How Do We Show Obedience To God?


Obedience is the willingness to obey. An example of obedience is a dog listening to his owner. … The quality of being obedient.

What does the Bible say about faith and obedience?

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct (I Peter 1:14-15 ESV). As Christians, we have an obligation to be obedient to God.

Why is obedience important God?

Obedience demonstrates our faith and trust in God; Obedience is the key to our success; Obedience is the sure and promised way for unlocking blessings for our lives. For us to be able to fully obey, we must read His word every day and ask God to empower us with His holy spirit so that our life is going to honour Him.

What is true obedience to God?

According to Holman’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, a succinct definition of biblical obedience is “to hear God’s Word and act accordingly.” … Thus, biblical obedience to God means to hear, trust, submit and surrender to God and his Word.

What is the full meaning of obedience?

noun. the state or quality of being obedient. the act or practice of obeying; dutiful or submissive compliance: Military service demands obedience from its members. a sphere of authority or jurisdiction, especially ecclesiastical.

What is obedience to the faith?

Let us come back to my definition: the phrase “the obedience of faith” means bowing the knee in trusting submission to Jesus the Lord, both at the start and in the continuation of the Christian life. Paul speaks of taking “every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor 10:5; literally “to the obedience of Christ”).

How can I manifest obedience to God through my family?

Be respectful.

Part of being obedient is showing respect to your parents, honoring their ideas about what’s best for you, and showing that you think they are worth listening to. Make sure that you listen when they talk and respond when they ask you to respond. Don’t ignore them in public.

What are benefits of obedience?

Not only will the student have a sense of accomplishment, but also a springboard to greater success in life. Furthermore, obeying your marriage vows can bring you greater happiness and success in marriage. Disobeying your vows can lead to divorce or even worse, death.

How did Noah show obedience to God?

Because Noah obeyed all of the Lord’s commands (not some) of the Lord’s commands he was spared. Once the boat was filled with Noah’s family and the animals, the Lord closed the door behind them. When the Lord tells us to move, He will close the door behind us so we won’t go back through it.

What is obedience to parent?

Obeying your parents means accepting that all they do isn’t perfect. They make mistakes, too, just like you. So, have some patience for the times that they don’t quite do things right, and know that you can learn just as much from their mistakes as your own.

How can I follow God?

Following God’s Plan for Your Life:

  1. Be in prayer. A way to know that you are following God’s plan for your life is by being in prayer. …
  2. Be actively reading in the Word. …
  3. Follow the commands He puts on your heart. …
  4. Seek a godly community. …
  5. Obey the Truth.

What happens if we disobey God?

Listen and God will forgive you and blot your sins away; and will give you the power of the Holy Spirit to live a new life. … God will forgive you and restore you again. But if you continue to disobey and live in sin, God’s anger will descend on you like king Manasseh. That could be fatal.


Why does God want us to honor our parents?

God want’s us to have a healthy relationship because he chose them for us, He wants us to respect them and listen to their instruction. Obeying our parents is pleasing to God, it says so in scripture. God is pleased with us obeying, loving and respecting our parents.

What are the three essential dimensions of faith?

Religious communities ritualize scriptures along three different dimensions: a semantic dimension, a performative dimension, and an iconic dimension.

What does obedience mean in the Bible?

In simple terms, obedience is compliance with an order, request, law or submission to another’s authority. The bible also talks a lot about obedience as it is seen in many scriptures. Children are asked to obey their parents in Ephesians 6:1 as this is the right way to behave as a child in a family. “

What is the root word of obedience?

To obey is to be obedient, and both words come from the Latin obedire, which literally means “listen to,” but is used to mean “pay attention to.”

What is the origin of obedience?

1200, “the practice or virtue of submission to a higher power or authority;” late 14c., “dutiful compliance with a command or law,” from Old French obedience “obedience, submission” (12c.), from Latin oboedientia “obedience,” abstract noun from oboedientem (nominative oboediens) “obedient, compliant,” present …

What are the four elements of obedience?

Timing, motivation, criteria, and rate of reinforcement are the four elements that must be present for learning to take place. In fact, if behavior is changing these four elements are in place – the trainer may or may not be aware that they’re in place, but they are.

What does your obedience mean?

1a : an act or instance of obeying. b : the quality or state of being obedient Children should learn obedience and respect for authority.

What are the elements of obedience?

Obedience was highest when:

  • Commands were given by an authority figure rather than another volunteer.
  • The experiments were done at a prestigious institution.
  • The authority figure was present in the room with the subject.
  • The learner was in another room.
  • The subject did not see other subjects disobeying commands.

What is perfect will of God?

The perfect will of God is God’s divine plan for your life: the kind of man to marry, what career or ministry to pursue, and so on. It needs you to be very patient and trust God because He wants to give His best, which has His full blessings, not the second best.

How can we follow Jesus in our daily lives?

How to Follow Jesus in Everyday Life

  • 10 Practical ways to be more like Jesus. How to follow Jesus? …
  • Love your enemies. …
  • Love your neighbor. …
  • Don’t judge others. …
  • Be humble. …
  • Don’t worry. …
  • Follow the Golden Rule. …
  • Worship God whole-heartedly.

How can I hear God’s voice?

How to practice listening prayer

  1. Come to God with your request for guidance. …
  2. Wait in silence for God to speak for 10-12 minutes. …
  3. Jot down any Scripture, songs, impressions, or pictures God gives you. …
  4. Share how God spoke to you with your prayer partners and follow God’s will.
