Did Any Of The Elves Survived Helm’s Deep?


I think we can safely assume that all the Elves died during the fight. They took the full brunt of the Urak-hai army on the ground after the wall was destroyed. Let’s not forget, that their commander (the only Elf who could have issued a retreat) was Haldir – and he died.

Who was the Elf that helped at Helms Deep?

Haldir leads a regiment of Elven archers from Lórien to the Battle of Helm’s Deep, where he is eventually slain, along with most of his archers.

Why did they add elves to Helms Deep?

To ensure that the The Two Towers movie got across the message that Saruman was a threat to all the peoples of Middle-earth and not just its men, the decision was made by Jackson and others to incorporate the elves into the Helm’s Deep battle rather than have them scrapping off-screen in a different location.

How old is Legolas?

According to the movie people, Legolas is 2,931 years old – and according to the book people, Aragorn was born in the year 2931 of the Third Age, meaning that during the quest his birth year is the same number as Legolas’s age.

Who was the blonde elf in The Two Towers?

Haldir Galahon was a Silvan Elf of Lothlórien, serving as the Marchwarden of Lórien who guarded the forest’s northern borders.

Is Legolas dead?

Legolas and Gimli both make it to Valinor as has been mentioned and Legolas will live in peace but as Gimli is still a mortal he would die as his life-span ends.

Why didn’t the Elves fight in Lord of the Rings?

The Three Rings of the Elves were not meant for battle. The Elves also probably didn’t have a large enough population to go to war like they did in the Second Age.

Did any ents die at Isengard?

Had the Ents not destroyed Isengard, despite the destruction of Saruman’s main army, he still could have withstood a siege with his few remaining forces behind Isengard’s normally impregnable walls, biding his time until he could renew his strength.

How old is Aragorn?

The four hobbits had set out from the Shire to bring the One Ring to Rivendell. Aragorn, going by the nickname “Strider”, was then 87 years old, nearing the prime of life for a Númenórean.

Does haleth die LOTR?

Haleth is the son of Háma, the door-warden of Meduseld who has died in a Warg attack. Haleth’s only appearance is at Helm’s Deep, where he has a grim conversation with Aragorn, telling Aragorn that the men believe that they will not survive the night. Aragorn then reassures him, stating that there is always hope.

Are Haldir and Legolas related?

Haldir was able to speak to the Fellowship, for he knew the Common Tongue. He welcomed Legolas as a distant kinsman from the north (Mirkwood), and recognized Aragorn as a friend to Lady Galadriel. … After consulting with his brothers, Haldir agreed that Gimli could enter if he went blindfolded.


How old is Gandalf?

The closest approximation of Gandalf’s physical age is 24,000 years old, according to Gandalf himself. Yet, various dates of key events in other Tolkien texts show that Gandalf has actually only walked in his physical form for just over two thousand years.

Who married Legolas?

After the destruction of the One Ring, Legolas remained in Minas Tirith for Aragorn’s coronation and marriage to Arwen. Later, Legolas and Gimli travelled together through Fangorn forest and to the Glittering Caves of Aglarond, as Legolas had promised Gimli.

How did Legolas mother died?

Legolas mounted a stampeding Mumakil, where he climbed the great beast and cut the war tower loose, sending the Haradrim archers into the path of the oncoming Oathbreakers. Legolas then shot the Mumakil in the head with three arrows and slid down its trunk as it fell to it’s death.

Is Legolas older than Gandalf?

Gandalf has a younger form in Middle-Earth who is appeared to be about 60 but in reality he is 2019 making him older than Middle-Earth. Legolas was not born in TA 87, that date was made up for a reference book to the films. His actual date of birth is unknown.

Is Lady Galadriel in love with Gandalf?

However, do Gandalf and Galadriel have a romance in the Tolkien books? Sorry, guys, but the answer there is no. In Battle of the Fire Armies, Galadriel and Gandalf pick up their subtle relationship right where it left off in An Unexpected Journey. … Gandalf and Galadriel never get together in the books.

Who is the blonde male elf in Lord of the Rings?

Orlando Bloom is an English actor. He played the Elf Legolas in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy and latter two The Hobbit films by Peter Jackson.

Is Legolas older than Elrond?

I’m reading the fall of Gondolin and at one point the citizens of the city are fleeing over a plain, they are led by Legolas Greenleaf (page 100 in my book). At the same time the son of Tuor and Idril Eärendil, is 8 years old, he is also the father of Elrond.

Is Legolas a royalty?

ANSWER: Yes, Legolas is an Elven prince, or a prince of Elves. … As the son of an Elven king (Thranduil, King of the Wood Elves of northern Mirkwood) Legolas was in fact a prince and a prince among Elves.

Is Legolas a real name?

The name Legolas is a Silvan dialect form of pure Sindarin Laegolas, which means “Greenleaf”. At one point he is called “Legolas Greenleaf” by Gandalf, coupling his name and its translation like an epithet. Legolas consists of the Sindarin words laeg, a very rare, archaic word for “green” (cf.
