Who Is Luffys Greatest Enemy?


  1. 1 Blackbeard: Pirate King Rival.
  2. 2 Akainu: Top Marine. …
  3. 3 Blackbeard: Power. …
  4. 4 Akainu: Burning Fury. …
  5. 5 Blackbeard: Traitor. …
  6. 6 Akainu: Prejudiced. …
  7. 7 Blackbeard: Conceptual Opposite. …
  8. 8 Akainu: Thematic Opposite. …

Who are Luffy’s allies?

The Straw Hat Grand Fleet consists of all of the Straw Hats’ main allies that swore their loyalty to Luffy after the Ddressrosa Arc. The Grand fleet consists of seven pirate crews: The Beautiful Pirates, Barto Club, Happo Navy, Ideo Pirates, Tontatta Pirates, The New Giant Warrior Pirates, and the Yonta Maria fleet.

Are Luffy and Blackbeard related?

D-bearers do not have to be Luffy’s relatives nor they need to have a blood-relation. There is Marshall D. Teach, also known as ‘Blackbeard’, the 4th division commander. … The surgeon of Death, who allied with Luffy also has the D in his name: Trafalgar D.

What Shanks full name?

This could refer to his given name “Shanks” (シャンクス Shankusu. Shanks is the first character in the series to use Haoshoku Haki.

Who is the weakest yonko?

Shanks is the weakest Yonko.

Who is Luffy’s strongest ally?

1 Shirahoshi Is The Mermaid Princess Poseidon

Undoubtedly, Luffy’s strongest ally at this point in the story is Shirahoshi, the Mermaid Princess. Although she may not be strong herself, her ability is by far one of the most dangerous ones in the story and, according to Neptune, can destroy the entire world.

Who is Luffy best friend?

One Piece: Luffy’s 10 Closest Friends, Ranked

  1. 1 Ace Will Always Be Luffy’s Beloved Older Brother.
  2. 2 Sabo Has Looked Out For Luffy Since Their First Meeting. …
  3. 3 Shanks Has Always Been Someone Luffy Admires. …
  4. 4 Bon-Chan Went From Enemy To Cherished Friend. …
  5. 5 Jinbe And Luffy Became Fast Close Friends. …

Who is the strongest person Luffy has defeated?

Here are the 10 strongest villains that Luffy has battled over the course of his time.

  1. 1 Big Mom. Like Kaido, Big Mom is one of the Yonko of the Sea.
  2. 2 Kaido. …
  3. 3 Blackbeard. …
  4. 4 Charlotte Katakuri. …
  5. 5 Three Admirals. …
  6. 6 Charlotte Cracker. …
  7. 7 Donquixote Doflamingo. …
  8. 8 Lucci. …

Who did Luffy kiss?

One piece Luffy – Luffy kiss Boa Hancock

Does Luffy ever lost a fight?

Yes, he triumphed many times, but at other times, he suffered humiliating defeats. Here are 5 Times Luffy emerged victoriously, and 5 times he suffered a bitter defeat.

Who is the weakest straw hat?

2 Usopp (Straw Hat Pirates)

Among the Straw Hat crew, though, Usopp has been stated to have always been the weakest, most human character.


Who married Sanji?

Sanji also proposed marriage to Charlotte Pudding, although they were already arranged to be married and he only did it in order to put himself at peace with this path. Boa Hancock has repeatedly proposed marriage to Luffy, but he always rejects her advances and proposals.

Who loves Zoro?

14 Zoro x Hiyori

The Wano Arc has brought a variety of interesting developments for fans, but one thing that’s been exciting for shippers in particular has been the subtle exchanges between Roronoa Zoro and Princess Hiyori.

What is Luffy’s strongest form?

Without a doubt, Bounceman is Luffy’s strongest form at the moment.

Who defeated Kaido?

Oden engaged Kaido in a massive battle at Wano Country’s Udon region 20 years ago. Although Oden lost the battle, in essence, he defeated Kaido.

Is Sabo stronger than Luffy?

As of now, Luffy is not stronger than Sabo.

Like Luffy, Sabo will continue to grow stronger as he gets used to the Devil Fruit. Luffy has improved tremendously after the time skip and has already grown strong enough to defeat the Yonko’s commanders.

Why is Big Mom afraid of Shanks?

TL;DR Big Mom is afraid of Shanks because he’s just too powerful for her.

Who can beat Blackbeard?

  • Luffy. …
  • Marco. …
  • Akainu. …
  • Red Mihawk. …
  • Shanks – Reason – He is a Yonko but no one knows his true power but by judging his conflicts with WB, he might be able to beat him.

Who gave Shanks his scar?

Teach. The one Shanks seems to watch out for the most is Blackbeard, who gave him his three scars in a previous encounter. Shanks himself seems to know the potential danger Blackbeard represents is greater than that of anyone else. The two first met after a skirmish between the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Is Makino Luffy’s mother?

Personality. Makino is a very kind woman and she was a close friend of Shanks, his crew, and Luffy. Makino appears to be a very prominent figure in Foosha Village. Her fondness for Luffy makes her appear as an adoptive mother or adoptive sister, showing interest in and supporting whatever Luffy’s dream is.

Is Rayleigh Luffy’s uncle?

Silvers Rayleigh is Luffy’s uncle.

How old was Shanks When Roger died?

Shanks is 39, which means he was 15 at Roger’s execution, Roger disbanded the crew a while before he was executed, Roger took 3 years to conquer the Grand Line, so if Shanks was on board for the whole adventure he was 12 or younger when he started. That seems young.

Who has better Haki Zoro or Sanji?

While Roronoa Zoro specializes in Armament Haki, Sanji is a much better Observation Haki specialist.
