How Do You Treat Pink Eye In Cats?


If you see excessive tearing or watering from one or both eyes, abnormal discharge (cloudy, yellow, or greenish), or reddened conjunctival membranes, your cat may have conjunctivitis. Your cat may also squint or keep her eyes closed because of either discomfort or photophobia (a reluctance to be in bright light).

Will cat pink eye go away on its own?

In most cases, he points out, conjunctivitis will self-resolve with no medication at all. However, he advises, owners should seek veterinary care if a cat has apparent eye discomfort and discharge to rule out more serious eye disorders.

Can pink eye be passed to cats?

Conjunctivitis can be infectious — caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi — or noninfectious. Infectious cases are usually caused by chlamydophila, mycoplasma or feline herpesvirus (which can be transmitted to other cats, but not to humans).

Why is my cat’s eye pink and watery?

If you see this in one or both eyes, along with a watery discharge, there’s a good chance they have conjunctivitis. You may know it by its nickname, pinkeye. It’s the most common eye problem for cats. An infection, an allergy, or even dust can bring it on.

How can I treat my cats pink eye at home?

Treating Conjunctivitis in Cats

Lubricating drops: Eye drops formulated to increase eye wetness help flush out harmful substances and make your kitty more comfortable. Antibiotics: These drugs kill bacteria. You can apply them directly to the eye in drops or ointment, or your vet may recommend an oral antibiotic.

How does an indoor cat get conjunctivitis?

The most common cause of conjunctivitis in cats is viral infection, such as calicivirus and herpes virus, which can also cause cold-like symptoms. Other common causes include trauma (e.g., scratches from fighting with other cats), bacterial infections, and fungal infections.

What is commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye?

Don’t assume that all red, irritated, or swollen eyes are pinkeye (viral conjunctivitis). Your symptoms could also be caused by seasonal allergies, a sty, iritis, chalazion (an inflammation of the gland along the eyelid), or blepharitis (an inflammation or infection of the skin along the eyelid).

How long does pink eye last?

Most cases of viral conjunctivitis are mild. The infection will usually clear up in 7 to 14 days without treatment and without any long-term consequences. However, in some cases, viral conjunctivitis can take 2 to 3 weeks or more to clear up.

What gets rid of pink eye fast?

If you’re having bacterial pink eye symptoms, the fastest way to treat them is to see your doctor. Your doctor can prescribe antibiotic eye drops. According to a review from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, using antibiotic eyedrops can shorten the duration of pink eye.

Is pink eye painful for cats?

This term refers to the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the moist tissue that lines your cat’s eyelids, and attaches to the eyeballs. It can affect one or both of your cat’s eyes and is usually pretty uncomfortable and often painful.

Can stress cause pink eye in cats?

For most cats, the virus remains dormant and it’s not an issue. But for some cats, especially when stressed, the virus can flare up, causing conjunctivitis and sometimes other symptoms of respiratory infection, such as sneezing.


What antibiotics treat eye infections in cats?

Vetropolycin® Veterinary Ophthalimic Ointment – Bacitracin-Neomycin-Polymyxin. Vetropolycin® is a triple antibiotic ointment often prescribed by vets for the treatment of bacterial infections of the eyelid and conjunctiva in cats.

Will cat eye infection go away?

Prognosis: Will Your Feline Recover? The common feline eye infection has a good prognosis. In most cases, your cat will be back to chasing toys in no time. The antibiotics used to treat bacterial eye infections are extremely effective and can clear up the infection quickly in most cases.

Is pink eye caused by poop?

You CAN get pink eye from poop

Poop — or more specifically, the bacteria or viruses in poop — can cause pink eye. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , if your hands contain fecal matter and you touch your eyes, you can get pink eye.

What happens if you let pink eye go untreated?

Pink Eye Symptoms

Left untreated, certain types of pink eye (the bacterial varieties) can lead to infections of the cornea, eyelids and even tear ducts. Better to be safe than sorry! Ophthalmia neonatorum is a severe form of bacterial conjunctivitis that can occur in newborn babies.

How did I get pink eye overnight?

People can get viral pink eye from an infection that spreads from the nose to the eyes. It can also be transmitted via droplets from a cough or sneeze that land directly on the eye. Viral pink eye can stem from an upper respiratory infection or cold.

How serious is conjunctivitis in cats?

If left untreated, some of the underlying causes of conjunctivitis in cats could eventually lead to more serious eye problems including blindness. While many causes of conjunctivitis are treatable, don’t delay in speaking to a vet.

Can cat litter cause eye infections in cats?

Dust from litter can cause conjunctivitis in cats.

How much does it cost to treat conjunctivitis in cats?

As such, the issue may be relatively inexpensive since incurred costs are then relegated to the price of simple diagnosis and treatment of episodes (typically between $100 and $200 apiece).

Can you put Vaseline on cats eyes?

Use a dab of vaseline in the area that accumulates the most tears. This may keep it from staining the hair. 4.

Can you use Visine on cats?

Do not use any over-the-counter eye drops for your cat, unless it’s artificial tears,” Jones says. “Anything medicated can have a negative effect.” Holt adds that eye drops for dogs should also be avoided.

What can I bathe my cats eye with?

Under general anesthesia, your vet may use plain water or saline to flush your cat’s blocked tear duct. If there’s an infection, antibiotic eye ointment or drops may be needed.

Why are my cats eyes so watery?

Runny eyes may indicate that the cat has an allergy. Cats can be allergic to a variety of substances, such as pollen, dust, mold, chemicals or foods. Other signs that a cat may be suffering from an allergic reaction include sneezing and itchiness. Runny eyes in the form of an overflow of tears is known as epiphora.
