How Do I Know If I Have Shin Splints Or Muscle?


Shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome) is an inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bone tissue around your tibia. Pain typically occurs along the inner border of the tibia, where muscles attach to the bone. Shin splint pain most often occurs on the inside edge of your tibia (shinbone).

Do shin splints hurt to the touch?

These are the most common symptoms of shin splints: Pain felt on the front and outside of the shin. It’s first felt when the heel touches the ground during running. In time, pain becomes constant and the shin is painful to the touch.

How do you know if you have bad shin splints?

Pain and tenderness along the tibia. Potential swelling of the lower legs. In chronic cases, there may be lumps or bumps felt along the bones. In severe cases, there may be red patches on the skin around painful areas.

Is it okay to walk with shin splints?

Since shin splints are an overload injury, it is important to reduce the amount of high-impact exercise you’re doing in order to allow the tibia to heal. Swapping some of your running or walking workouts with biking or swimming can be a good way to help keep the injury from worsening while still maintaining fitness.

Should you massage shin splints?

Since the muscles generally associated with shin splints are deep muscles of the lower leg, remedial massage, myotherapy or deep tissue massage is recommended over foam rolling or static stretching as therapists are able to more effectively isolate and reach the deeper muscles.

Do shin splints go away?

With rest and treatment, such as ice and stretching, shin splints may heal on their own. Continuing physical activity or ignoring symptoms of shin splints could lead to a more serious injury.

When should I worry about shin pain?

You should talk to a doctor about your shin splints if: The pain from the shin splints continues even after you ice, rest, and take pain relievers. You think the pain is from something that isn’t shin splints. The swelling is not going down.

How do I stop my shins from hurting when I walk?

Rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE) method

  1. Rest. Rest from all activities that cause you pain, swelling, or discomfort. …
  2. Ice. Place ice packs on your shins for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. …
  3. Compression. Try wearing a calf compression sleeve to help reduce inflammation around your shins.
  4. Elevation.

How long does it take for shin splints to heal?

Shin splints often go away once the legs have had time to heal, usually in three to four weeks. Most people can resume an exercise program after their legs have healed. It takes longer to recover from a stress fracture, so it is best to have shin splints treated early.

What actually is shin splints?

The term “shin splints” refers to pain along the shin bone (tibia) — the large bone in the front of your lower leg. Shin splints are common in runners, dancers and military recruits.

How do you heal shin splints overnight?

How Are They Treated?

  1. Rest your body. It needs time to heal.
  2. Ice your shin to ease pain and swelling. Do it for 20-30 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days, or until the pain is gone.
  3. Use insoles or orthotics for your shoes. …
  4. Take anti-inflammatory painkillers, if you need them.

Do shin splints hurt when you walk?

Shin splints don’t usually cause pain while walking or during daily, non-running activities. The pain often goes away once running is stopped. Treatment: I start runners with rest, ice and anti-inflammatory medication for pain.


How can I tell if I have a stress fracture in my shin?

A stress fracture may cause tenderness or swelling of the shin. It can also cause pain that: increases when you touch your shin or put weight on it. is less severe when you rest your leg.

See your doctor if:

  • you have noticeable swelling.
  • you can’t walk without pain.
  • pain is persistent or worsening.

Why does the front of my shin hurt?

Shin splints are an overuse problem. You get shin splints from overloading your leg muscles, tendons or shin bone. Shin splints happen from overuse with too much activity or an increase in training. Most often, the activity is high impact and repetitive exercise of your lower legs.

Why do shins hurt in bed?

Shin splints affect the front of the calf and occur when the muscles and the tendons on the shins are overworked. The resulting inflammation can be painful, especially at night. Simple activities like walking on flat ground may be restricted by painful shin splints.

What exercises can I do with shin splints?

The following three exercises help prevent shin splints

  • Heel-to-toe raise: 3×30 repetitions per day. Instructions: Rock back on your heels and pull your toes up. …
  • Foot rolling: About 2-3 minutes per day. Instructions: …
  • Foot and lower leg strengthening: 3×30 repetitions per day. Instructions:

Does heat help shin splints?

When dealing with this injury, ice and cold therapy is the only way to go! While heat can exacerbate inflammation, icing your shins several times a day can help to noticeably reduce pain and swelling. If you are following the RICE method and stretching regularly, shin splint pain may go away on its own.

How do I stop getting shin splints?

8 Tips to Prevent Shin Splints

  1. Stretch your calves and hamstrings. …
  2. Avoid sudden increases in physical activity. …
  3. Exercise on softer surfaces when possible. …
  4. Strengthen your foot and the arch of your foot. …
  5. Strengthen your hip muscles. …
  6. Buy new athletic shoes that are right for you. …
  7. Stay at a healthy body weight.

Are Compression Socks good for shin splints?

By compressing your calves and shins, compression sleeves increase oxygen and blood flow to the areas most susceptible to shin splints and related injuries. The boost in circulation helps improve muscular endurance, increase muscle efficiency, and aid in pain relief.

Can tight shoes cause shin splints?

In most cases, shin splints is an overuse injury caused by small tears in the lower leg muscles. Worn-out shoes or lack of cushioning can also contribute to the problem, as can over-pronation and running on hard surfaces.

What happens if you ignore shin splints?

If left untreated, shin splints can lead to lower leg compartment syndrome or even a stress fracture. Several risk factors have been identified to increase the likelihood of developing shin splints, particularly in runners.

What happens if you don’t rest shin splints?

If left untreated, shin splints and stress reaction can progress ultimately to stress fracture, which is when the bone can no longer handle the load being placed on it and it cracks. A fracture means broken bone, so a stress fracture is truly a type of broken bone.
