Are Rafter Vents Required?


The reason your attic insulation professionals install rafter vents is to allow proper air circulation through the attic. This air circulation allows for excess moisture to escape through the vents. By allowing proper air flow through your attic, you can reduce moisture buildup, mold, and other damage to your attic.

Where do I need rafter Vents?

Rafter vents should be placed in your attic ceiling in between the rafters at the point where your attic ceiling meets your attic floor. Once they are in place, you can then place the batts or blankets, or blow insulation, right out to the very edge of the attic floor.

Do you need baffles between every rafter?

Keep in mind not all rafter need baffles, just those with intake vents at the soffit. If you don’t have baffles installed, check your intake vents for any type of blockage for insulation or debris.

Can an attic have too much ventilation?

It’s possible to have too much exhaust ventilation, but you cannot have too much intake ventilation. If there is more intake ventilation than the attic’s square footage requires, it’s not problematic because any excess intake converts to “exhaust” on the leeward side of the house.

Do I need baffles if I don’t have soffit vents?

But not all homes have an overhanging roof line or soffit vents. Without them it is actually easier to insulate your attic, because you do not have to worry about covering up the vents or installing rafter baffles to ensure the vents breathe.

Can I insulate between rafters?

Warm loft. An alternative way to insulate your loft is to fit the insulation between and over the rafters – these are the sloping timbers that make up the roof itself. You can use rigid insulation boards, carefully cut to size, or you can have foam insulation sprayed between the rafters.

How many rafter vents should I install?

Install Rafter Vents

Calculate how many rafter vents you need. Measure the length and width of the house in feet. Multiply those two numbers and then divide by 150 to get the vent space square footage. Divide that number by 2 to determine how many vents you need.

What size rafter vents do I need?

The general rule of thumb on the amount of total attic vent space needed is to have at least one square foot of vent space for every 150 square feet of attic area.

Do rafter vents go in every rafter?

The general rule is that you must have one square foot of vent space for every 150 square feet of attic area. … With this figure, you will be able to obtain the right number of rafter vents for your attic. Once you have them, you can readily install them by yourself.

Are ridge vents better than roof vents?

Continuous ridge vents are more effective because they are installed at the peak of a roof’s ridge, allowing for warm air to escape from the attic. … There are many good ridge vents on the market, and the continuous vent, as opposed to the individual roof vent, is the most effective.

Do vaulted ceilings need roof vents?

Some vaulted roofs don’t have individual rafters, but instead feature pre-engineered trusses. … Venting a roof with vaulted trusses requires the installation of soffit vents and the addition of at least two gable vents, positioned as high as possible on the sidewalls, to allow fresh air from the soffit to escape.

What happens if a roof is not vented?

Unventilated or poorly ventilated attics don’t have an escape route for the heat that builds up. This buildup of heat can damage your shingles from the inside out. An evenly vented roof will allow the hot air to escape keeping your roof and attic cooler.


Does my roof need soffit vents?

So, does my roof need soffit vents? A roof may need soffit vents if there is no other ventilation allowing for adequate air movement. However, if the attic space is properly sealed and insulated, there is no need for this type of ventilation. There is no question that a standard attic space should be vented.

Can you have to many roof vents?

The two main dangers associated with too much ventilation involve roof damage and increased utility bills. If you have too much air circulating, your roof will collect moisture causing damages that will weaken spots and then cause leaking.

What type of roof vents are best?

In most cases, we recommend soffit vents for intake and a ridge vent for exhaust. For homes that cannot have a ridge vent, box vents are generally the second best option for exhaust. And for homes that cannot have soffit ventilation, you will find that fascia vents to be your second best bet.

How much venting does a roof need?

A general guideline is homeowners need one square foot of roof vent for every 300 square feet of ceiling space, if your home has a roof with a vapor barrier, or 1:300. If not, you should have one square foot of roof vent for every 150 square feet, or 1:150.

How do I calculate roof vents?

Most codes use the 1/300 rule for minimum residential attic ventilation recommendations. This means that for every 300 square feet of enclosed attic space, 1 square foot of ventilation is required – with half at the upper portion (exhaust vents) and half in the lower portion (intake vents).

What is the best insulation between roof rafters?

Mineral wool offers the best all-round thermal, fire and acoustic performance when compared to rigid foam boards to insulate between rafters. Mineral wool friction fits between rafters, providing an optimum seal and preventing gaps associated with rigid foam boards, which can otherwise lead to unwanted heat loss.

How can I insulate my garage roof cheaply?

Fiberglass roll insulation is the cheapest and easiest type to install, provided that your garage’s interior walls have not been constructed. Unroll the insulation between the wall studs with the vapor barrier facing the inside of the garage.

How do you expose rafters and still provide insulation?

If your structure does not need to be well insulated, you can simply sandwich a layer of aluminum foil insulation or rigid foam between your finish ceiling and a layer of sheathing. Place the sheathing layer on top of the insulation and secure it with nails that pass through the insulation into the rafters.

Will a ridge vent work without soffit vents?

William B. Rose, a research architect at the Building Research Council at the University of Illinois, replies: A ridge vent without a soffit vent doesn’t work, and here’s why. By virtue of their design and location on the roof, ridge vents are predominantly exhaust devices.

What can I use if I don’t have soffit vents?

To ventilate your attic without soffits you can use gable vents, eyebrow vents, a venting drip edge, a shingle-over intake vent, wind turbines, or power vents. All are good alternatives if you cannot install soffit vents; however, a very important factor for good ventilation is good insulation.

Do roofers install baffles?

If you are installing a new house, it is straightforward for the roofing contractor to add baffles. However, if you are working on an existing home, you will probably want the roofing contractor to install them while they work on your roof.
