Where Are The Trade Winds Strongest?


any of the nearly constant easterly winds that dominate most of the world’s tropics and subtropics, blowing mainly from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere, and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere.

Where are the trade winds in the Northern Hemisphere?

In the northern hemisphere the Trade Winds generally blow from the north east while in the southern hemisphere they blow from the south east.

Are trade winds warm or cold?

The trade winds blow toward the west partly because of how Earth rotates on its axis. The trade winds begin as warm, moist air from the equator rises in the atmosphere and cooler air closer to the poles sinks.

Why is it called trade winds?

Trade wind, persistent wind that blows westward and toward the Equator from the subtropical high-pressure belts toward the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The trade winds were named by the crews of sailing ships that depended on the winds during westward ocean crossings. …

What are the characteristics of trade winds?

The main characteristics of the Trade winds are:

  • The Trade winds blow in the tropics between the sub tropical high pressure belt to the equatorial low pressure belt between 30°N and 30°S.
  • Trade winds are warm winds and hence they pick up moisture and bring heavy rainfall on the eastern sides of the tropical islands.

What are trade winds Class 9?

Trade winds can be defined as the wind that flows towards the equator from the north-east in the Northern Hemisphere or from the south-east in the Southern Hemisphere. These are also known as tropical easterlies and are known for their consistency in force and direction.

What are trade winds called?

The trade winds or easterlies are the permanent east-to-west prevailing winds that flow in the Earth’s equatorial region.

Why are trade winds so strong?

The winds over the North Indian Ocean are dominated by the monsoon. During the winter, there is a large high pressure over the asian continent and the large-scale flow over the area is from the northeast. … Near the subtropical high pressure center (right) the trade wind inversion is strong and the clouds are shallow.

How did sailors use trade winds?

Known to sailors around the world, the trade winds and associated ocean currents helped early sailing ships from European and African ports make their journeys to the Americas. Likewise, the trade winds also drive sailing vessels from the Americas toward Asia.

Does the Earth’s rotation cause wind?

Our planet’s rotation produces a force on all bodies moving relative to theEarth. Due to Earth’s approximately spherical shape, this force is greatest at the poles and least at the Equator. The force, called the “Coriolis effect,” causes the direction of winds and ocean currents to be deflected.

How many trade winds are there?

Two belts of trade winds encircle the earth, blowing from the tropical high-pressure belts to the low-pressure zone at the equator.

What is primary wind?

Primary winds are nothing but the Permanent winds. Permanent winds are also called Global winds or Planetary winds. These are again classified into 3 different types of winds namely, Trade winds, Westerlies and Polar Easterlies.

What are types of wind?

Types of Winds: Permanent, Secondary & Local Winds

  • General circulation of the atmosphere. Hadley Cell. Ferrel Cell. …
  • Classification of Winds.
  • Primary Winds or Prevailing Winds or Permanent Winds or Planetary Winds. Trade Winds. Westerlies. …
  • Secondary Winds or Periodic Winds. Monsoons. …
  • Tertiary Winds or Local Winds. Loo. …
  • Questions.

Which winds are called easterlies?

In the study of Earth’s atmosphere, polar easterlies are the dry, cold prevailing winds that blow around the high-pressure areas of the polar highs at the North and South Poles.

What is the main cause of trade winds?

Trade winds are caused by the strong warming and evaporation within the atmosphere around the equator. (1) Around the equator, the warm air rises rapidly, carrying a lot of moisture. … Thereby, warm air rises 12-15 km high, and is continously followed by more warm air.

What is trade winds in social studies?

The trade winds are the pattern of easterly surface winds found in the tropical region within the lower portion of the Earth’s atmosphere near the Earth’s equator. … Thus in the Northern Hemisphere, they become North Trades and in the Southern Hemisphere, they are called South east Trades.

What weather do trade winds bring?

The trade winds blow steadily for days and are among the most consistent on earth. When trade winds move over warm tropical waters, they pick up moisture and bring heavy rainfall to the windward-facing slopes of mountainous areas, contrasting with the downward motion of dry air that creates desert areas on land.

What are the advantages of North East trade winds?

It is used by captains of sailing ships to navigate the oceans for centuries and permitted colonial extension into the United states and trade paths to be grown across the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

What is the effect of north east trade winds?

Shallow cumulus clouds are seen within trade wind regimes and are capped from becoming taller by a trade wind inversion, which is caused by descending air aloft from within the subtropical ridge. The weaker the trade winds become, the more rainfall can be expected in the neighboring landmasses.

Why do trade winds weaken?

The easterly trade winds are driven by a surface pressure pattern of higher pressure in the eastern Pacific and lower pressure in the west. When this pressure gradient weakens, so do the trade winds. The weakened trade winds allow warmer water from the western Pacific to surge eastward, so the sea level flattens out.

What are the 4 types of winds?

The four major wind systems are the Polar and Tropical Easterlies, the Prevailing Westerlies and the Intertropical Convergence Zone. These are also wind belts. There are three other types of wind belts, also. They are called Trade Winds, Doldrums, and Horse Latitudes.

Are trade winds calm?

These prevailing winds, known as the trade winds, meet at the Intertropical Convergence Zone (also called the doldrums) between 5 degrees North and 5 degrees South latitude, where the winds are calm.

Why is wind important to humans?

Wind is an emissions-free source of energy

Wind is a renewable energy source. … Wind turbines may also reduce the amount of electricity generation from fossil fuels, which results in lower total air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions.
