At What Stage Is A Feasibility Study Undertaken?


A well-designed feasibility study should provide a historical background of the business or project, a description of the product or service, accounting statements, details of the operations and management, marketing research and policies, financial data, legal requirements and tax obligations.

What type of study is a feasibility study?

Feasibility study: “Feasibility studies are pieces of research done before a main study to answer the question ‘Can this study be done? ‘ They are used to estimate important parameters that are needed to design the main study”. Data collected would not be analyzed or included in publications.

Why do we conduct feasibility study?

The main purpose of a feasibility study is to assess the financial viability of developed land and whether it will be a success or failure.

What are four types of feasibility?

The four types of feasibility are operational, technical, economic and schedule.

What is the most important part of feasibility study?

The most important part of a feasibility study is the economics. Economics is the reason most projects are undertaken (with some exceptions for government and non-profit projects in which a cost benefit analysis is the primary tool).

How do you prepare a feasibility study?

7 Steps To Do a Feasibility Study

  1. Conduct a Preliminary Analysis. …
  2. Prepare a Projected Income Statement. …
  3. Conduct a Market Survey, or Perform Market Research. …
  4. Plan Business Organization and Operations. …
  5. Prepare an Opening Day Balance Sheet. …
  6. Review and Analyze All Data. …
  7. Make a Go/No-Go Decision.

What is feasibility study example?

For example, an automobile prototype is a tool for the feasibility study, an experiment on rats to develop a new medicine is a procedure of feasibility analysis, checking the configuration and features before purchasing a laptop resembles feasibility tests.

Which comes first business plan or feasibility study?

The feasibility study would be completed prior to the business plan. The feasibility study helps determine whether an idea or business is a viable option. The business plan is developed after the business opportunity is created.

How much should a feasibility study cost?

How much should I invest in a feasibility study? For a simpler study on a business idea or product, expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000. The general rule of thumb is that a feasibility study will cost 1% of the expected project budget or business’s cost to build.

How many month should be taken by a pre-feasibility study?

Conducting a pre-campaign feasibility study is a big commitment of time and resources for any organization. In general, plan for a feasibility study to take 4-5 months from start to finish.

What are the most common mistakes made during a feasibility analysis?

Brady Young of Strategic Risk Solutions outlines some of the most common mistakes made during feasibility studies, including underestimation of future losses, overestimation of investment income, unrealistic operating expense expectations, and incomplete analysis of tax issues at state, federal, and local levels.

What is the main objective of feasibility study?

The main objective of a feasibility study is to determine whether or not a certain plan of action is likely to produce the anticipated result—that is, whether or not it will work, and whether or not it is worth doing economically.

What is the best product for feasibility study?

Feasibility study products

  • Chocolate Fudge Pie. …
  • Easy Ice Cream Cake Recipe (No Bake Dessert!) – Unsophisticook. …
  • Chocolate Strawberry Mousse Cake. …
  • 5 Fruit Infused Water Recipes to Add Incredible Flavor and Health Benefits. …
  • Oreo Lava Cakes. …
  • Classy & Elegant Mickey Mouse Cake. …
  • Cherry & Chocolate Fudge. …
  • each bites in the plate.

What are the five parts of feasibility study?

5 Components of a New Product Feasibility Study

  • Who would buy my product?
  • What audience(s) should I target?
  • What products are competitors?
  • What’s the market share for competitors?
  • How much should I sell my product for?
  • How should I promote my product?

How many types of feasibility study are there?

There are five types of feasibility study—separate areas that a feasibility study examines, described below.

What are the 4 feasibility Analyses that need to be completed?

The four forms of feasibility analysis include: product/service feasibility, industry/target market feasibility, organizational feasibility, and financial feasibility.

Why do feasibility studies fail?

The capital cost is higher than expected. The operating cost is higher than expected. The recovered grade is lower than expected. Sales revenue is lower than expected.

What are the problems of feasibility study?

There are some problems and difficulties that feasibility studies may face in their first steps, which are: difficulty in obtaining accurate data and information from reliable sources or lack of data and information to study the project, especially if the investment opportunity is an entirely new idea and not imitated

Why should you not conduct a feasibility study?

The decision to conduct a feasibility study should not be taken lightly. It is an expensive and time consuming process. However, not doing a feasibility analysis can be even more expensive in terms of the poor decisions you may make from not conducting the proper analysis.

What is the difference between pre-feasibility and feasibility study?

In pre-feasibility we select the best idea among several ideas. It will be hard and takes time if we explore each scenario deeply. … If the selected scenario is considered feasible, it is recommended to continue the study to feasibility to get deeper analysis of the selected project scenario.

What are the factors that are contained in a pre-feasibility study?

A feasibility study considers many factors, including economic, technical, legal, and scheduling to determine whether a project can succeed. Whether a project is feasible or not can depend on the project’s cost and return on investment, which might include revenue from consumers.

What are the objective of pre-feasibility study?

Pre-feasibility studies investigate whether a concept satisfies the client’s objectives and the technical, economic, social and environmental constraints for a particular project.

What is the main difference between a feasibility study and business plan?

Purpose: Feasibility studies determine whether to go ahead with the business or with another idea, whereas business plans are designed after the decision to go ahead has already been made. Methodology: Essentially, feasibility studies are research projects, whereas business plans are projections for the future.
