Can I Wear Earbuds With A Tragus Piercing?


I use “over-the-ear” headphones, which means that they rest on my ears, as opposed to the earbuds that go into your ears. I would advise that, if you have headphones like mine, you should invest in a cheap $10 pair of earbuds until your piercing heals. Otherwise, this can also cause trauma to the wound.

How do you sleep with a fresh piercing?

Tips. If you have a new ear piercing, a thinner travel pillow works great to keep pressure off while you’re sleeping. If you don’t have a travel pillow you can roll a clean cotton T-shirt or sheet up and place it around the ear so that when you lay on your side, there’s no direct pressure on your ear.

Should you twist new piercings?

Don’t touch a new piercing or twist the jewelry unless you’re cleaning it. Keep clothing away from the piercing, too. Excessive rubbing or friction can irritate your skin and delay healing. Keep the jewelry in place.

How do you clean ear wax with a tragus piercing?

Wash the outside of the piercing with antibacterial soap once daily.

  1. Wash your tragus piercing in addition to cleaning it with saline rinses while the piercing heals.
  2. Never stick soap deep into your ear canal, and don’t try to press soap bubbles under the piercing or inside the piercing hole.

What are the benefits of a tragus piercing?

Tragus piercing benefits

  • They look amazing.
  • They suit both guys and girls.
  • You can switch up your jewellery between studs and rings.
  • Some people believe they are effective in getting rid of headaches and migraines, similar to the effects of acupuncture.

What ear piercing helps you lose weight?

Ear stapling is based loosely on acupuncture and is said to help in with appetite control and weight loss. Ear Stapling involves having your ear pierced at certain acupuncture points with a stainless steel staple and will, allegedly, control appetite, food cravings and, ultimately, help you lose weight.

How long until you can change your tragus piercing?

Stephanie recommends, at the minimum, waiting 8 weeks before changing up your jewellery but in general, be careful about changing your earrings round for the first 6 months as it can slow down the healing process.

What does a tragus piercing symbolize?

Having a tragus piercing lets others know you’re lively and energetic. Some would say you’re the life of the party. You have a way of boosting the moods of those in your presence just by flashing your pearly whites.

Should you twist a tragus piercing?

During the entire healing period you want to avoid rotating the jewelry. This is because if it scabs rotating the jewelry will rip that scab and disrupt the healing process. You should avoid sleeping on the piercing if possible and try not to hit or knock it with a brush or hand.

What hurts more daith or tragus?

The daith is located right at the innermost part of your cartilage, near the tragus. This area is thicker compared to the rest of the ear, so expect a higher level of pain with this piercing.

What piercing helps with anxiety and depression?

A daith piercing is located in the innermost fold of your ear. Some people believe that this piercing can help ease anxiety-related migraines and other symptoms.

What helps a sore tragus piercing?

Until then, there are a few things you can do to help ease your symptoms and potentially clear up the infection.

  1. Don’t play with your piercing or remove the jewelry. …
  2. Clean your piercing two to three times a day. …
  3. Apply a warm compress. …
  4. Apply an antibacterial cream. …
  5. Other things to keep in mind.

Can I wear earbuds with a rook piercing?

Here are some rook-specific healing tips. Don’t wear headphones. Headphones can press against your jewelry, putting pressure on the new piercing holes, and leading to complications like jewelry rejection and migration, cartilage bumps, or infection. Instead, opt for ear buds for the duration of your healing process.

Is it hard to clean your ear with a tragus piercing?

DON’T touch the piercing unless you’ve washed your hands to avoid getting bacteria in the area. DON’T use any soap, shampoo, or disinfectants on the area for the first day after the piercing. DO gently rinse any crust with warm, clean water and gentle, unscented soap.

Can you sleep on a new tragus piercing?

Try not to sleep on your piercings. Like wearing headphones, sleeping on your side puts pressure on the earring. If you must sleep on your side, try to limit the time you spend. You should also make sure that your bedding is always clean to avoid harmful bacteria.

Are tragus piercings hard to heal?

Share on Pinterest A tragus piercing is particularly to infection while healing. Any piercing results in an open wound, which can take around 6 to 8 weeks to heal. However, cartilage piercings, such as the tragus, can take much longer.

What hurts more ear piercing gun or needle?

Getting Pierced with a Needle

The process of using a needle to do a piercing in an area of the body other than the ear lobe is much safer, and our customers say, less painful than using a piercing gun. … Yet when the two methods are directly compared, needles are far safer, and less painful for body piercings.

How can I make my piercing heal faster?

To speed things up, clean the piercing every day with mild soapy water. Don’t irritate the skin around the piercing and avoid reopening the wound, which could slow down healing time. Give the tissue around the piercing plenty of time to heal before you change the jewelry.

What happens if you don’t twist your earrings?

Twist the earring every day so it doesn’t get stuck!

If you don’t twist your jewelry every day your skin is going to grow to the piercing and get stuck! … We would tie the thread in a loop and wear that in the piercing for the first few days or weeks, before changing it to a metal earring.

Can you wash your hair with a tragus piercing?

Rinse your piercing as soon as possible with a gentle stream of warm water. … This should allow you to wash your hair without getting any water or product on your ear. Do your best to get your hair under the stream of water, but be mindful to keep your piercing as dry as possible.

Can I put ice on my tragus piercing?

Rotate the piercing several times each day so that your earlobe does not swell around it. Apply ice to your earlobe. Ice helps decrease swelling and pain. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag.
