How Can I See Other Calendars In My Team?

  1. Go to your calendar.
  2. Click on the “+New meeting” button.
  3. Switch to the “Scheduling Assistant” tab.
  4. Click “Add required attendees” and choose however many people you would like.
  5. You will be able to see what they have scheduled on one screen in a shared calendar.

Can you have two calendars in teams?

You can add a shared Outlook calendar as a tab to a new or existing Microsoft Team. … The steps and linked instructions below will walk you through setting up your own shared calendar in Teams, starting with making sure you have a Group in Outlook ready to go.


Can my boss see my teams calendar?

Users and admin can’t see your own plan if you create a private plan. Only members you added into this plan can see your information. Other users can access your Outlook to check your emails and Calendar if you make someone be your delegate.

Can I have multiple calendars in teams?

? Channel calendar is available now in #MicrosoftTeams! With this feature, users will be able to add a shared calendar as a tab to each Teams channel to make it available for all Team members. … To add the calendar app, you will need to click the new tab+ icon at the top of the channel.
