad?

People lose respect for you, which means can’t take you seriously. In a relationship, over-apologizing can lead your partner to treat you with contempt. If you’re in a professional or business setting, apologizing too much can make you seem untrustworthy which means you could lose opportunities.

Is apologizing a compulsion?

Apologizing as a compulsion

More often than not, the obsessions continue. Apologizing can be a compulsion — a response to an intrusive thought. For example: If you’re having obsessive thoughts about hurting someone, you might constantly apologize to them even though you haven’t actually done anything.

Can you reply no worries to Sorry?

It doesn’t acknowledge the value of an apology.

One might think that responding with a casual “no worries,” could assuage the guilt of the person in the wrong. … However, when someone has made a greater mistake or hurt feelings, the correct response should be, “Thanks for your apology.

How do you respond to an apology ex text?

Try saying: “Thank you, I needed to hear this apology. I really am hurt.” Or, “I appreciate your apology. I need time to think about it, and I need to see a change in your actions before I can move forward with you.” Don’t attack the transgressor, as hard as it may be to hold back in the moment.

How do you accept an apology professionally?

I accept your apology,” or “Thank you for your apology” are appropriate formal responses for business dealings. If the apology comes from a friend or family member, you can be more informal in your response. Try, “I hear what you are saying,” “Thanks,” or “It’s okay.”

Should you apologize for coming on too strong?

Should I Apologise for coming on too strong? Apologize. Once you’ve taken some time to cool your jets, go and talk to him/her. Let them know you think you came on too strong and that you hope you didn’t scare them away.

How do you apologize without being awkward?

Say to the person “I want to apologise for (my actions). I can see that my behaviour upset you.” “I feel embarrassed that I behaved in this way.” “I feel terrible that my actions caused you to be upset.” Take full responsibility for your actions. Resist the urge to give excuses.

What does a genuine apology look like?

A real apology has three main components: (1) it acknowledges the actions taken and resulting pain inflicted on you; (2) it provides an action plan for how s/he will right the wrong; and (3) there is an actual change in behavior proving to you that there won’t be a repeat of the past.

What is a adjective for monogamy?

Derived forms of monogamy

monogamous, adjectivemonogamously, adverbmonogamousness, noun.

What is the verb form of apology?

verb (used without object), a·pol·o·gized, a·pol·o·giz·ing. to offer an apology or excuse for some fault, insult, failure, or injury: He apologized for accusing her falsely. to make a formal defense in speech or writing. Also especially British, a·pol·o·gise .
