How Do You Use Aplomb In A Sentence?


How do you use aplomb in a sentence?

Examples of ‘aplomb’ in a sentence aplomb

  1. She performed the task with great aplomb. …
  2. Kept cool to take his winner with great aplomb. …
  3. He did not pull off this task with quite so much aplomb. …
  4. He carried his weight with considerable aplomb.

What does aplomb mean?

: complete and confident composure or self-assurance : poise She played several roles with equal aplomb.

Is aplomb a compliment?

Aplomb nearly always carries a positive connotation. It is often preceded by the preposition “with.” To say that “somebody has great aplomb” or “handled something with aplomb” is a nice compliment to a person’s poise and confidence.

What is another word for aplomb?

Some common synonyms of aplomb are assurance, confidence, and self-possession. While all these words mean “a state of mind or a manner marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncertainty, diffidence, or embarrassment,” aplomb implies a manifest self-possession in trying or challenging situations.

What is meant by self-confidence?

Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. … People with low self-confidence often have errors in their thinking.

What are the synonyms for hastily?

synonyms for hastily

  • carelessly.
  • nimbly.
  • prematurely.
  • promptly.
  • quickly.
  • speedily.
  • suddenly.
  • swiftly.

What does being haughty mean?

: blatantly and disdainfully proud : having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior haughty aristocrats haughty young beauty …

What dissembler means?

Definitions of dissembler. a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives. synonyms: dissimulator, hypocrite, phoney, phony, pretender. types: charmer, smoothie, smoothy, sweet talker.

What is the meaning of heir presumptive?

: an heir whose legal right to an inheritance may be defeated (as by the birth of a nearer relative)

What does it mean to give a lukewarm reception?

not enthusiastic or interested: Her proposals got a lukewarm response. The budget received a lukewarm reception from business leaders.

How do you use the word epitome in a sentence?

Epitome Sentence Examples

  1. The fashions presented were the epitome of the style of the 1930s.
  2. His lifestyle was the epitome of unsustainable living.
  3. The hotel was the epitome of British colonial elegance in Jamaica.
  4. He was the epitome of cool; but, sadly, he dropped the mannerisms.

What are some antonyms for aplomb?


1 confusion, discomposure; doubt, uncertainty.

How do you use egregious in a sentence?

Egregious Sentence Examples


It was the most egregious act the government has ever perpetrated. The egregious mistake these couples made was not spending enough time seriously planning for a lifetime together in marriage.

What is the literal definition of egregious?

1 : conspicuous especially : conspicuously bad : flagrant egregious errors egregious padding of the evidence — Christopher Hitchens.

Can erudite be used as a noun?

A learned or scholarly person.

Is knave a bad word?

Knave, rascal, rogue, scoundrel are disparaging terms applied to persons considered base, dishonest, or worthless. Knave, which formerly meant merely a boy or servant, in modern use emphasizes baseness of nature and intention: a dishonest and swindling knave.

What means hortatory?

adjective. urging to some course of conduct or action; exhorting; encouraging: a hortatory speech.

How do you use dissembler in a sentence?

Dissemble in a Sentence ?

  1. Her plan was to dissemble her intentions from her husband so she could successfully plan him a surprise party.
  2. Rather than answer the reporter’s questions directly, the politician chose to dissemble his responses.
  3. The con man did his best to dissemble his real motives from the wealthy widow.

What is a haughty woman?

Someone who is haughty is arrogant and full of pride. When you’re haughty, you have a big attitude and act like you’re better than other people. A haughty person acts superior and looks down on others. Haughty people are disdainful, overbearing, prideful, swaggering, and obnoxious.

What are haughty looks?

Everyone recognizes a haughty look. It is “looking down one’s nose” at others. People with exalted self-esteem glance at others with a look meaning, “You are nothing but vermin.” But all stand before God as equals; He is no respecter of persons.

What is the difference between pride and haughty?

As adjectives the difference between haughty and proud

is that haughty is conveying in demeanour the assumption of superiority; disdainful, supercilious while proud is gratified; feeling honoured (by something); feeling satisfied or happy about a fact or event.

What a word when you making quick decisions?

decisive Add to list Share. If you make decisions quickly, you are someone who is decisive.

What’s another word for quick decision?

Frequently Asked Questions About hasty

Some common synonyms of hasty are expeditious, fast, fleet, quick, rapid, speedy, and swift. While all these words mean “moving, proceeding, or acting with celerity,” hasty suggests hurry and precipitousness and often connotes carelessness.

What do you call a person who makes hasty decisions?

impulsive Add to list Share. If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through. … Impulses are short, quick feelings, and if someone is in the habit of acting on them, they’re impulsive.
