How Do You Beat Gangplank?


Strategy VS Gangplank

  1. In team fights, try to destroy his Barrels. E before he can blow them up. …
  2. Try to avoid fighting in areas that are tight like around objectives or in the Dragon as his Ultimate. R will hit your whole team. …
  3. Whenever Gangplank has his Ultimate.

How does gangplank counter Urgot?

Best Gangplank Runes to Counter Urgot

To have the best probability of crushing Urgot as Gangplank, you should equip the Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth, Biscuit Delivery, and Time Warp Tonic runes.

Can you gangplank W Urgot ULT?

You can QSS the part were here pulls you cause that is hard CC. Fiora ult isn’t.

Does Urgot counter Mordekaiser?

Urgot wins against Mordekaiser 49.51% of the time which is 0.59% higher against Mordekaiser than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Urgot wins against Mordekaiser 1.69% less often than would be expected.

Is gangplank AP or AD?

This item is literally half of what makes ap Gangplank viable. It procs with Parrrley, giving you some nice ranged damage. It helps that almost half of Parrrleys damage is ad, making it hard to build resistances too.

How does Nasus counter gangplank?

Best Nasus Items to Counter Gangplank

  1. Sterak’s Gage.
  2. Frozen Heart.
  3. Divine Sunderer.

Is gangplank a good pick?

Gangplank Build 11.18 ranks as an C-Tier pick for the Top Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 46.7% (Bad), Pick Rate of 2.3% (High), and a Ban Rate of 0.42% (Low).

Is gangplank a top Laner?

Gangplank is a strong, versatile top laner who excels in teamfights. He has global map pressure post 6, he’s forgiving due to his ability to Cleanse nearly everything, he has insane gold generation and is quite an easy champion to learn. Flash is your engage summoner, your escape summoner, and all in between summoner.

What is good into gangplank?

Gangplank Counter Pick

The strongest counter would be Talon, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.7% (Average) and Play Rate of 2.17% (High).

Is gangplank good in s11?

Gangplank is one of the most underused top laners in League of Legends season 11. He has a great laning phase thanks to Corrupting Potion and can influence other lanes easily starting at level six with his global ultimate. His builds are flexible and can be adjusted depending on matchup or team compositions.

Who is good with Nasus?

Other things that are good against Nasus: blinds and silences, or anything that counters auto-attacks. Shen can be a good pick, as long as you have a jungler that camps you, but Pantheon, Garen and Teemo are all good picks for similar reasons.


Why does gangplank take grasp?

Grasp is great on GP as it allows you to sustain in tough match ups (aka every lane) and lets you become rather tanky with no real tank items. You can proc grasp easily with Q and because Parrrley applied on hit effects, you still gain the full benefit from the proc (gain 5 hp instead of 3).

What does gangplank mean?

: a movable bridge used in boarding or leaving a ship at a pier.

Who is Solarbacca?

Solarbacca, real name Emmanuel, is 17 years old and currently plays on the NA server with the summoner names Solarbacca, Gangplankqdmydad, lunarbacca, stezebomb, and not solarbacca.

When did gangplank get reworked?

Gangplank received a mini-rework in League of Legends patch 11.17.

Can Garen beat Nasus?

Garen does a decent job of beating Nasus. On average, Garen wins a acceptable 51.0% of matches the champs oppose each other in. In Garen against Nasus rounds, Garen’s team is 3.0% more probable to get first blood, indicating that he most likely will get first blood against Nasus.

Who can Nasus beat Level 1?

Jax, Fiora, Trundle, Teemo etc can keep him at bay most of the time, also Tahm Kench should be able to deal with Nasus.. Vayne too. Hie is not a good champion lategame because he gets kited, but in a 1v1 situation? He can duel everyone.

Who is Nasus biggest counter?

The strongest counter would be Yorick, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.02% (Average) and Play Rate of 1.39% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Nasus, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Is gangplank a bad champion?

Gangplank has been struggling in the top lane since the preseason started on patch 10.23. Even though it’s a few patches ago, he’s still sitting at the bottom of the win-rate table. He is currently winning 45.89% of his games in Platinum rank and above, which is the worst among all top laners.

Is gangplank easy?

On a scale of 1 (easiest) to 10 (hardest). I would say 8 or 9. He’s easy to abuse with grasp early, but using barrels effectively and knowing timings is something that takes a lot of practice.

Is gangplank dead in the lore?

During Bilgewater: Burning Tides, a huge story event for League of Legends, Gangplank was murdered by his rival and rendered unplayable for everyone. … In an epilogue released to the story event, it was revealed that Gangplank is still alive, but one of his arms is a little worse for wear and has now been replaced.

Who does Garen counter?

5 Champions that Counter Garen

  • Camille.
  • Darius.
  • Sett.
  • Quinn.
  • Vayne.
