Are Pincher Bugs Good For Your Garden?


While earwigs won’t destroy your crops they can leave their mark. Here’s how they interact with typical garden plants: Seedlings – Tender seedlings of any kind can be targets for these insects. Lettuce – Earwigs chew irregular holes in lettuce leaves of all kinds.

Do earwigs eat plant leaves?

While earwigs do eat leaves and fruits from a long list of plants, they also consume small soft-bodied insects. … Evidence of earwig feeding includes leaves with holes that have ragged edges, or are only partially rasped through, and a light scattering of very small black particles of earwig excrement.

Are pincher bugs good or bad?

Because of their intimidating pincers, or forceps, protruding from the abdomen, earwigs might appear to be a dangerous bug. They have no venom, so earwigs are not poisonous. …

Is it bad to have earwigs in your house?

Avoid having to deal with these insects again by keeping your home and garden clean and organised all the time. Earwigs are not really dangerous to humans and despite the myth, there is a little chance of finding one of them in your ear.

What eats pincher bugs?

What eats earwigs? Earwigs have numerous predators that like to feed on them. Common creatures around the home that like to prey on earwigs include birds, lizards, frogs, centipedes, spiders, and yellow jackets.

Why is my garden full of earwigs?

Earwigs live in moist, dark places, such as on the fringes of the compost heap or amid mulch. But very wet weather sends them scampering up into plants for shelter where they will then feed, turning seedlings, leafy greens and herbs ragged as they rasp.

What is the life cycle of an earwig?

Earwigs undergo three stages of a simple metamorphosis throughout their lives: egg, nymph, and adult. This a simpler or incomplete metamorphosis since they lack stages of growth such as the larvae and the pupa.

What scent keeps earwigs away?

Oil and soy sauce traps – Combine olive oil and soy sauce in a small container and place in a location near where earwigs have been found. Earwigs will be attracted to the smell and climb into the liquid where they will drown.

How do you keep pincher bugs away?

Keep Your Yard Tidy

Keep your yard and home earwig free by maintaining your property. Regularly cut the grass and avoid placing mulch around the base of your home. If you do have a garden, plant things that encourage birds or toads. They are natural predators for pincher bugs and will help keep the population low.

What is a natural way to get rid of Pincher bugs?

Try these remedies:

  1. Lay one-foot sections of bamboo or garden hose in the beds between your plants. …
  2. Spread petroleum jelly around the stems of your plants. …
  3. If they are infesting your woodpile, try sprinkling borax around it, but keep pets and children away from this area after doing so.

Does Dawn dish soap kill earwigs?

Tip: Dawn Dish Soap Kills Earwigs

To control earwigs in your house, get a spray bottle and put a generous squirt of Dawn Dish soap in it, then fill with water. Spray directly on the earwig. If you coat the bugs in the solution, they die immediately.

Why are earwigs so bad this year?

“I have also seen a lot of earwigs this year,” said Agriculture Canada entomologist Christine Noronha. “I think it’s the temperature and the humidity that we’ve had. They like that.” In warm, humid weather, more earwig eggs and young are likely to survive, said Noronha.


Where do earwigs lay eggs?

While some insects actually have eggs that hatch inside them and they appear to “give birth” to young insects, the earwig lays eggs which then hatch. Female earwigs are very particular about where they lay their eggs and typically will lay the eggs in protected areas that earwigs frequent such as under wet leaves or

Do pincher bugs actually pinch you?

Do Earwigs Pinch

As a substitute to biting, a “pincher bug” can pinch a person using those pincers at the end of their body. A pinch to the human skin might be semi-noticeable but not typically painful.

What months do earwigs come out?

Earwig nymphs spend spring maturing and emerge near full adulthood in late May or early June. If you see a lot of earwigs in your yard, it might be because a nest hatched nearby. Earwigs remain active through fall, when they mate, build their overwintering nests, and repeat the cycle again.

Do earwigs crawl in ears?

The earwig gets its skin-crawling name from long-standing myths claiming the insect can climb inside a person’s ear and either live there or feed on their brain. While any small insect is capable of climbing in your ear, this myth is unfounded. Earwigs don’t feed on the human brain or lay their eggs in your ear canal.

Why do I have so many earwigs?

If you have earwigs entering your home it’s usually because (1) their outdoor environmental conditions have changed and are now too dry or too wet or too hot, (2) you may be attracting them with outside lighting, and (3) your home has gaps or openings that accidentally let them inside.

How do I keep earwigs out of my garden?

Spread dry gravel: If you know any areas of your garden or house are predominantly moist, spread some dry gravel around. That will prevent earwigs from believing an area is moist, and they won’t feel comfortable wiggling between rocks. Eliminate light: Some gardeners will have spotlights on their gardens at night.

What are earwigs attracted to?

Attracted to lighting

Earwigs are attracted to lights. They can become a nuisance on porches and patios on summer evenings. In the morning they will be gathered under things like cushions that were left outside overnight.

Why do I have an earwig infestation?

If you’re seeing a large number of earwigs outside, it most likely means you have a healthy population of garden pests, decaying plants and trees, or a vivacious garden. These three food sources can draw earwigs into your garden. … Earwigs are brought into homes through potted plants, wet cardboard, and wet newspapers.

How are earwigs getting in my house?

How Did They Get Inside? Earwigs enter homes by crawling inside through cracks, gaps and holes that lead inside the structure. … It is also common for earwigs to move inside from their outdoor habitats and locations when lights attract them. Also, earwigs might have been brought in accidentally.

What do earwigs do with their pincers?

Once they’re in position, they attack. Using their pincers, they strike and grab at one another. The curved shape of the males’ pincers allows them to grab on to the sides of their opponent’s abdomen and squeeze.

What do earwigs feed on?

Earwigs feed on a wide variety of materials including decaying organic matter, other insects, and plants such as vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. Like boxelder bugs, crickets and lady beetles, the earwig is a household pest as an accidental invader.
