Are Stiff Leg Deadlifts Bad For Your Back?


The straight-leg deadlift, also known as the stiff leg deadlift, is a strength training exercise that changes the form of the conventional deadlift. The straight-leg deadlift engages your posterior chain, a group of muscles on your backside that includes the glutes, calves, lats, and hamstrings.

What are stiff legged deadlifts good for?

The stiff leg deadlift is an isolation movement that specifically targets hip flexion and extension, and can be performed by all athletes to increase muscular strength, hypertrophy, and neuromuscular control of the muscles involved in powerful and explosive movements.

Are stiff legged deadlifts harder?

The Stiff Leg Deadlift

By using a stiff legged approach, you put more stress on the legs and lower back. This provides greater muscle activation in those areas and works them differently than other deadlift stances. A stiff leg deadlift puts more stress on the legs & lower back.

Is RDL harder than deadlift?

Now, compared to the conventional deadlift, the RDL develops a lot of strength through the posterior chain, because you maintain a rigid and long spine throughout the entire exercise. … The back must work harder at resisting flexion in the spine and rounded shoulders.

Are deadlifts better than squats?

Whether squats or deadlifts are better depends on your workout goals. … While deadlifts may target your glutes and hamstrings more deeply than a squat, they don’t target your quadriceps. If you’re looking to build strength in this part of your leg, squats may be a better option.

What deadlift is best for back?

Conventional Deadlift = Greater Lower Back Involvement

  • Sumo deadlift & trap-bar deadlift = less lower back muscle involvement but more quadriceps involvement.
  • Conventional deadlift = greatest lower back muscle involvement and less quadriceps involvement.

How do you keep your back straight during a stiff leg deadlift?

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a barbell in an overhand grip (palms facing you). Your knees should be slightly bent and the aim is to maintain this slight degree of flex throughout the movement. Bend at your hips and lower the barbell, keeping your back straight.

Should you bend knees in deadlift?

Though most squats should be performed deep, the conventional deadlift does not require sitting super far back into the hips. The knees should bend just enough that the hands comfortably grip the bar without the back hunching.

Why does my lower back hurt from deadlifts?

Stiffness or soreness in your lower back muscles may occur from training hip hinge patterns (think deadlifts, kettlebell swings, Romanian Deadlifts, etc.). This can seem like a normal response to exercise, as the muscles are responding to overload and adapting to get grow stronger.

Should straight leg deadlift hurt lower back?

Lower back pain after deadlifting is not healthy.

Deadlifts don’t injure your back; poorly executed deadlifts do. Done properly; the deadlift is one of the key exercises for strengthening all the major muscle groups.


Why you should never deadlift?

Why you shouldn’t do deadlifts

The risk to reward ratio is a joke, for deadlifts.” … Oberst said it’s because of the risk-to-reward ratio. “It’s so hard to be a great deadlifter and to not risk your lower back and to be using your upper back properly. There are so many little chances for you to get hurt.”

Do deadlifts make you bigger?

The deadlift does a good job of bulking up our superficial back muscles. The deadlift trains our hips through a deep range of motion, making it perfect for building bigger glutes. … But because of how hard our back muscles are worked, it’s best described as a full-body lift for the entire posterior chain.

What is the king of all lifts?

The Barbell Deadlift is considered “The King of Lifts” in the strength training community.

Is 225 a good deadlift?

No matter what comes afterward, 225 in the squat or deadlift is a respectable milestone for any non-powerlifter, amateur athlete, or weekend warrior. A 200-plus deadlift is also a tough but realistic goal for most fit women.

Should I RDL or deadlift?

Traditional deadlifts may strengthen your lower back more. Romanian deadlifts are the safest option for people with low back pain. … Stiff-legged deadlifts target your lower back and legs more than the other types. This makes them ideal for building strength in these areas but also leaves you more prone to injury.

Is RDL a deadlift?

The RDL will automatically activate the glutes and hamstrings at the beginning and end of the movement. The most recognizable difference between an RDL and Deadlift is the starting position. … While doing an RDL you are targeting the similar muscles as a deadlift but with more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings.

What is DB stiff legged deadlifts?

Holding a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip (palms facing towards your body) in front of your legs, plant both feet on the floor slightly further than shoulder-width apart. Draw your shoulder blades down and back to push your chest out slightly. … You should feel tension in your hamstrings (back of your legs).

How heavy should you Romanian deadlift?

Most people should be able to Romanian deadlift between 30-40% of their 1 rep max deadlift for 8-10 reps. Whereas most people should be able to deadlift between 60-70% of their 1 rep max deadlift for 8-10 reps.

What is the hardest type of deadlift?

Sumo deadlifts are a harder deadlift variation for those who have limited hip mobility and are weak through the quads. The sumo deadlift moves slowly off the ground and so it requires lots of tension to be harnessed through the legs when compared to conventional.
