How Can I Get Rid Of A Bad Smell In My Fridge?


The main reason you’ll find a foul odor in your fridge is due to bacteria growth. Bacteria growing in a fridge thrive in a humid environment. If you’ve left food sitting too long in the fridge, it could start to grow into a stinky mess.

How do you deodorize a fridge with vinegar?

Use vinegar to make your fridge smell great. Just add some to a small washcloth or paper towel, then place in a shallow bowl in the back of your fridge for 24 hours at least. Replace each time the towel dries out, and the vinegar will neutralize food odors throughout your fridge.

What is a good refrigerator deodorizer?

Charcoal is known to be far more effective an odor absorber than baking soda because of its porous surface area, which allows for more absorption. This means that a single Remodeez will last much longer than anything full of baking soda (though the baking soda models can be refilled).


Why does my fridge smell bad even after cleaning?

The long and short answer is that bacteria and molds cause the foul odors coming from your fridge. … That moisture can come from spilled food, condensation from the fridge, and humidity from the outside. Once moisture gets in, microbes will start to multiply, taking over any space they can get a foothold.

How can I disinfect my refrigerator naturally?

Natural Fridge Cleaner Recipe

Making your natural fridge cleaner is simple, you just need hot water, white vinegar and lemon juice. Shake well and it’s ready! This mixture will allow you to naturally clean and disinfect the inside of your fridge as well as its various compartments.
