How Do You Grow A Areca Palm Fast?


Unlike some other plants, you cannot propagate a palm plant by simply taking a cutting and applying rooting hormone. You must select a cutting that has already established roots and separate it from the original plant’s root system. Select a plant that is mature and well-established with multiple strong stems.

How do you grow areca palms in water?

Pour water over the base of the plant until the soil looks moist to the touch. Unlike succulents and other warm-weather plants, note that Areca palms need a consistent, regular amount of water so they don’t dry out. You know you’ve overwatered if you see a visible puddle forming on your soil.

Can areca palm take full sun?

Light. Outdoors, these plants like bright, filtered sunlight, but they also can tolerate full sun. Ideally, they should have protection from the strong afternoon sun, as too severe of light can scorch the foliage. Indoors, areca palms do best with bright light exposure from a south- or west-facing window.

Which fertilizer is best for areca palm?

Like many tropical plants, areca palms given the right conditions can grow moderately fast. They are considered heavy feeders and should have fertilizer made specifically for palm trees. Spread slow release granular palm fertilizer (8-2-12 NPK) with micro-nutrients over the soil in spring, summer and fall.

Can palm trees be grown from cuttings?

Unfortunately, the answer to this frequently asked question is ‘no’. Palms cannot be propagated using the techniques commonly used for other plants in the garden. Taking a cutting will therefore not result in a new palm tree. Palms can only be grown from seed.

How long do palm plants live?

The average lifespan of a palm tree is between 7 to 8 decades. However, some only live for forty years, and others can live up to a whopping 100 years. Since this entirely depends on the species of the palm tree, it is best to research the different types before finalizing on a specific one.

Will a palm tree grow back if you cut the top off?

A palm tree will not grow once the top has been cut off.

If you remove it, the palm tree will not continue to grow. The stump will dry out and die. At this point, your will need to look at getting your palm tree removed as the trunk will only become unstable in time. Do palm trees ever stop growing?

Can I keep areca palm in bedroom?

This large palm brings a tropical feel to your room with its exotic-looking leaves and its ability to act as a natural humidifier. This feature is ideal for those who suffer from sinus problems at night. Areca palms are also great for purifying toxins, like formaldehyde, from the air.

How long does it take for areca palm to grow?

In favorable conditions, outdoor areca palms grow to about 10 feet tall every year with the roots of the palm tree spreading horizontally from the trunk.. So, in two to three years, your areca palms will have grown into mature plants.

How much sun does an areca palm need?

From what we found, Areca palms ideally should get at least six hours of indirect sunlight per day. Planting this type of palm in a window or under an awning on your porch is the perfect place for good sunlight. These palms do well in tropical areas, so the moister you keep them, the better.

How deep do areca palm roots grow?

Some species like the areca palm can grow indoors with proper root management. However, how deep do palm tree roots grow? These trees have a fibrous root system that means, the roots grow shallowly at a depth that does not exceed 36 inches deep.


Why do areca palms turn brown?

Areca palm tips and leaves turn brown due to overwatering, underwatering, nutrient deficiency, diseases, pests, and compacted roots. To fix the brown leaves, fertilize the plant, water it when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry, and provide bright indirect sunlight.

What kind of soil do areca palms need?

Areca palms prefer soil that is porous, loose, and contains peat moss or sand. They are also partial to the soil that contains leaf mold or shredded bark. These palms can grow just fine and all-purpose potting soil purchased from a local gardening store or nursery.

Do palm trees need a lot of water?

Palms like moist soil, which means watering several times a week is usually required. When you are planting a palm in your garden, you’ll want to water the tree every day for the first week. The second week, water every other day. After that, plan to water two or three times a week.

How often should palm plants be watered?

A new indoor Palm Tree should be watered every day in its first week. Next, move to every other day in its second week. Then settle for 3 times a week on the third. Once your indoor Palm Tree is completely settled, water it 2-3 times per week, or when the top 1-2 inches of the soil is completely dry.

Do palm trees need a lot of sun?

Some thrive in full, direct sun, but others need shady garden spots for beauty and health. Too much harsh sun leaves palm fronds sunburned, much like human skin, but fronds typically don’t recover. As a group, palms adapt well to a wide range of soils as long as the soil drain well.

Should you cut off dead palm leaves?

It is a good idea to cut off dead palm fronds as they are unsightly and can be a fire hazard if left for too long. On some species of a palm tree, dead palm fronds do fall away from themselves like on Alexander’s palms. In other cases, it takes several years before they finally shed themselves.

How long does it take a palm tree to grow from a seed?

Some palm trees will sprout in 70 days, others, such as coconut palms, can easily take six months to sprout. Don’t worry if the seed starts looking a little ragged while you’re waiting. It’s not uncommon for palm seeds to shrivel and otherwise look dead before they sprout.

How do you care for an areca palm plant indoors?

The care of areca palms indoors isn’t difficult, but the plant won’t tolerate neglect. Water them often enough to keep the soil lightly moist in spring and summer, and allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings in fall and winter. Fertilize areca palm plants with a time-release fertilizer in spring.

When should I fertilize my areca palms?

Fertilizer – Every spring you should feed your areca palm a time release fertilizer pellet. This will ensure that it is receiving the proper nutrients that it needs to grow during the spring and summer months of the year. You should also give the plant a liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season.

What are the benefits of areca palm?

Areca Palm Benefits and Facts

  • Improves Air Humidity. …
  • Easy to Look After. …
  • Absorbs Indoor Air-Pollutants. …
  • Emits More Oxygen. …
  • Safe for Pets. …
  • Helps in Decreasing Stress. …
  • Beautifies the Interior. …
  • A Feng Shui Plant.
