Can You Find Out If Someone Has A Restraining Order?


Contrary to what many uninformed court employees, attorneys or even judges might otherwise tell you, a restraining order does not appear on your criminal record. The restraining order itself is civil in nature and only becomes criminal if it is alleged that you have violated it and have been charged with that crime.

Will a restraining order ruin my life?

Even if the restraining order goes on your record, it likely won’t affect your current or future employment. Most employers who conduct background checks only check for the most serious crimes. It costs more to search for every possible crime a person might have committed.

What if someone lies to get a restraining order?

Yes, even if your spouse lied his/her way into getting a protective order against you, there is nothing much you can do about it except wait for the court to decide whether to cancel the order or keep it. … “As a result, he is criminally charged for violating the protective order.”

Why would a narcissist put a restraining order on you?

A Revenge Restraining Order is something an abusive person seeks to hurt the other person, knowing inwardly no court order is really needed to stop the person they are trying to harm. Its a common tactic of narcissistic abuse. It’s a way for the guilty party to play the victim.


Can someone drop a restraining order?

A restraining order may be dropped only by permission of the court. It is not dissolved solely because you and the abuser have chosen to live together again. In fact, the person named in the restraining order can get in legal trouble if you choose to live together without first dissolving the restraining order.

Can you sue someone for a false restraining order?

A false restraining order can be more damaging than just restricting your access to your loved ones. If you’ve been falsely accused, you should sue for a false restraining order to protect your reputation and eliminate the risk of a dent in your future employment prospects.

How long is a restraining order good for?

A permanent restraining order lasts up to two years. You can ask the court to extend the order for another year, but you must do so before it expires.
