Does A Kitchenette Include An Oven?


The basic appliances that typically come in a full hotel kitchen are a sink, full-sized refrigerator, stovetop, and dishwasher. Other hotels will offer a kitchenette, which provides a separate area with a mini-fridge, microwave, and usually an extra sink and some counter space.

Can you cook with a kitchenette?

Can you cook in a kitchenette? You can certainly cook in a kitchenette. You may not have all the big, grand appliances and counter space that would come in a fully decked-out kitchen, but you have everything you need to create a hearty meal—albeit probably just for yourself.


What is difference between kitchenette and kitchen?

The main difference between a kitchen and a kitchenette is simply the size. … Kitchenette appliances are usually limited to only a few essential devices such as a microwave, a toaster oven, a hot plate, and a small dorm-size fridge. Most kitchenettes do not have stovetops or regular ovens.
