How Are Polyhedrons Named?


Only five regular polyhedrons exist: the tetrahedron (four triangular faces), the cube (six square faces), the octahedron (eight triangular faces—think of two pyramids placed bottom to bottom), the dodecahedron (12 pentagonal faces), and the icosahedron (20 triangular faces).

What is a polyhedron with 24 faces called?

A pentagonal icositetrahedron has 24 (i.e., 20+4) five-sided faces. The term trapezoidal is standardly used to refer to “kite-shaped” quadrilaterals, which have two pairs of adjacent sides of equal length (and so are not trapezoids by the modern American definition which requires that two opposite sides be parallel).

What polyhedron has the longest name?

In geometry, the rhombicosidodecahedron, is an Archimedean solid, one of thirteen convex isogonal nonprismatic solids constructed of two or more types of regular polygon faces. It has 20 regular triangular faces, 30 square faces, 12 regular pentagonal faces, 60 vertices, and 120 edges.

What is a 100 sided 3D shape called?

Zocchihedron is the trademark of a 100-sided die invented by Lou Zocchi, which debuted in 1985. Rather than being a polyhedron, it is more like a ball with 100 flattened planes. It is sometimes called “Zocchi’s Golfball”.

What is a 24 sided shape called?

In geometry, an icositetragon (or icosikaitetragon) or 24-gon is a twenty-four-sided polygon. The sum of any icositetragon’s interior angles is 3960 degrees.

What are the two main types of polyhedrons?

Polyhedra are mainly divided into two types – regular polyhedron and irregular polyhedron. A regular polyhedron is also called a platonic solid whose faces are regular polygons and are congruent to each other.

What is a 20 sided solid called?

In geometry, an icosahedron (/ˌaɪkɒsəˈhiːdrən, -kə-, -koʊ-/ or /aɪˌkɒsəˈhiːdrən/) is a polyhedron with 20 faces. The name comes from Ancient Greek εἴκοσι (eíkosi) ‘twenty’ and from Ancient Greek ἕδρα (hédra) ‘ seat’. The plural can be either “icosahedra” (/-drə/) or “icosahedrons”.


What is a 9 sided polyhedron called?

In geometry, a nonagon (/ˈnɒnəɡɒn/) or enneagon (/ˈɛniəɡɒn/) is a nine-sided polygon or 9-gon.

What is 11 sided shape called?

In geometry, a hendecagon (also undecagon or endecagon) or 11-gon is an eleven-sided polygon.

What is a 9999 sided shape called?

What do you call a 9999-sided polygon? A nonanonacontanonactanonaliagon.

What is a 7 sided shape?

A heptagon is a seven-sided polygon. It is also sometimes called a septagon, though this usage mixes a Latin prefix sept- (derived from septua-, meaning “seven”) with the Greek suffix -gon (from gonia, meaning “angle”), and is therefore not recommended.

What’s a 13-sided shape called?

A 13-sided polygon, sometimes also called the triskaidecagon.

What is a twelve sided shape called?

A dodecagon is a 12-sided polygon. Several special types of dodecagons are illustrated above. In particular, a dodecagon with vertices equally spaced around a circle and with all sides the same length is a regular polygon known as a regular dodecagon.

What is a shape with 1 billion sides called?

A gigagon is a two-dimensional polygon with one billion sides. It has the Schläfli symbol. (using Bowers’ arrays). To an unaided observer, a gigagon resembles a circle.

What is a 15 sided shape?

In geometry, a pentadecagon or pentakaidecagon or 15-gon is a fifteen-sided polygon.
