Are Aries And Aquarius Soulmates?


According to Young, Aries and Aquarius make a perfect match as individualism and freedom are key values for them both. Aquarius is also the most progressive and forward-thinking sign, while Aries is very non-judgmental and up for trying anything once.

Who Should an Aquarius marry?

Aquarius tends to gravitate towards the more independent signs, and Aries just happens to be one of the most independent signs in the zodiac. Aquarius will be attracted to Aries’ passion and drive and will fall in love once they realize how open-minded and non-judgmental Aries is.

Who Should an Aries marry?

Both signs are dynamic, enthusiastic, and courageous; together this pairing can accomplish a lot in the world.” According to Compatible Astrology, Aries are also compatible with Gemini and Sagittarius zodiac signs.

Who is Aries enemy?

Aries is a fire sign, and Cancer is a water sign. Aries worst enemy is individuals of Cancer sign. You are straight forward, and a little rough with the individuals of cancer are sensitive.

Do Aries fall in love quickly?

On the other end of the spectrum, Aries is known to fall in love the quickest. According to O’Connor, “Aries flies out of the trap like a horse on race day.” They’re passionate and driven by their desires. If they feel like they’re in love with someone, they will go after them.

Are Aquarius good in bed?

Although they might appear cool and nonplussed in bed, Aquarians are generally adept lovers and are extremely open-minded. They hold their passion deep inside and try their best to contain their excitement, which they fear makes them appear vulnerable. Being sexual, in their eyes, is akin to losing control.

Who is Aquarius soulmate?

Aquarius (January 20 — February 18): Libra, Gemini, And Sagittarius. Intellectual and curious Aquarius loves good conversations. Because of that, Air signs, Libra and Gemini make great zodiac matches for you. You’ll be easily drawn in by Libra’s charm, and you’ll be able to have non-stop conversations with Gemini.

What are Aquarius attracted to?

Aquarius tends to be very attracted to those who are well-read and well-informed culturally as well as politically, taking almost immediate interest in those who can freely flex their cerebral muscles.

Are Aries and Aquarius good in bed?

This fire-air duo makes a good match in bed because Aries will help Aquarius stop overthinking and start doing. … But once they meet the passionate and determined Aries, Aquarius’ walls will melt, and they’ll be able to fully let themselves go.

Where do Aries like to be touched?

Aries like to be touched above the neck, touching hair, ears, cheeks, head, and back of the neck. However, Aries will never go out of their way to be clingy because they know what they want and are most of the time very confident.

Where do Aquarius like to be touched?

According to Schulenberg, Aquarians tend to have delicate wrists, so rubbing or kissing this area can be arousing for them. Grabbing their wrist and guiding their hand towards an area of your body that you want to be touched will also fire them up. Aquarius wants nothing more than to please their partner in bed.

Are Aquarius good kissers?

Kissing an Aquarius is an experience like no other. This water-bearing sign is a warm, sensual kisser who isn’t afraid of getting a little weird and wild with their partners. The only match in the zodiac who can appreciate eccentric Aquarius is Sagittarius.


Who do Aries attract?

Aries (March 21 — April 19): Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius

These three signs are naturally drawn to Aries, for a variety of reasons.

What is Aries favorite color?

If you are an Aries, your favorite color is Red!

Who is Aquarius worst enemy?

“Aquarius is the most non-conforming sun sign, often associated with aloofness and detachment,” Jaye says. “While the Aquarian independence can be a great asset, it will take a highly-evolved sun sign to understand them.” The most likely enemies for Aquarius are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

What year will Aquarius find their soulmate?

Aquarius, although you have your doubts about falling in love, you’ll find your soulmate at an early age of 22. You’ll probably settle for someone who you can trust and bond with.

Who is an Aquarius best friend?

As an air element, Aquarius will get along well with the other Air signs, Gemini and Libra. Aquarius and Gemini, in particular, would make the best of friends. These two love learning about the world, and will enjoy exchanging their knowledge with each other. Gemini and Aquarius will help inspire each other as well.

What are Aquarius weaknesses?

What are Aquarius weaknesses? Aquarius isn’t without their downsides. They can be sensitive and often protective of their opinions and ideas. While their ability to stand by their opinions is admirable, it can become frustrating for those around them.

Is Aquarius a flirt?

An Aquarius has a very unique style of flirting. These people will try to be spontaneous and are pretty unpredictable. They will flirt by grabbing their partner’s attention. The most important trait that will attract an Aquarius is a person having good knowledge.

Why are Aquarius so hated?

Aquarius is most hated because they’re unpredictable.

Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, rebellion, and detachment, is one of the only planets that spins clockwise, rather than counterclockwise. Considering Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, it makes sense that the sign is so paradoxical and unpredictable.

Are Aries good kissers?

Aries. Aries people do not really like putting in too much effort into something as simple as kissing. So chances are your Aries partner might just catch you off guard and will place some really passionate kisses. Romantic kisses are totally your type and you might even share an aggressively adorable kiss during rains.

Do Aries miss their ex?

Aries (Mar.

Aries loves hard, but they don’t get stuck on their exes for the same reasons that other signs do. It’s not about getting back together, it’s about missing what you had.

Who is Aries true love?

Best Zodiac Love Matches for Aries

Sagittarius: All about action and honesty, Archers are a true passion match for Aries. Fights will likely be stormy, but since both signs are honest, they’ll at least know where the other stands.
