Can You Root Dragon Wing Begonia In Water?


The rooted cuttings should be ready for pots in two or three weeks.

Will a begonia cutting root in water?

A begonia cutting in water. A begonia cutting in water. But making baby begonias can be even easier if you root your cuttings in a glass of clean, fresh water. … As with the leaf cuttings, give them high humidity and keep them in a warm, well-lit spot out of direct sunlight until roots begin to form.

How long does it take for a cutting to root in water?

Be sure to add fresh water as needed until the cuttings are fully rooted. Rooting will generally occur in 3-4 weeks but some plants will take longer. When the roots are 1-2 inches long or longer the cutting is ready to be potted up.

Can you overwinter dragon wing begonia?

The dragon wing begonia is a phenomenal summer annual, but it will not over winter outdoors. … One is to dig it up and put it in a pot indoors for the winter, or an easier choice is to take cuttings and root some new plants. Either way, give it bright light indoors for the winter, and cut it back if it gets leggy.

Can dragon wing begonias be grown indoors?

Dragon wing begonia house plants are beautiful and easy-to-grow year-round. … Just be sure to bring your plant indoors when the temperature drops in autumn. This tropical beauty likes warm temperatures just like we do. This is one of the best begonias to grow indoors.

Can dragon wing begonias take full sun?

The ‘Dragon Wing’ red begonia works great in full sun or partial shade. In full sun, the plant is more compact and the foliage develops a reddish cast. In partial shade, the look is lush, tropical and exotic.

Can you take a cutting from a begonia?

Summer is the ideal time to take leaf cuttings from your houseplants and begonias propagate well from leaf cuttings. … Then you simply separate each new plant from the mother leaf and pot it on. A single leaf can produce many young plants, which you can use to increase your own stock of begonias or give to friends.

Can you prune dragon wing begonia?

It doesn’t matter when you prune them. Do it at any time during the growing season that you feel it’s necessary to get the look you want. It won’t hurt the plant. It will only help it put out new growth and you’ll find it will continue to grow quickly.

Can Angel wing begonias grow outside?

Angel wing begonias can be planted outdoors in areas where the weather is warm and somewhat humid. If outdoor temperatures regularly drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, these plants can be placed in pots and brought indoors.

Can you take cuttings from Senecio angel wings?

The propagation of this plant is done using cuttings, seeds, or division. … Take the cuttings and divide the plant when it is in the growing stage, usually during early spring and fall. Root the plant in well-draining, moderately fertile soil. It will need protection from frost when growing in mildest areas.

Can you propagate angel wing begonia from a leaf?

Angel wing begonias (and other cane-type begonias) are very easy to propagate from cuttings. When new growth begins to emerge in the spring, carefully remove a 2- to 3-inch leaf-tip cutting that doesn’t have blooms on it and insert it cutting-side down into potting soil.


Do hummingbirds like dragon wing begonias?

Dragon Wing® Pink begonia attracts plenty of hummingbirds thanks to its lovely pink blooms. It works well as a companion plant in containers and hanging baskets. Plus, it’s heat-tolerant and has glossy green leaves.

How often do you water dragon wing begonias?

The rule of thumb for watering dragon begonias is to let the top 2″ – 3” inches of soil get dry between waterings. Feed your dragon begonia with a diluted (by half) balanced liquid fertilizer once every two weeks during the spring and summer seasons.

Do dragon wing begonias come back every year?

Dragon Wings are so popular because the plant continues to flower consistently throughout the year. This is because it is sterile and therefore keeps flowering in an attempt to reproduce. There are a few things you may want to do to help your begonia overwinter indoors more successfully.

Can I leave my begonias in pots over winter?

Can you overwinter begonias in pots? Yes, you can overwinter begonias in pots. Fibrous types can be kept as a houseplant, while tuberous varieties should be stored dormant in a cool, dark location. Overwintering begonias is easy, and it’s a great way to save your favorite varieties every year.

Can you save begonias for next year?

The tubers can be saved over the winter and planted again the next spring for another year of showy color. … Store tubers in a dry, dark, cool (above freezing) area. In the spring, start begonia plants by placing the tubers on damp peat moss in a warm environment.

What is the difference between angel wing and dragon wing begonias?

Dragon Wing Begonia is a 2- to 3-foot tall, cane-forming begonia with deep, glossy-green, 5-inch long leaves and drooping clusters of flowers. … Angel Wing Begonias have green leaves with white spots and are available in the same colors: red, pink and white. The only real difference is the coloration of the leaves.

How do I make my begonia Bushy?

General Pruning

Pinch the stems back to the first or second healthy bud from the tip. You can repeat this process two or three times at about four week intervals to encourage maximum bushiness. Pinching forces the begonia to branch at the pinch point, resulting in more stems, leaves and flowers.

Why are the leaves on my dragon wing begonia curling?

First and foremost, this condition can occur if your Begonia plant is deficient in nutrients. Even if you don’t water the plant well, you can see the curling leaves. Inadequate lighting and temperature may also be a factor. Finally, insects can cause curling leaves.

Why is my angel wings plant dying?

Too much water turns the leaves brown. While the senecio likes dryer conditions, lack of water also starves the plant and causes the leaves to turn brown. During the growing season of spring and summer, feed the plant monthly with water-soluble fertilizer that has medium levels of nitrogen, 10-10-10 is suggested.
