Do Rabbits Die For Angora?


The keeping of Angora rabbits is inherently cruel and therefore any Angora welfare standard is unacceptable. The keeping of the rabbits should be phased out and FOUR PAWS highly recommends the use of alternative products to angora wool.

Are Angora rabbits abused?

Angora rabbits are subjected to the terrifying ordeal of being plucked or sheared every few months. After two to five years, those who have survived this repeated abuse have their throats slit, and then they’re skinned.


Is rabbit fur cruel?

This case is hardly an anomaly: A previous PETA Asia investigation into a Chinese fur farm revealed that rabbits were shocked with electrical devices, causing them to scream in pain. No matter where it comes from—China, Sweden, the U.S., or anywhere else in the world—fur is always the product of a cruel industry.
