Which Mechanoreceptor Helps Prevent Muscles From Stretching?


When the organs are stimulated by a prolonged stretch they cause the stretched muscle to relax. This reflex, which connects high force in the Golgi tendon organs with relaxation, is the opposite of the myotatic reflex (or stretch reflex), in which stretch elicits a reflex contraction.

What is the difference between Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles?

The key difference between muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ is that muscle spindle is a sensory organ that senses the changes in muscle length and the rate of lengthening, while Golgi tendon organ is a sensory organ that senses the changes in muscle tension.

What does the GTO do?

The GTO relays information about force levels in the muscle or tendon to the central nervous system. It consists of small inhibitory mechanoreceptors located near the junction of the muscle and tendon, and monitors the amount of tensile force placed on the tendon structure.

How many seconds does it take for GTO to kick in?

After 7 to 10 seconds, muscle tension increases and activates the GTO response, causing the muscle spindle in the stretched muscle to be inhibited temporarily, which makes it possible to stretch the muscle further. The muscle spindle is located within the muscle belly and stretches along with the muscle itself.

What do Golgi tendon organs allow the body to do?

The golgi tendon organ is a proprioceptor, sense organ that receives information from the tendon, that senses TENSION. When you lift weights, the golgi tendon organ is the sense organ that tells you how much tension the muscle is exerting.

What happens when the muscle spindle is stretched?

When muscles lengthen, the spindles are stretched. This stretch activates the muscle spindle which in turn sends an impulse to the spinal cord. This impulse results in the activation of more motor neurons at spinal level that send an impulse back to the muscle.

What are the two primary actions of the Golgi tendon organ?

Two of these components—Golgi tendon organ (GTO) and muscle spindle—belong to the nervous system and function to influence movement. Two important proprioceptors that play a role in flexibility, the GTO and muscle spindle work together reflexively to regulate muscle stiffness.

Can you override the Golgi tendon organ reflex?

Contrast to stretch reflex

Although the tendon reflex is less sensitive than the stretch reflex, it can override the stretch reflex when tension is great, for example, causing a person to drop a very heavy weight.

When excited the Golgi tendon organ causes a muscle to?

Here’s how it plays into stretching. When the Golgi tendon organ is excited for a prolonged period of time (at least 30 seconds according to National Academy of Sports Medicine), it provides an inhibitory effect to muscle spindles, which are trying to contract the muscle.

Which of the following is responsible for sensing excessive stretch to protect the muscle Issa?

The muscle spindle a specialized muscle fiber which detects excessive stretch within the muscle.

What exercise should be performed first?

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that large muscle group exercises generally be performed first in a training session. This is appropriate for most individuals as most goals prioritize large muscles to be worked.

What kind of exercise is dynamic stretching?

Dynamic stretching is a movement-based type of stretching. It uses the muscles themselves to bring about a stretch. It’s different from traditional “static” stretching because the stretch position is not held.


What are the two types of stretches?

Stretches are either dynamic (meaning they involve motion) or static (meaning they involve no motion). Dynamic stretches affect dynamic flexibility and static stretches affect static flexibility (and dynamic flexibility to some degree). The different types of stretching are: ballistic stretching.

What do muscles grow in response to being stretched?

As the sarcomere contracts, the area of overlap between the thick and thin myofilaments increases. As it stretches, this area of overlap decreases, allowing the muscle fiber to elongate. … The more fibers that are stretched, the greater the length developed by the stretched muscle.

What happens to the muscle when a muscle spindle is stimulated?

Stimulation of muscle spindles elicits a contraction in the stretched muscle (myotatic reflex, i.e. stretch reflex) and at the same time inhibits action potentials to antagonistic muscles. The muscle spindles also participate in regulating the muscle tone.

What happens to your brain when you stretch?

When you stretch, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, a “high” if you will.

Are muscle spindles Proprioceptors?

Although Golgi tendon organs, joint receptors and other sensory systems also contribute to proprioception, muscle spindles are the most important proprioceptors. Muscle spindles are the most frequently found sense organs in skeletal muscles and present in almost every muscle.

Which stimulus causes a muscle to reflexively contract?

Muscles contain receptors called muscle spindles. (See Figure 13.13) These receptors respond to the muscles’s stretch. They send stimuli back to the spinal cord through a sensory neuron which connects directly to a motor neuron serving the same muscle. This causes the muscle to contract, reversing the stretch.

What do muscle spindles detect?

Functionally, muscle spindles are stretch detectors, i.e. they sense how much and how fast a muscle is lengthened or shortened . Accordingly, when a muscle is stretched, this change in length is transmitted to the spindles and their intrafusal fibers which are subsequently similarly stretched.

How do Golgi tendons work?

The Golgi Tendon Organ is a proprioceptive receptor that is located within the tendons found on each end of a muscle. It responds to increased muscle tension or contraction as exerted on the tendon, by inhibiting further muscle contraction. … Golgi tendon organs are arranged in series with the extrafusal muscle fibers.

What triggers the inverse stretch reflex?

Quick Reference. A reflex action mediated by the Golgi tendon organs that, when the organs are stimulated by a prolonged stretch, cause the stretched muscle to relax.

What is Alpha Gamma Coactivation?

Alpha-‐gamma coactivation is a way the muscle maintains this length. As the muscle contracts and relaxes, the sensory neuron relays information to the central nervous system about the change in muscle status. … The activation of these motor neurons causes the intrafusal and extrafusal fibers to contract.
