Are Red Imported Fire Ants Poisonous?


The fire ant sting typically causes red hive-like lesions that burn and itch. Painful pus-filled lesions can also occur. Cold packs, pain relievers, and antihistamines can help relieve the discomfort. A large number of stings may trigger a toxic or severe life-threatening allergic reaction.

What problems do red imported fire ants cause?

Red imported fire ants can cause many types of damage, including agricultural problems, structural problems in buildings and damage to electrical equipment. In the U.S. alone, each year they cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.


Do fire ants bite humans?

Fire ants actually bite and sting, sometimes several times in a row. These fiery pests will attach to human skin with the mandibles, causing a pinching sensation. However, this pain is often masked by the anguish of the soon-to-follow sting.
