How Do You Get Rid Of Ear Mites In Cats?


The life cycle of an ear mite usually lasts three weeks which means that you should wait at least that long for your cat can be rid of the microscopic insects. The itchiness should start to subside as the medication takes effect, but you should contact your vet if your cat’s symptoms don’t improve.

How long does it take to get rid of ear mites in cats?

To ensure all mite eggs have been eliminated treatment needs to continue for a minimum of 3 weeks. If using a single use product such as Revolution one dose is often enough to get rid of an ear mite infection but it will still take up to three or four weeks for the infection to completely clear up.

What kills ear mites naturally?

Green tea is a natural antiseptic. It can be used to flush out all the ear mite debris—that crumbly brown/black stuff that clogs the puppy’s ear canal. Steep a tablespoon of green tea leaves in a cup of hot water for three or four minutes and then strain it.

What happens if ear mites go untreated?

The most common type of ear mite is Otodectes cynotis, which live in the ear canal and feed by piercing the thin skin. This causes severe itching and, if left untreated, can cause bacterial infections, swelling of the ear canal and eventually partial or total deafness.

What is a natural remedy for ear mites in cats?

Treating Ear Mites in Cats Olive Oil

Applying small amounts of olive oil to your cat’s ear to basically suffocate the ear mites, prevent them from latching onto the skin, and make it easier to remove the mites and eggs by wiping your cat’s ears out with a makeup pad or soft washcloth.

How do you tell if your cat has ear mites or just dirty ears?


  1. Depending on the severity of the infection, frequent scratching and head shaking are two common signs that your cat may be infected. …
  2. Mites also stimulate the wax producing glands inside the ear canal. …
  3. If you think your cat is infected, then your vet can easily diagnose the problem using a magnifying otoscope.

Can humans catch ear mites from cats?

If your pet has ear mites, these mites can travel to your bedding and furniture and then attach themselves to you — a human host. Keep in mind you don’t have to have an animal of your own to get ear mites. You can develop an infection if you come in close contact with anyone’s pet who has ear mites.

Can I clean cat’s ears with olive oil?

Natural Remedies for Ear Mites in Cats

Olive oil, coconut oil, and mineral oil may help with cleaning ear mites in cats (as they drown the mites), but oils can actually promote yeast infections, as the yeast involved thrives on oil, explains Dr.

What do Earmites look like in cats?

What are ear mites? Ear mites are tiny animals and are a fairly common parasite in both cats and dogs. They look like tiny white dots, but can barely be seen with the naked eye. Ear mites live on the skin of the ear canal and feed off ear wax and skin oils.

Do ear mites hurt cats?

Ear mites are tiny spider-like parasites that commonly infect cats. Ear mites are not specific to cats; they can be spread to or acquired from dogs and any other mammalian pets. They can cause irritation, infection and hair loss (from excessive scratching) if left untreated.

How did my indoor cat get ear mites?

They can catch them from the environment, or another animal. Ear mites are not species specific, meaning that a cat can pick them up from a dog, and vice versa. Ear mites can be spread through direct contact, or your pet could pick them up from another animal’s environment.


Is Vaseline safe for cats ears?

Petroleum Jelly

Aquaphor and Vaseline are safe for pets.

Is it OK to use hydrogen peroxide in cat’s ears?

Never use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to clean your cat’s ears — these substances just aren’t safe for your kitty. Also, never use cotton-tipped swabs, like Q-tips, in a cat’s ear at home. It’s just too easy to push debris and wax further down into the ear canal.

How do you test for ear mites in cats?

A diagnosis is made by observing the mite. This is usually straightforward and may be done either by examination of the pet’s ears with an otoscope or by microscopic examination of discharge from the ear. If the ears are very sore, the pet may need to be sedated to allow the ears to be properly examined and treated.

What color should cat ear wax be?

Just like with your own ears, it’s natural for a little bit to build up over time. A normal inner ear and ear canal should be light pink in color. A small amount of light/medium brown ear wax is fine.

Can you clean a cat’s ears with apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is very acidic, and strong concentrations of it can hurt the sensitive skin of your cat’s ear. Consequently, you have to dilute it – and even then, it can still burn tissue or damage your cat’s hair cells and follicles.

Do you have to go to the vet for ear mites?

If you examine the discharge under a microscope or magnifying glass, you may see tiny white specks moving about in the debris. These are live ear mites. They are very hard to see and also may not appear in the discharge sample you look at, that’s why you’ll always want your vet to confirm a diagnosis.

Can ear mites live on humans?

Ear mites spread rapidly, and can be transmitted from even brief physical contact with other animals. In pets, ear mites most commonly affect cats, ferrets, and to a lesser extent dogs. Humans can rarely be infected with ear mites.

How serious are ear mites in cats?

They’re not usually life-threatening but ear mites can make life miserable for your pet. Ear mites can cause blockages of an animal’s ear canal and sometimes can cause your pet to scratch so much that blood vessels in the ear rupture, which requires surgery.

How do ear mites look?

Ear mites are incredibly small, which can make them difficult to spot. However, if you gently clean your pet’s ears with a soft cloth and check the residue that appears, you may be able to spot them. They look like tiny white dots, no bigger than a period on the end of a sentence.

Do ear mites smell?

Strong Odor In The Ear

The last sign of ear mites in a cat is a strong odor in your cat’s ear or ears. If you notice your cat smells funny, you may try to sniff around the cat to determine where the scent is coming from.

Can ear mites live in bedding?

Ear mites can survive in carpet and pet bedding and will lay eggs on these surfaces. Part of an effective ear mite treatment for your pet is ridding the carpeting and bedding of any remaining pests.
