Who Does Shylock’s Daughter Want To Marry?


Shylock loves Jessica very much, but turns on her when she elopes with Lorenzo. She wants to assimilate and become a Christian. She also is distressed at Shylock’s overbearing attitude and behavior, which she says makes her home life “hell.”

Who does Shylock’s daughter run away with?

In The Merchant of Venice, Jessica runs away from her father Shylock in order to pursue a relationship with Lorenzo. Shylock and Jessica are Jewish and Lorenzo is Christian, so Shylock does not approve of their relationship.

How does Shylock’s daughter Jessica plan to elope with?

A Room in Shylock’s House. Jessica, Shylock’s daughter plans to elope with Lorenzo against her father’s wishes, were he to know. … Jessica also reveals that Launcelot will help her to escape her father Shylock by conveying a letter to Lorenzo, the man Jessica intends to marry by elopement.

Why is Jessica ashamed Shylock’s daughter?

She reveals how she feels ashamed to be her father’s daughter because of his behavior. She also declares her love for Lorenzo and her desire to leave home and become a Christian to marry him. … Lorenzo gives a straightforward appraisal of Jessica as he reflects on his love for her.

What does Shylock’s daughter hate herself for?

What does Shylock’s daughter hate herself for? (a) Being ashamed of her father.

Is Jessica a good daughter?

No,Jessica is not a bad daughter instead , Jessica is ashamed of her father for his bad behavior. The relationship between the two, fathers Shylock, and daughter Jessica was not good. According to Jessica, her father curbs his daughter Jessica’s independence and locked-up her at home.

Who married Bassanio?

Portia. A wealthy heiress from Belmont. Portia’s beauty is matched only by her intelligence. Bound by a clause in her father’s will that forces her to marry whichever suitor chooses correctly among three caskets, Portia is nonetheless able to marry her true love, Bassanio.

Why was Jessica unhappy with her father?

Jessica abandons her father, Shylock, and her Jewish identity in order to marry Lorenzo and convert to Christianity. She makes it clear that she is unhappy living with Shylock, saying things like “our house is hell” and “though I am daughter to his blood / I am not to his manners” (II. iii).

Is Jessica Shylock’s daughter?

Jessica is the daughter of Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice ( c. 1598). In the play, she elopes with Lorenzo, a penniless Christian, and a chest of her father’s money, eventually ending up in Portia and Bassanio’s household.

How was Shylock different from his daughter?

Jessica is doubly distinguished. Unlike her father, Shylock, she is said to be gentle; at once noble and gentile. According to Mary Metzger, representations of Jessica turn on alternating characterizations of her as a latent Christian and as a racialized and thus unintegrable Jew. …

Is Shylock a villain or a victim?

At the end of The Merchant of Venice, Shylock has been both a victim and a villain. He is a victim of his religion, and a victim of his greed and overwhelming need for revenge.

Does Shylock love money?

He is said to obsessed with money and unloving to his daughter, placing his wealth in jewels and ducats very far above her. One of the primary texts used to support this is spoken by Salanio and Solario in Act 2 Scene 6, who later in Act 3 Scene 1 make it clear that they are neither fans nor friends of Shylock.


How are Jessica and Portia similar?

Another similarity between Portia and Jessica is that they both only have one man in their mind. … One main difference between both woman is that Jessica is Jewish, and Portia is Christian. Because Jessica is Jewish, she is required to live in the “ghetto”. Jessica lives in Belmont while Portia lives in Venice.

Why is Jessica dressed as a boy?

Shylock remains in control of events in Venice, but Portia, his antagonist, is now moving against him. … Indeed, the play has already shown Jessica dressed as a boy in her escape from Shylock’s house. Dressing as a man is necessary since Portia is about to play a man’s part, appearing as member of a male profession.

Why does Nerissa marry gratiano?

The relationship between Nerissa and Gratiano is a good deal more traditional than that between Bassanio and Portia. … Though she’s quite submissive, as mentioned earlier, she does display some degree of independence; it is she who insists that marriage to Gratiano is conditional on Bassanio and Portia doing likewise.

Did Bassanio really love Portia?

Portia is not at all keen on most of the men who have tried to win her, however she does fall in love with Bassanio. Ultimately she plays an essential role in ensuring that Antonio’s life is saved, as she prevents Shylock from claiming his ‘pound of flesh’.

Is Antonio in love with Bassanio?

Both Antonio and Portia love Bassanio but in two different ways. Portia perceives Antonio’s agape is in competition with her eros, (both forms of love will be defined later) and throughout the play she is seen trying to defeat Antonio’s agape and she does this by subjugating Antonio, firstly with her wealth.

What does Jessica tell Lorenzo is worth the pains?

Answer: Jessica tells Lorenzo that the casket full of jewels gold and money is worth the pains.

What did Jessica take from Shylock?

That night however, whilst her father is out, Jessica steals a casket of his gold and jewels, disguises herself in boy’s clothes and runs away to meet Lorenzo. Back in Belmont, the Prince of Morocco incorrectly chooses the gold casket and loses his chance to marry Portia.

How was Jessica as a daughter in Merchant of Venice?

Character Sketch of Jessica in Merchant of Venice – ICSE Class 10, 9 English. Jessica is the daughter of the Jew, Shylock, but a daughter who is ashamed of having that man as her father. She finds the atmosphere of her father’s home to be suffocating and almost intolerable.

What did Jessica call Launcelot and why?

Answer: Jessica called LAUNCELOT merry devil. LAUNCELOT was called merry devil by Jessica because he rob the some taste of tediousness from his house and devil because his father didn’t like Shylock and that’s why she was sad when LAUNCELOT was leaving Jessica house.

Who is the first suitor that actually chooses a casket?

Morocco was the first suitor He picks the golden casket, because it says that what is inside is what all men desire. But instead of Portia’s picture, the casket contains a skull with a scroll stuck through an eye socket. In Act II, Scene 7, an African prince named Morocco has come to woo Portia.

How much did Jessica pay for a monkey?

Jessica spent eighty ducats in one night. Tubal then tells Shylock that he met a creditor, who showed him a turquoise ring that Jessica had given him in exchange for a monkey.
