How Did The Maroons Come To Jamaica?


The original inhabitants of Jamaica are believed to be the Arawaks, also called Tainos. They came from South America 2,500 years ago and named the island Xaymaca, which meant ““land of wood and water”. The Arawaks were a mild and simple people by nature.

Where do Nanny of the Maroons come from?

It has been widely accepted that she came from the Ashanti tribe of present-day Ghana. Nanny and her four brothers (all of whom became Maroon leaders) were sold into slavery and later escaped from their plantations into the mountains and jungles that still make up a large proportion of Jamaica.

Why did the Chinese came to Jamaica?

Migration history

The two earliest ships of Chinese migrant workers to Jamaica arrived in 1854, the first directly from China, the second composed of onward migrants from Panama who were contracted for plantation work. … The influx of Chinese indentured immigrants aimed to replace the outlawed system of black slavery.

What did Nanny contribute to Jamaica?

Nanny was highly successful at organizing plans to free slaves. During a period of 30 years, she was credited with freeing more than 1000 slaves, and helping them to resettle in the Maroon community.

Who named Jamaica?

Although the Taino referred to the island as “Xaymaca”, the Spanish gradually changed the name to “Jamaica”. In the so-called Admiral’s map of 1507 the island was labeled as “Jamaiqua” and in Peter Martyr’s work “Decades” of 1511, he referred to it as both “Jamaica” and “Jamica”.

Who came to Jamaica first?

Jamaica’s first inhabitants, the Tainos (also called the Arawaks), were a peaceful people believed to be from South America. It was the Tainos who met Christopher Columbus when he arrived on Jamaica’s shores in 1494.

Is Jamaica a poor country?

Jamaica is known to be an upper-middle-income country. Yet, it is one of the slowest-developing economies in the world. Its poverty rate has improved, decreasing from 19.9% in 2012 to 18.7% today.

Is Obeah legal in Jamaica?

The Act makes it illegal to be a ‘person practising Obeah‘, which it defines as: ‘any person who, to effect any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, or for gain, or for the purpose of frightening any person, uses, or pretends to use any occult means, or pretends to possess any supernatural power or knowledge.

What religion is Jamaican?

Religion of Jamaica

Freedom of worship is guaranteed by Jamaica’s constitution. Most Jamaicans are Protestant. The largest denominations are the Seventh-day Adventist and Pentecostal churches; a smaller but still significant number of religious adherents belong to various denominations using the name Church of God.

Are Jamaicans from Nigeria?

Many Jamaicans are actually of Nigerian origin themselves (via the Trans-Atlantic slave trade), and this may also further explain the clash of personalities.


What language did the Maroons speak?

Jamaican Maroon language, Maroon Spirit language, Kromanti, Jamaican Maroon Creole or Deep patwa is a ritual language and formerly mother tongue of Jamaican Maroons.

How long did slavery last in Jamaica?

The Jamaican slaves were bound (indentured) to their former owners’ service, albeit with a guarantee of rights, until 1838 under what was called the “Apprenticeship System”. With the abolition of the slave trade in 1808 and slavery itself in 1834, however, the island’s sugar- and slave-based economy faltered.

What makes Jamaicans so fast?

The most scientific explanation thus far is the identification of a “speed gene” in Jamaican sprinters, which is also found in athletes from West Africa (where many Jamaicans’ ancestors came from), and makes certain leg muscles twitch faster.

Are Jamaicans West Indies?

Three major physiographic divisions constitute the West Indies: the Greater Antilles, comprising the islands of Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico; the Lesser Antilles, including the Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, …

Is Jamaica in Africa or Europe?

Answer: Jamaica is not located in a continent. It is an island in the Caribbean. It is located between the continents of North and South America.

Does England still own Jamaica?

Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy with The Queen as Sovereign. In all of her official duties relating to Jamaica, The Queen speaks and acts as Queen of Jamaica, quite distinct from her role in the UK. The Queen is represented on the island by a Governor-General appointed on the advice of the Jamaican Prime Minister.

Who is the richest person in Jamaica?

Matalon – Net Worth: $3.6 Billion. With a net worth of $3.6 billion, Joseph M. Matalon ranks as Jamaica’s richest person. The majority of his wealth comes from his position as Chairman of ICD Group Holdings, a Jamaican investment holding company, and the media firm RJR Gleaner Communications Group.

What is Jamaica’s national flower?

National Flower- Lignum Vitae

Lignum Vitae(Guiacum officinale) is indigenous to Jamaica and was found here by Christopher Columbus.

Who were the Maroons and what did they do?

The maroons formed close-knit communities that practised small-scale agriculture and hunting. They were known to return to plantations to free family members and friends. On a few occasions, they also joined the Taíno settlements, who had escaped the Spanish in the 17th century.

How many maroon towns are in Jamaica?

Today, the four official Maroon towns still in existence in Jamaica are Accompong Town, Moore Town, Charles Town and Scott’s Hall. They hold lands allotted to them in the 1739–1740 treaties with the British.
