How Do You Relieve Pain From Expander?


Does a palatal expander hurt? No, it doesn’t hurt. After the expander is turned you may feel pressure in the area of the teeth, and tingling around the bridge of the nose or under your eyes. The sensation generally lasts for about 5 minutes and then dissipates.

Does getting your expander out hurt?

Will it Hurt? There will be some discomfort at first, but there will not be a lot of pain. The expander may feel heavy in your mouth at first, since it is something new and different in there.

How long does it take to get used to an expander?

It make take up to one week to adjust to an expander. Your child may feel some pressure on the roof of the mouth and on the molar teeth. Your child may also complain that it feels funny to swallow as his or her tongue must adjust to the new appliance.

Can I eat chips with an expander?

To protect your braces and expanders, avoid HARD, STICKY, CHEWY, and CRUNCHY foods. … Hard and crunchy foods can break or damage wires, brackets, and expanders. Sticky and chewy foods can get caught between brackets and wires, cling to expander plastic and bands, and pull appliances off.

Do expanders change your face?

Additional orthodontic work is sometimes needed in more severe cases. A Herpst appliance or a palatal expander can move the jaw or widen the upper jaw. … The ultimate result is a new smile and, in most moderate to severe cases, orthodontics change the shape of your face – subtly.

Do expanders make you talk funny?

Altered Speech – When the expander goes in, the patient may talk a little funny and have a lisp. This is only temporary, and will usually last less than a couple days. The more the patient talks, the sooner he or she will get used to it and talk normally again.

Does an expander give you a lisp?

Most patients have a small lisp when they first get an orthodontic expander. However, it is usually short lived and most patients go back to talking normally very soon. The tongue will quickly adapt to sharing the roof of the mouth with the expander and soon after nobody will be able to hear a difference.

Do expanders break your jaw?

A palatal expander does not break your jaw. It separates the bones at the mid-palatal suture.

How do you swallow spit with an expander?

When you first have the expander placed, your mouth may produce more saliva. If this occurs, make a conscious effort to swallow normally by closing your lips and pushing your tongue up against the roof of your mouth. Dry not to “slurp” as it will drive your family crazy!

Do expanders help breathing?

Used to widen or expand the upper jaw, a palatal expander can be used as an effective treatment for patients with sleep apnea. Expanding the upper jaw also effects the floor of the nasal cavity, helping to increase air flow and making breathing easier.

Why does my breast expander hurt?

The tissue expansion process is done after mastectomies to increase the submuscular space in preparation for the placement of permanent breast implant. The process is often believed to be painful by patients who are often intimidated by the prospect of mechanically stretching out their skin and muscle.


How do you clean under Expander?

In order to ensure proper care, you need to use the right oral hygiene products. We always recommend patients use a soft bristled toothbrush and minimally abrasive toothpaste. You may also want to invest in a water flosser to thoroughly remove food particles and plaque from your palatal expander.

How many times do you turn an expander?

We typically recommend turning the expander two times a day for approximately two weeks to ensure your child is comfortable and has the best results.

How long does expander Lisp last?

In children, palate expanders may widen the jaw to the desired size within about 2 to 3 months. The device is left in for an additional 4 to 6 months, while the two sides of the jawbone fuse together and the teeth settle into their correct position.

What age is best for palate expander?

The ideal age for a child to get a palate expander is when they’re young, around 7 to 8 years old. The palate is forming rapidly, so it’s easier for orthodontists to reshape. The palate structure solidifies as children get older, usually around puberty, making it harder for it to widen.

What can I not eat with an expander?

Include lots of fruits and vegetables, along with meat, milk and whole grain bread. Do not eat sticky or chewy foods such as gum, taffy, caramels or licorice. Do not eat hard foods like ice, nuts or popcorn. Whole raw carrots, celery and apples should be cut into bite-size pieces.

How much do expanders cost?

How much does a palatal expander cost? The cost of treatment depends on your location and the orthodontist you visit. In most cases, a palate expander costs anywhere between $2000 and $3000. Since palatal expansion is medically necessary, most insurance plans cover most or all of the treatment costs.

Do expanders make your mouth wider?

By using an expander, we can make room for the teeth without the need for extraction. There are different types of expanders. A slow expander tends to focus on making the dental arch wider, while a rapid expander makes the upper jaw itself wider.

Can adults expand their palate?

As explained elsewhere on this site, palatal expansion is a simple procedure in children. However, the adult bone structure is set and can no longer undergo expansion unless it is assisted by a surgeon.

Can you eat ice cream with an expander?

Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods

Hard and crunchy foods like popcorn, nuts, and ice are also not recommended with a palate expander. Instead, opt for softer snacks and try satisfying your child’s sweet tooth with fruit or softer desserts like ice cream.

Can I eat pizza with braces?

You can still eat pizza when you have braces, but it all comes down to the type of pizza. The best way to go is soft-crust pizza. Tougher crusts or thin crusts can damage your braces and get stuck between the wires, brackets and your teeth. … You could even have fun making your own pizza to suit your orthodontics.
