Does Modest Mean Decent?


As adjectives the difference between decent and modest

is that decent is (obsolete) appropriate; suitable for the circumstances while modest is not bragging or boasting about oneself or one’s achievements, unpretentious, humble.

What is the meaning of decent?

1 : marked by moral integrity, kindness, and goodwill hard-working and decent folks it’s very decent of them to help. 2a : conforming to standards of propriety, good taste, or morality decent behavior. b : modestly clothed. 3 : free from immodesty or obscenity decent language.

What does Are you decent mean?

It is a way for a person to ensure someone else (out of view) is clothed or presentable before entering the room. This reference dubs it a “pause-at-the-door formality,” and it does have older origins:

Does decent mean good?

Decent is an adjective that means adequate or suitable, as in a decent meal, or good or respectable, as in a decent person.

Is decent a good thing?

Decent is rather neutral, really. Not especially good, but not bad either. Just ok, acceptable, adequate…

What is decent man?

1 polite or respectable. a decent family. 2 proper and suitable; fitting.

Is decent better than okay?

As adjectives the difference between okay and decent

is that okay is see while decent is (obsolete) appropriate; suitable for the circumstances.

How do we use decent?

Decent sentence example

  1. You can’t be decent for two seconds, can you? …
  2. She looked decent in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. …
  3. You’re being decent right now. …
  4. Looks like you could use a decent meal. …
  5. I’m going to get an education and a decent job. …
  6. Still, sometimes he’s decent enough that I think there’s more to him.

Is modest positive or negative?

Being modest means if someone compliments you, you respond in a positive way and not flaunt your achievement, but also thinking inwardly that you are awesome. Being humble means if someone compliments you, you respond in a positive way and but also say that person B helped you achieve a task.

What is a modest girl?

A woman can be described as modest when she avoids doing or wearing anything that might cause other people to have sexual feelings towards her. You can also describe her clothes or behaviour as modest.

What does you are too modest mean?

1 having or expressing a humble opinion of oneself or one’s accomplishments or abilities. 2 reserved or shy. modest behaviour. 3 not ostentatious or pretentious. 4 not extreme or excessive; moderate.

What does it mean when a guy calls you modest?

A person is modest if he or she is very successful but does not call attention to this. Modest generally means “big enough but not huge” — like a modest house or a modest income. … Although this is considered dated today, modest is still used for people who are shy about showing their body.


What makes someone modest?

The definition of modest is someone or something that is humble or shy or not extreme. An example of modest is a person who doesn’t easily take their clothes off around others. An example of modest is a simple house.

What’s better pretty good or decent?

Decent: 1-10. Pretty Good: 11-20. Very Good: 21-29. Fantastic: 30.

Is Alright rude?

It depends to whom the speaker is speaking.

Since alright is slightly more formal when spoken it might be the preferred choice when there is a difference in power or authority between the speaker and the listener.

What did OK stand for?

It’s more correct to write OK because it is actually an acronym. OK stands for “oll korrect”, or “all correct”.

What is a decent personality?

Being a decent person means being honest, even when it’s difficult. You should be comfortable sharing your beliefs and opinions with others, even if you sometimes put yourself in opposition to the group.

How can I be very decent?

Here are nine convenient steps to becoming a decent human being:

  1. Realize when you’re being a jerk to someone and stop being a jerk. …
  2. Become more open-minded. …
  3. Surround yourself with people you like. …
  4. Love unconditionally. …
  5. Do what you love. …
  6. Realize that bad things happen to everyone.

What does decent woman mean?

1. 2. The definition of decent is someone or something that is respectable, modest, proper, or fair and kind. An example of decent is using appropriate language in a formal setting. An example of decent is woman wearing a top that doesn’t show cleavage to a job interview.

What is a decent day?

It means that the day is going good. This good be to their experiences on that day or the weather of the day. eg This is a some-what decent day.

What is a decent dressing?

Decent dressing means one is dressed according to the function, culture or beliefs (non- revealing dress). Proper does not necessarily mean decent. It means being dressed according to the surroundings or occasion. … Decent dressing means one is dressed according to the function, culture or beliefs (non- revealing dress).

What does I’m not decent mean?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word decent meant “to become, or to be fitting”(1). The Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang states that decent means “to be fully dressed”; usually to be in the process of getting dressed, e.g. “wait a minute, I’m not decent!” or “are you decent”(321)?
