Will Purple Fountain Grass Survive Winter?


While purple fountain grass is known as a perennial, it is actually considered a tender perennial. This ornamental grass cannot survive cold winters and is hardy only in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 9 and warmer (though in Zones 7-8 it can sometimes reappear given adequate winter protection).

Is Pennisetum rubrum Hardy?

Rubrum has deep red to burgundy stems,foliage and exquisite red arching flowers, gradually fading beige with age. Perfect summer specimen, which will flower year round if given enough winter heat . Not hardy in UK (min 10`c) . Needs sunny well drained spot.

Is rubrum purple fountain grass a perennial?

Purple fountain grass is a perennial in Zones 9 and 10, but is frequently grown as an annual in cold-winter Zones.

Is purple fountain grass poisonous to dogs?

Fountain grasses are considered nontoxic to pets and add height and beautiful blooms to flower gardens. You can feel at ease with these plants in your yard.

What temperature is too cold for purple fountain grass?

You’re right that purple fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’) is perhaps “marginally hardy” in your area, and is listed by several sources as being cold hardy to USDA Hardiness Zones 8 and 9, which means this species can make it through winters with temperatures reaching as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit and …

Does purple fountain grass grow back every year?

Mature fountain grass plants may get up to 4 feet (1 m.) wide. This is a really versatile plant that tolerates full sun to partial shade, walnut proximity, and moist to slightly dry soils. Most zones can only grow this plant as an annual, but bringing purple fountain grass inside can save it for another season.

Will ornamental grasses survive winter?

Most established ornamental grasses need little additional watering except in periods of drought. Most grasses go dormant in winter; those planted in the ground will survive with typical snow or rain. You can water grasses in containers only occasionally, since containers dry out so much.

How do you keep fountain grass purple in the winter?

Grow purple fountain grass in a container if you live in areas where the temperature dips below 20 degrees F. in winter. Bring the container inside to a warm, protected area that receives light, when the weather begins to turn cool. Allow the grass to turn completely brown and trim to the ground.

Is fountain grass a perennial or annual?

Perennial fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides) is a perennial grass. It is hardy in much of Iowa. Annual fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) is a widely grown annual grass. The most popular annual cultivars are those with reddish purple foliage, such as ‘Rubrum.

Is rubrum an annual or perennial?

Winter hardy to USDA Zones 9-10 where it is easily grown as a perennial in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Best performance is in full sun.

What fountain grass comes back every year?

Purple Fountain Grass: Perennial or Annual

While the species plant is hardy down to USDA zone 8, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension, the nearly seedless cultivars ‘Fireworks,’ ‘Rubrum’ and ‘Skyrocket’ prefer the warmer temperatures of UDSA zone 9 and above.


What happens if you don’t Cut back ornamental grasses?

What Happens If You Don’t Cut Back the Ornamental Grasses? As mentioned above, you will find that the green is starting to grow through the brown. One problem that will create is that the brown will start creating seeds. Once grass has created seeds, there is a very good chance that the grass will die out.

Should fountain grass be cut back in winter?

The best time for when to trim fountain grass back is in the late winter or early spring. You want to avoid doing fountain grass pruning in the fall, as the plant has not yet died back all the way. …

Does purple fountain grass need full sun?

Purple fountain grass will tolerate some light shade, but it prefers to be planted in full sunlight.

Do ornamental grasses need to be cut back every year?

When I cut too close to the crown, I usually lose a few clumps throughout the plant and need to pull out the rotten bits a couple of months into the season. Pruning should be done every year to give the new foliage a clean slate from which to shine.

What is the best time to plant ornamental grasses?

Planting: Plant ornamental grasses in spring so they have time to get established before winter. You can also plant in fall in warmer parts of the country, where winters aren’t as severe.

How long do ornamental grasses live?

Most ornamental grasses are perennials, living for two or more years. Annual grasses live for only one growing season because of their natural growth habit or they are not hardy in our climate.

Why is my purple fountain grass dying?

As a warm season grass, older fountain grass growth responds by dying back. This is normal and allows for new growth to have sufficient space, air, and light in spring. … Other browning fountain grass causes may be overwatering, excess fertilizer, pot bound plants, or burning caused by searing sunlight.

Does fountain grass spread?

Fountain grass seeds may disperse readily from existing populations via wind, animals, and automobiles. Repeated introductions through landscape plantings are important in the spread of other invasive plants in California, and are likely important in range expansion of fountain grass.

How long does purple fountain grass take to grow?

Purple fountain grass is only hardy in zones 9 – 10. It is grown as an annual in temperate zones or in a container and brought indoors during the winter. This clump-forming grass grows rapidly to reach 3 – 5 feet tall and 2 – 4 feet wide in a single season.

How do you protect ornamental grasses in the winter?

Winter Protection and Spring Clean up

Grasses do not need to be cut down before winter. In fact, they are attractive when left standing and the foliage helps to insulate the crown of the plant. Cut back the foliage to about 4-6 inches in the spring before growth resumes.

How do you winterize annual grass?

Annual grasses overwintered in a hot house allow you to have full plants with good color at the earliest possible time. Keep containerized grasses on the dry side. During winter, warm-season grasses go dormant, and cool-season plants slow their growth, so their water needs are minimal.
